Page 177 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 177
SPORTS By BRIAN PERKIER of the reasons they choose Division Once the athletes get past Contributing writer III schools and play two sports. "I their academics, they focus on Many athletes dream about could have ran track at a higher-di- their sport. "I give a 100 percent becoming a two-sport athlete vision school," Donte Abron ex- effort while I am practicing and but how many of them get a plains, but, "I love football just as playing," says football and track chance to follow through with much as track even though my size player Bob Picton. "I want to give their dreams? A select few do, for football is a disadvantage. I just everything I have for two hours be- but at Western Maryland Col- could not give it up. This is why I cause that is the only time of the lege the opportunity for these came to WMC." day I can practice what I love. athletes to fulfill their dream Athletes are expected to perform Two-sport athletes are one of increases. on as well as off the field. Many par- a kind and they have a gift that can With increased develop- ents and coaches worry about an never be taken away from them. ment of college athletics it be- athlete's academic performance dur- But many other individuals only comes easy to get caught up in ing the season, but many athletes think play one sport and enjoy it greatly. the money-making aspect of differently. Freshman Christine Pat Godfrey, a football player them. Division I schools rely on Kalobius, a soccer and softball player, says, "I do not have the time to this, but Division II and III claims that her academics suffer more play two sports and I use the time schools do not focus on money when she is not playing a sport. "My I have in the off-season to focus and the economic profit of academic performance tends to be bet- on my life." Many individuals can sports. ter while I'm in season because it not take the continuous wear and Division II and III schools forces me to focus more, concentrate tear on their bodies. produce more two-sport athletes harder. and work harder on my school Clearly, college athletes need than Division L Division I does work. The reason for this is that I know schools like WMC. This type of not have the ability to have two- with practice everyday that I only have school brings in a variety of stu- sport athletes because the big so much time to do certain things," she dents as well as athletes. Division schools rely on winning. The said. Il and Ill schools allow students to pressure to win, make money, However, academics arc not liveouttheirdreamsandhaveaful- and compete successfully year easy for some people and some work filled college experience. in and out make it hard to have differently than Kalobius. Brian any time for a second sport. In Volk, a football and lacrosse player, addition, Division I sports prac- believes that education comes first. tice year round. "I believe that class is the most im- win. The victory gave the Ter- Green Terror baseball/assis- portant aspect of my college life and ror a 3-1 record. tant football coach Dave Seibert athletics are second. I made sure I. , The team reached the half- admits that an athlete's desire to was at all of my mandatory study way point of the season against play two or...~~. sports in col- sessions for lacrosse and I would Dickinson. The Terror held off lege makes WMC a take my books on the bus and study a tough team to win 16-13 to little easier. "We use that as itsell- to and from the game if needed," bring their record to 4-2 for the ing point. We tell the kids straight explained Volk.- year. • up that they will have the oppor- Attending class is necessary for On April 22, the team tunity to play two sports. It is one WMC student-athletes. Abron would rolled over Muhlenberg 22-7. of our bonuses in recruiting," he miss practice to go to class, but not Wagner scored six goals in the said. Seibert strongly supports this to a game. "Most teachers compro- Women's lax from page 15 game. idea, he added. mise and work with you if you have Four days later the team Many athletes also these sup- a game, but not if you are skipping freshman standout Amanda a .543 save percentage. traveled to the astra-turf sta- port ideas, which seems to be one class to go to practice," said Abron. Rose. She saved 126 shots for The 7-5 season was the dium of Johns Hopkins Univer- fourth consecutive winning sity to face the nations sixth Baseball finishes season from p.If season season featured women. ranked Jays division III team. but The for the Terror the Blue won 20-7, several The outstanding games. Terror women put up a strong The team opened the sea- challenge. in both the 4th and 5th innings. The season saw some out- pulled together in the same di- son against Bryn Mawr with a The team, which finished D'Angelo would pitch five and a standing performances and high- rection which is the biggest confident 15-7 win. On April the season at Susquehanna, will third inning before Druzgal relieved lights, including George thing I harped on from the very 5, against Washington Col- lose only three players to him. Cossabone's no-hitter and one- beginning - the team effort," he lege, Sarver scored a school graduation: Baker, Horneman But, as in the first game, F hitter, and the play of Jerry Resh. said. record nine goals in a 23-4 and Heather Bailey. Perhaps the biggest reason & M pitching was shutting down the Terror, limiting them Resh broke or tied numerous for the turnaround from last sea- to only two hits in the game, records this season including ty- son was the pitching staff. The RAZZMATAZZ (next to Frisco Pub) ~i both by Jerry Resh. WMC ing the career doubles record, the staff received strong perfor- scored their only run in the 4th season stolen base record, break- mances all year long in games -. HAIR STUDIO when Resh singled, moved to ing the triples record, the career that they had to win, including h second on a error, and eventu- stolen base record, hits in a sea- an II inning pitching perfor- ally scored on a RBI ground- son and career hits. Resh finished rnance by Tim D'Angelo. Senior out by John Freitas. his career with a .380 average and Brett Kehler finished his career "We were just beaten by a for the season batted .511. (See with a strong year, going 4-3 better team today, and there accompanying story on Resh) with an 3.17 ERA. D'Angelo ~).~ SP([IAl haven't been too many teams Seibert was also pleased with finished 6-2 with a 3.51 ERA. better than us this year," said the way that the season went. "It Offensively the Terror also head coach Dave Seibert. has been a real enjoyable had good years from But even with the losses, year ... and so much of it has to do Landseadel, Brian Van Deusen, tuesday-~ut, wash & blowdry $10 (reg. $15-$17) baseball still enjoyed a fine with the kids you are working and Christiaan Abildso who all all other times--cut, wash & blowdry 10% off (wi student ID) season, and set a school record with, and the coaches that you hit over .300. everyday--basic manicure only $7 (wi student ID) for most wins in a season with have on your staff. It's an easy The Terror finished the year HOURS:M 10-5,T-F~:30-8,S 8:30-5 VISA,MC,DISC 19, eclipsing the old record of group to work with and they all ~:=~;~~~~a~~ ~r~. and a hal 876-0654 walk - ins welcome 16.
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