Page 53 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 53
TerrorWmsAt Randolph-Macon For First Time In22Years By HEATHER REESE yard touchdown by Butch at the end of the third quarter. S"'ffWrlr" Schaffer, leaving the The yellowjackets kept Randolf-Macon thought yellowjackets down 14-0 at fighting and in the forth quar- this was going to be the first the half. ter once again tied up the game of the rest of their sea- But Randolf-Macon wasn't game at 21. It appeared that son. But in a battle that ended ready to give up the fight just this was the way it would end, with quarterback Brian then and came back to score until Randolf-Macon fumbled VanDeusen breaking the Mike twice, tying up the game. with 3:15 left in the game. Ham's record for yards pass- With the score at 14-14 junior Western Maryland took ing with possession over 4000 and didn't yards the green terrors ups e t Randolf- Macon. The first time We stern Maryland Deusen to bas won on Co-captain 1:40 to try to tie the game back tin Lavis lead the defense yellowjacket A I a n up. with 2 sacks each. And fresh- territory in Pietkiewicz. But terror defense was not a man Chris Cordtsco caught 22 years. .. Brian just force to be reconed with, and the only interception of the Don t e threw it up in four plays they pushed the game. A b ron where 1 yellowackets back 25 yards, Next week the terrors take opened the could get preventing a touchdown and on Dickenson at home "I ex- game with it...l caught leaving the score 28-21, a pect it to be a really good the first it at the 10 green terror victory. game. Whoever wins will touchdown yard line Junior Bob Symanski lead win the conference because of his career, and just ran the terrors with 17 tackles, fol- we're the top two teams," said a 64 yarder from VanDeusen. Steve Aquino ran in a two it the rest of [he way in," lowed by freshman Jeff Pietkiewicz. "It's going to be The terrors continued to domi- yard touchdown to give the Pietkiewicz explained. This Cordisco who had 10. Junior a hard taugtu game. Hopefully nate the first half with an 87 terrors back their lead, 21-14 left the yellowjackets with Joe' Krcma and freshman Jus- we'll come out on top." Green Terror Women's Soccer Defeats Frostburg first Kelly goal which came Freshman goalie Julie By JAY HILBERT .sp...... Ed;,." at the 26th'minute mark to Backof had it easy, making give WMC a 1-0 lead. only five saves. It was a pair of Erin's Later with the Green Ter- 13 minutes into the sec- that did Frostburg in last ror (3-7 overall, 1-1 Cen- ond half and still up a goal, Saturday. tennial) lead at 2-1, Kelty found the net again, Erin Number One: Erin Murphey, off a nice pass courtesy of a pass from se- Kelly. The freshman con- from Kelly, neued her third nior co-captain Paula Moyer tinued an excellent rookie goal of the season and gave as the Green Terror lead campaign with two goals- Western Maryland an insur- grew to 2-0. she now leads the team with ance goal to seal the win. The win was the second five-- and an assist as the Western Maryland held a in a week for WMC. Last Green Terror women's soc- huge advantage in the shots Saturday, Kelly recorded the cer team defeated the host on goal department, game-winner as the Green Bobcats 3-1. outs coring Frostburg 28-9 Terror won their first ever (the Bobcats only had three Centennial Conference shots on goal in the second half).
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