Page 161 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 161
SPORTS Strike's Over ... For Now Former Oriole shares thoughts on recent strike. 1987 Most Valuable Player. Baltimore's double AA affiliate, Bv JAv HIl.IlERT hurt the fans, the former major Conrri/mlin;:lVriIN The work stoppage, the longest and the Bowie Baysox (Md.), have ben- JOSHUA F OSH:R leaguer said that he didn't know. Bob Brown said there were two costliest in the history of professional efitedfromtheOrioles'absence. SI'(Jr/sEdilOr "That I don't know. You can't times in his long career as a Balti- sports, ended when baseball owners With a completed Prince keep whipping the horse and expect more Orioles and Bowie Baysox agreed to the union's offer to play with- George'sCountyStadium,theBaysox Former major league baseball that horse to keep taking you for- fiont-officeperson whenhewas thor- out an agreement. have managed to sel! 260,OOOtickelS, player Larry Sheets, who played ward. What is enough? In the last oughly upset with the game, In regards to the work stoppage, already, Brown said. The team hopes . with the Orioles from '87-'89 his 15 years this is the 4th strike .... 1 shared how the strike affected to improve on \994's attendance rate The first was when the 1988 Baltimore Sun Deputy Sports Editor don't know." Orioles went 0-2 Ito sarnheseasoo. Molly Dunham points her finger at when they finished fourth in the East- feelings towards baseball in an in- Though most of his former The second was not much of a Donald Fehr, the chief counsel for the em League despite playing in four terview with:rllle Phoenix. Oriole teammates have moved on, surpnse.Tbe recentbaseba1l strike. players, and self-appointed Commis- otherstadiumsbeforemovingintoiheir "To me, it's not a game any- he still keeps in contact with cur- It took 232 days for the major sioner Bud Selig, who also owns the Mil- cunent home last June. more, r know too much about the rent Oriole shortstop Cal Ripken. league baseball players to hit thedia- waukee Brewers. Othertopics brought up included inside," said the former Orioles Sheets called Ripken's consecutive mondagain. "We need to remove the people at the popularity of other professional player representative. "It's not a game streak "incredible", and spoke Questions, concerns, and re- the center of this," she said referring to sports compared to baseball, the cost sport, it's a business. Linle league of the motivation that Ripken has marks about all facets of the strike Fehr and Selig. "As long as the same of a baseball game, and the antitrust is a sport, high school is a sport." to play every day. werebroughtupApril4 in McDaniel people are in there, there isn't a guarantee exemption. Today, two years after he re- "He said when he was in the mi- Lounge as an eight-member panel that it couldn't happen again." Besides the aforementioned pan- tired from baseball, Sheets is run- nor leagues there was no guarantee that that included fonner Oriole players Later, WMC President Robert elists, former Oriole broadcaster Ted ning fantasy camps and hitting he was going to play. He said ifhe ever L..arrySheetsandTunNordbrookdis- Chambers brought upthe topic about the Patterson, free-lance journalist Lisa schools, and says that he does not put himself in the position to play, he cussed the recent strike that officially lack of a commissioner. TIle last one was Farbstein, Babe Ruth MuseumCura- miss the major leagues at all, was never going tocorre out." ended on Sunday, April 2. Fay Vincent, whowas forcedout by some tor Greg Schwalenberg and fanner "I think by getting the oppor- Sheets played with the Orioles For Sheets, the end couldn't of the owners in \992. WMCbaseba1l coach Fem Hitchcock tunity to go back and work with from '87 to '89 before playing in De- have come at a better time. One owner who has been respected also were on the panel. by kids I've regained smaller a love for the I troit in 1990. He tried to make the Ori- scale, on the game The panel was moderated "lr was like every time Iwent throughout this mess has been Orioles oles in '91, didn't make the club and out in public, Iwould have a shirton owner Peter Angelos. Brown felnhar ''Mr. WMC journalism professor Terry wouldn't go to a major league thought that his baseba1l days were over. game," said the Orioles 1987 MVP, Dalton, that said 'tell me how you feel about Angelos became popular when he de- Sheets does not even watch But, in '92 he played in Japan for a year thebaseballstrike,'''&aidBaltimore's cided not to use replacement players." before coming back in '93 to play in games on television anymore. the minor leagues with Milwaukee. He Women's Lax Track from P.16 about While no teams contacted him was traded though attheendoftheyear becoming a replacement from p.16 XlOO, 4 x 4(0) did not return to player, he said he had no interest in to Seattle, and finished the year in the majors before retiring at the end of the returning. school. Lightboum has joined Abron, When asked how the strike '93 season. Defensively, the biggest Tyrrell.und Al Weichonthe4Xloo change has been in goal. A year and 4 X200 teams. Welch, Tyrrell, high mark in the triple jump competed at the Lehigh Univer- ago junior Marci Delahoz Lightboum, and either Birdsall or with a 43 feet, I 112 inch leap sity Games. Phipps placed played every minute, This year Oariusareonthe4X400squad The and a 20 feet, 7 inch perfor- fourth in the women's javelin the incumbent was ousted by 4 X 400 team ran a 3-minute, T7 -sec- mance in the long jump. with a personal-best throw of freshman Amanda Rose. ond relay at Colonials, tops in the con- Eckstrom holds the second- [07 feet, six inches. She then Rose has struggled at times ference, but just barely ahead of best triple jump of the CC (40 placed seventh in the discuss but appears to be calm and con- Gettysburg. feet and 5 112 inches) third-best with a toss of 87 feet, [0 inches. fident in the goaL Her biggest TIle ladies have been helped in mark in the CC in the long Cox finished second in the test will come as the team tries , the sprint events by Jenny jump (19 feet and 6 112 inches). 100-meter hurdles at 15.4 sec- to salvage their season on the Spahr and Erin Murphey. The surprise of both teams' onds. Erin Murphey finished road. They currently hold the num- field events has been Melanie sixth in the 400 hurdles with a She will only improve with highlights inconsistent season, ber two and three CC times in Phipps in the javelin. Prima- time of [:04.7. the strong group of defensive along with junior Heather Seaburg the 100-meter dash-Spahr has rily a long distance runner last The men were led by players in front of her, Senior's form a solid defensive core that can a 12.8 seconds and Murphey's year, Phipps switched over this Tyrrell's second place finish in Heather Baily and Stacy Baker also show some offensive firepower. at 13.0 seconds. Murphey year due to the graduation of the 100 meter dash, third place won the 200-meter dash (28.3 Sherry Albright and Kirsten in the 110 hurdles and fifth in The Phoenix's New seconds) weekend versus meet Johns the Borgeson. In her first meet at a the 400 hurdles. was the runner- Hopkins in a dual a junior, F & M, Phipps, Lightbourn won of Colonials, same competition the javelin with up in both the 400 dash and 400 The feet, 100 Green Terror Blue Jays, women defeated the toss of McAlonian 4 inches. hurdles. throw Von Tobel won the jav- 183 67-39, but the men Amy and Pauline with elin of a toss lost 84-33. Sheriff have also done well in feet and 10 inches. Kelly Parrish is among the Sports Section top five in the conference in the jumps and throws catego- Terror This stay right at home, host- the Green weekend, ries, respectively the 800, 1500, and 3000-meter Last weckend the learn ing the WMC Invitational. needs writersfor runs. What has has been the ad- RAZZMATAZZ become a big improvement of key men's next fall. If you are dition Joining Von Tobel field event .. h HAIR STUDIO people. on the III interested call the field events are freshmen (shot Paul (next to Frisco pu~ ~iI#t/tIf~f/ Charbonnier (shot put and dis- and cus) and Bob Picton Phoenix office at javelin). (l18 Charbonnicr won the ~~ " SPf[IAl discus feet, three inches), second in the shot and placed ext. 8600. third in the nicely. javelin versus has Hopkins Johns and Picton developed Abron and Steve ~ tuesday--<;ut, wash & blowcry $10 (reg. $15-$17) ~emember work can be done for credit, see p. 12 Eckstrom have been outstand- all other times--cut, wash & blowdry 10% off (wi student 10) manicure everyday--basic for Special Studies Information. ing in the long and triple HOURS: M 10-5, T-F 9:30-8, S 8:30-5 only $7 (wi student ID) VISA, MC, DISC jumps. Abron has the CC 876-0654 walk - ins welcome
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