Page 98 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 98
a 'Tis the season to be...politically correct? The Phoenix Because the members of The Phoenix ing from direct experience) state govern- enjoy worshipping the way I please. That staff and Icould not come up with a good ments have threatened to take stale aid is the right of all Americans. Iam in no idea for the staff editorial, and since we are away from public high schools that con- way saying that my faith is better than any- in thc midst of several different religious tinue to hold a baccalaureate service as one else's. I am just saying that everyone holidays, I have decided to touch on a topic part of the graduation ceremonies for se- has the right to openly practice one's faith Edttor-tn-Chtef that has recently become taboo: RELI- niors. My point is that lately, in the wake of Lisa T. Hill '97 GION. AJI this has been done for the sake of this anxiety about being politically correct Ever since the baby-boomer generation the new fad known as "PC'--political cor- and protecting everyone's interests, Chris- began to drift away from a strong religious rectness. In order to avoid running the risk tianity has become the religion most dis- Advertising Manager It is the same trend as religions, especially Chris- David Weigelt '95 background, have been pushed out of every as- of slighting peoples of other religions and eliminated against. Business Manager tianity, in support of the constitutional clause that that of businesses trying to get more Udeni Dharmapala '95 pect of our society. Weare no longer able separtates church and state, Christianity women and minorities oruhe payroll: Layout Editor to have a moment of silence in public has been systematically eliminated from equally qualified men are being turned Pamela Barry '96 schools, nativity scenes are not allowed to society. but down for a job just because their opponent I am in no way a fanatical Christian, is a female or a minority. on the grounds of public be displayed News Editor Dan Schaeffer '94 buildings and lands, and (here I am speak- I am proud of my Episcopalian faith and Since the early 80's, a great deal of On the Hill Editor public 'focus has been on other cultures, Jenny Dame '95 Think about it. races, and their traditions. Since Christ- Photography Editor mas inthe commercial sense is the biggest Aden Mages '97 fhink It Over. P.S. The morning, after writing this holiday in American culture and it is based Sports Editor This semester has been ugly-you editorial, a message on The Phoeru in Chnsuanuy (no matter how far away other Jay Hilbert '95 know what Imean. When it's all said and phonernail confirmed my beleif tha from us source it has grown'). fed this groups are tired of being forced done we will be the stronger, hopefully the 'problem' docs in fact read (de one holiday and are anxious to practice more unified. spite their problem with spelling). T their own religious and traditional holi- The 'problem' is small in numbers you, I offer this definition for whic General Staff and short in esteem; we are over a thou- you seemed unclear in your message days. Aaron Ahlburn '97, Paco Frisuclos sand strong; we are self respecting. and Ignorance n. the condition or qua/if As a proponent of free speech and a Kromer, Michelle Hamilton '98, weare the feared. oj being ignorant; lack of knowledge dedicated journalist, I am really excited Rebecca Henry '95, Heather Reese When you go horne take a look in the Ignorant adj. 1. lacking knowledge 0 that more and more groups are openly ex- I am pressing their interests. However, '96, James Riggins '98, Charlotte papers. Notice what's going on else- experience 2. caused by or showin Saylor '98, Jonathon Sbacat '98. where and what's being done about it. tacc of these 3, unaware. Let me think sadly disappointed that the basic Christian Chrissy Pardew '97 hink it over. Stop feeling sorry for .yea, that fits. faith is being pushed by the wayside . To all Christians, we need to be more yourself or pitying your situation. If this is (0 become a word game i Faculty Advisor Stop feeling anger towards others (es- which you are looking for a more ap assertive of our faith, but not to the point Terry Dalton pecially those that are trying to help such propriate word to describe yoursel of fanaticism. It is important 10 stand up as the administration). feel free 10 write an editorial and sen for what you believe in, and nOI let the tor Uiaut;f, government, or aliyu,,~ Western Mary it care of The Phoenix, Uliil If you are reading this its because you walk 'all over you for the sake of PC. Westminster, have it good--don't let a small, weak land College, problem, you'll Md. have t On, one 'problem' deny you of that. Merry Christmas! sign your name. Next Issue's Vocab.-"Cowardice" LisaT.HiII Sincerely, stay tuned. The Phoenix is published bi- ~ave Weigelt '95 Editor-in-Chief weekly. The opinions expressed do not necessarily represent those of The • Letter Phoenix staff, the faculty, or the ad- ministrators of WMC. Response to anonymous caller The paper welcomes free-lance submissions on Macintosh disks in most word processor formats. The Iwish (0 respond to two messages that "ergo" was a bit much). His complaint read. Maybe if more people would join editor reserves the right to edit for were left on the voice mail of TIle Phoe- this time was with the usc of the word the staff instead of just complaining clarity, length and libel and to publish nix, on Thursday, December I. "ignorance" in the editorial to describe about it, we could produce a paper the as space permits. All submissions • The messages were left by a young racism. While it is obvious to most. I whole campus would find acceptable. (excluding self-addressed diskettes) male, presumably a student, and they wish to explain to this person that the But until a few more of the 12()()+ stu- become the property of The Phoenix were in response to letters on page 2 of point of any letter in the eduortat/com- dents at WMC join the paper, typos and and cannot be returned. the last issue. The male said he wished mentary section is that il is full ofopin- other errors will happen. Please include a name and phone to "express" himself to The Phoenix, but ions. It is pointless to argue with the Anyway, enough soliciting -- back to number for verification. Names will he did not have the courage to leave a. choice of adjectives used in that type of the point. I would just like to end this be withheld only by the discretion of name or number. Normally I would not article. If the person believes that racism letter with my own opinion ortne ca!l. It the Editor-in-Chief. waste my lime answering some timid is a Iorm of ignorance and wishes to ex- was typical, predictable, and as these ac- The Phoenix does not discrimi- person who is obviously uncomfortable press that opinion, what better place to tions always seem to be -- anonymous. nate based on age, race, religion, gen- with his views, but these messages are tell everyone than the opinion page? Whether they hide under a sheet, under der, sexual orientation, national ori- begging me to respond. He continued his tirade by saying the the cover of darkness, or with words gin, condition of handicap, or marital The first message was short and to the staff of The Phoenix is filled with "igno- without an owner, all their actions status. point. He said that it was "ridiculous" to rant" people because of three typos in scream fear. If their beliefs are so be- associate while power groups with a the article. Not only was his grammar nign, so fundamentally correct (as they Mail to address: swastika. The white power/swastika im- incorrect in stating this (vhere is seem to believe) -- why hide? The Phoenix age was not fabricated by The Phoenix - people .." ), but a typo is a result of poor When I believe vehemently about 2 College Hill _ it is an image that a particular while hand coordination while typing, not something I' not only tell everybody I WMC power group uses in its organization. something to be used as a gauge of how see, but I am willing to put it in print wesuntnster. Maryland 21157 There was even an address in the empty educated a person mayor may not be, with my name. Anyone who can't or space below the words "White Power" Normally, I wouldn't feel the need to won't do that must have some doubts of (410) 751-8600 where someone could get in contact with defend the occurrence of typos, but since their own. I hope so. I believe that when (410) 876-2055, ext. 86()() the organization. We omitted the ad- he seems to think it's such a big deal, I someone starts to question, change be- dress so as not LO promote the group. would like to point out that we have gins. In this case, things can only gel There is no reason for The Phoenix to try fewer than twenty staff members and better. to create an ugly image of these groups- only three or four of us actually put the -they tend to do it to themselves; we just paper together. Between classes, work- Sincerely, Please Recycle! comment on them. ing, and other activities, it is amazing The second message was a little long, that we even get the paper to the press. Pamela Barry '96 wordy, and pretty humorous (the use of We just don't always have time to proof- Layout Editor
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