Page 137 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 137
Spring Sports previews pp.10-12 Hate crime update: investigationcontinues; no further incidents Besides their ongoing investiga- By ELIZA8ETH VALUIIT SwjfWnler tion, campus safety has made efforts Campus Safety has continued ef- tobetterequipofficerstodealwiththese forts to identify the source of the hate issues. Both Campus Safety and the crimes that frustrated and angered Residence Life Staff received training WMC students and staff throughout from the Maryland Commission on first semester. Human Relations, an organization that According to Mike Webster. confronts hate crimes throughout the DoCS iscurrently following leadsfrom state. Campus Safety Officers received school records and student reports. further information on how to handle DoCS has worked closely with the city these crimes and how to investigate police interviewing people and fwther- them. ing investigations. Although the case Students also continue to make 15 first-year students in each class. is still open, they are making progress. efforts to create a safer environment Students would have the same profes- Besides some minor vandalism, on campus. In response to the hate sor for boih the class and as their ad- nofurtherincidentshaveOCCl1lredsince crimes and the recent attacks on cam- viser. In addition, each class would students returned for second semester. pus, a Student Crime Watch is being have a peer mentor who was paired Many students believe that the decrease organized. The SAFE club and other with the professor based on major and in hate crimes is a result of the activ- student organizations are making personal relationship. ism of students and staff against these efforts to combat the crime on cam- The basic idea is to use peer men- pus as well. tors as a link between faculty and first- year students. By having a fellow stu- What's Inside: dent who already knows the professor, first-year students will hopefully take Alspach's and Case's trip to Alaska .... more interest in their academic life, ere- ateacJose bond with theprofessor, and "The Underground" ... makethe smoothesttransition possible More $$$ for Lewis Hall of Science. into college life. Music: Rich's Review .... 'The students entering WMC with the greatest advantage would be the ones who participate in these courses," said Disharoon. "[The Honors housing is detrimental in 1styear, according to students perienced all the different aspects of living on the campus," she ex- The housing of first-year stu- plained. valuer, a political science/ dents in Daniel MacLea for the business major, made the decision Honors Program has caused con- to move into Whiteford "to get to troversy among students both in know more people in my class." and out of the program. Valuet was active in different ac- While most students enjoy liv- tivities first semester and made ing in DMC, some first-year S!U- efforts to meet people, but she dents have voiced concerns about recognized that "being in not fully integrating with the rest Whiteford made it that much of their class. easier I'm happier in First-year student Elizabeth Whiteford," she added. Valuetlived in honors hbtlsing first For first-year student Chris- semester, but second semester tian Wilwohl, housing was imma- moved into Whiteford. terial to why he chose to partici- "If I hadn't made the extra ef- pate in the program. He admits, fort to meet people outside ofDMC "It is appealing, butit cuts us off first semester, I wouldn't have ex- See "Honors Housing," p.S
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