Page 135 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 135
Campus Safety Blotter, con't. from p.3 On 2/13 at [0: 06 p.m. in ANW Campus Safety liceinvestigate. Safety and Westminster Police investigate. Campus Safety continues to seek information on cites student for failing to comply and dishonesty. On2/16at 1:45p.m. in Levineemployeerepons On 2f'.A at 1:45am. in Penn. Ave. House.area stu- any matter above, but especially the attacks of On2/14at 2:00a.m. Inkoozerstudcntrcports van- theft of personal property (purse and contents). dent reports unknown male knocking on fire es- female students noted in our bulletins. If anyone dalism to room. Campus Safety and Westminster Campus Safety and Westminster Police investi- cape door. Campus Safety and Westminster Po- has information which may help in these investi- Police investigate. gate. lice investigate. gations, please call us at 202. If you wish your On2l14atll:30a.m.inWhitefordstudcntreports Due to the thorough description taken by the vic- On 2/24 at4:20p,m. in Hamson lot student reports information will be kepi anonymous and confi- telephone harassment. Callers identified by Cam- tim the theft of the handbag, airline tickets and vandalism to auto. Possible attempted entry to auto dentiaJ. Remember, each person can make a con- pus Safety. onescale were recovered from two juveniles who also noted, uibution as noted in the italicized item above. On 2/14 at 4:39 p.m. in McLea lot employee re- are being charged in the three above thefts. On 2/2S at I :05 am. in GA students cited by Cam- Please review the safety lips listed inourpublica- ports damage to auto. Report later discovered to On 2/17 at II :30 a.m. in Whiteford student re- pus Safety for conduct violation. lions (Working Together for a Safe Campus and be unfounded. ports being attacked by another student. On 2/25 at 1:15 am, in GA student cited by Cam- Personal Safety Handbook). Students and em- On 2/15 at 10:00 p.m. in McLea student reports On 2/17 at 4:35 p.m. in Hoover Library student pus Safety for conduct violation. ployees are urged to support the safe cam- phone harassment. Student offender identified by reports theft of identification crud. On 2/25 at I:38 a.m. in GA students cited by Cam- pus initiatives of students seeking to form a Campus Safety. On 2/18 a15:34 p.m. inANW lot student cited pus Safety for alcohol violation. campus crime watch. We in Campus Safety On 2/15 at 2:41 p.m. in Decker employee reports for alcohol violation On 2/26 at 3:00a.m. in Blanche student treated by applaud this action and look forward to the theft of $342.25 in currency. Campus Safety and On 2/18 at 5:45 p.m. in Memorial contractors Campus Safety EMf for fall with a knee injury. help of each concerned student and em- Westminster Police investigation is pending cited for conduct which threatens the safety of Student transported by CCGH for evaluation. ployee. On2l16a!3:57 am. Campus Safety EMTrespond" others. to an overdose/attempted suicide. Student trans- On 2/19 at 12:05 a.m. in GA student cited for ported to CCGH by Campus Safety. alcohol violation by Campus Safety. If anyone has any information On 2/16al 8:22 a.m. in Peterson contractor reports On 2!21 at9:q:J p.m. in Blanche student cited by discovery and firearm and theft of personal prop- Campus Safety for trespass (remaining in a build- erty (airline tickets). Firearm later discovered 16 ' ing in spite of a sanction prohibiting this). about any of the crimes printed be a replica prop fromAlunmi. On2(l.3 at II :12 p.m. in Blanche resident assis- On 2/1 6 at 12:45 p.m. in Lewis employee reports tant reports vandalism to vending machine. in the Campus Safety Blotter, theft of2 chemistry scale/balances valued atapprox. On 2!24 at I:26 am. in Hoover Library Plaza $700 each. Campus Safety and Westminster Po- student attacked by a masked assailant. Campus please contact DoCS at ext. 202 Men's b-ball make playoffs Thank You first time in 15 years; Terrors lose to Muhlenberg COLLEGE SeECIALS Bv JOSHUA fOSTER Staf{lVriter III I 330-140 Village Rood ALLENTOWN, Pa. - With each game 11a.m.-1a.m.MDn.-Thurs. - they played, the men IS basketball team 11a_m.-2a,m.rri.-$at - .= Sun. 11 em. -12'm. gained valuable experience. They entered the running, but WMC went on a 9-2 run to (OffergoodonIyMW~temMary!atldCoIk::ge) =& SUBS.! Centennial Conference playoffs against take a 14-7 lead, which was their biggest Muhlenberg hoping they could continue to for the game. Muhlenberg came back with show some of the poise. that had led them to aggressive play on the offensive end, and the playoffs. out-rebounded the Terror 23-13 in the first Instead, when the Terror's one experi- half, sometimes coming away with two or enced player. senior Pat Young, went out with three offensive rebounds to keep scoring Large Pizza an injury, WMC self-destructed, losing 78- chances alive. Any Large Pizza 54. The game marked the first time since The Mules didn't need to worry about with Your Choice 1980 that the Terror had been in the play- rebounding in the second half, as they of One Topping offs. showed their outside touch, hilling long Additional Toppings Young was injured early in the second jumpers including five $1.46 extra half after Steve Dziengeleski hit a three- 3-point shots that helped to put the game point field goal to give the Terror a one point out of reach for the Terror. In the half, Super Subs lead. Lillie did they know it would be the the Mules shot 55.2 percent while last time they would be ahead. WMC only hit 26.5 percent. . 1·6" Super Sub Young's left index finger was cut open "They shot the ball extremely well I·Bags of to the bone by a Muhlenberg player's fin- in the second half. Their seniors ex- Potato Chips gernail when both players dived for a ball. ploited their experience against our I·Cans of The injury, which will require stitches, forced freshman," said Zoulias. Coca-Cole" """"= the Terror's only experienced starter to the Muhlenberg's senior forward Mike l'tlilly~k.Me.ltb:Ilt, -Zztsr{ltaliM,HM1& bench for six minutes. By the time he re- Gramer led all scorers with 25 points (~/}"t::~Ck£se, turned, the score was 48-38 in favor of the on 10-of-16 shooting. Sophomore Mules and they were in the midst of a 28-8 David SI. Rose led WMC with IS points and was the only Terror to score "It was a real factor in the game, in double digits. Dzicngelesk i added CallUs!857·5554 (Young's injury) but even with Pat out, we eight points and eight rebounds, while were able to get the ball where we wanted, Will Marshall also scored eight and Join Our College Club but we weren't able to finish our scoring op- grabbed five rebounds. Purchase 6 great tasting Domino's NOWTHAT:S portunities," said Terror head coach Nick After finishing in last place last year college spe.ctets (pizzas o.rsu. bs) within a SOMETH~'N. ' I Zoulias. in the Centennial Conference, the Terror 30-day period and get the 7th purchase on us! With Young out, WMC went with a lineup finished this year with an 11-14 record. The card mU5t be presented at the time of purchase - .., ' the order. to the dnver to sign eoo validate of four freshman and a sophomore against Even with the loss, the future should hold Muhlenberg's four seniors and a junior. good things for the Terror. Coach Zoulias • all =:'~=vs~::':?a=:~~~,!~ In the two team's earlier meeting this agreed saying, "The season was a year, Muhlenberg beat the Terror by a score success ... .I feel good about our nucleus, 151m, OI.-_"'MI_I"""'~"'~OI!1!1lOlmr!o'.I'im.1r>;. 104006 of 86-66. But WMC was down only 31-29 r think our future is very bright."
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