Page 28 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 28
ROTC Has Biggest Class InTwo Years -- 60 Students By JONATHON SIIACAT Freshman and sophomore courses are SILiffWri." open to all students, and there is no miti- Over 60 students are taking part in the tary service obligation involved. The Army ROTC program this year, the larg- course is designed to build self confi- est group in the past two years. Of the dence, develop leadership skills, and participating students, there are approxi- help you lake on the challenges of com- mately 32 freshman, 16 sophomores, 8 mand. juniors, and 5 seniors. Third and fourth year courses do re- The Chain of Command for this quire a commitment to military service. year's Green Terror Battalion: Credit given for taking the course Rob Doeller, Company Commander; varies: freshman receive 1.5 credits, Todd Caple, Executive Officer; Ed Wa- sophomores and juniors receive 2.5 ters, First Sergeant; Will Futch, tst Pla- credits, and seniors receive 2 credits. toon Leader; Bill Lubking, 2nd Platoon Freshman courses meet for onc hour Leader; Jeff Daniels, Platoon Sergeant; each week and sophomore courses meet Construction Students Affairs Office is now from page 1 accepting applications for Seidel said the dust problem is one of members of the Honor and pipe incident was a "nuke accident." the faculty's main concerns. The dust is Coley said the pipe was lcft in the ceil- Conduct Board. ing during the last renovation in the generated by 'old plaster that's thrown 1960s and was not supposed to be there. down the chute behind Memorial, he After tbe accident, workers checked the said. Applications are due by rafters and found nothing else, she said. Dust gets into the building through the level, Seidel said. Coley said she has given everyone October 31. the building the option to move. "If in windows of the ground are sealed, but not Some of the windows someone doesn't want to stay, we will all of them, he said. move them elsewhere,' she said. "The most irritating part of the project If you have any questions call the When asked if she thought it was dan- is demolition," Coley said. "The next said, "If we Student Affairs Office at gerous staying there, Coley danger, we phase will be less intrusive." are handling any said most people thought was there Coley extension 240 wouldn't have people over there." the situation with good humor. "Most Coley said she knows of two profes- people are willing to put up with a minor sors who have arranged to move out of inconvenience now for a major benefit Memorial. However, no one has come down the road," she said. directly to her to ask to be moved, she New Memorial will be modem and Time-ly Gifts and Clocks said. One of those who moved is history up-to-date, Seidel said. Every classroom transmission will be wired for computer professor Donna Evergates, who taught and cable TV. Professors will be able to 30W. Main SI. class in the basement of Memorial. She connect to the campus network and Westminster, Md 21157 876-6650 said the renovation work is generating a Internet, he said. Lava Lites reg. $59.95 sale $49.95 lot of dust and was agnvating several Also, there are two modem-design students' allergies. "There were days classrooms on the first floor that will Stand-Ups reg. $29.95 sale $19.95 when it was very dusty," said Evergates. have computer outlets by every desk, he Evergates said she asked the history said. chairman to arrange to have her classes As for now, however, Seidcl said he's Come in and browse. moved. The classes were moved to looking forward to the end of demolition WMC students 20% off all merchandise not already on sale. next week. Most professors and students who use Memorial probably are too. CARRIAGE HOUSE LIQUORS 113 West Main Steet 848-3466 Visa! MC lee & Party Supplies © A WMCTradition SPECIALS Mickey's Malt Liquor & Ice Ale $ .9?quarts Milwaukees Best & Light $ 7,99 case cans National Boh $6.99 case'cans Coors, Miller & Bud $ 13.99 case cans $9,99 case cans ~ I B \laOS OPtic!. Q~ Miller High Life $ 13.99 case cans Molson Ice Michelob &Ligh $10.9918 pk cans r: Fine Eyewear '" Moosehead & Ice $16.99 case bottles Lebatts Blue $7.99 12pack :> JATJ
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