Page 97 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 97
THE PHOENIX Western Maryland College 17 new students come to WMC for Jan Term Institute, DAN SCHAEFFER program two years ago. "I un- they do is unplanned and sponta- derstand everything that neous, she said. It past years they Students will see some new they'll be going through be- have gone Sled-riding, played faces in their classrooms and cause I went through it my- capture the flag. and had snow- dormitories during Jan Term self," she said. ball fights. "It all depends on this year. Pratt said she felt over- what the students like," she Seventeen students from whelmed at First because there added. several Baltimore-area commu- was so much reading. "It's an Of course, attending college is nity colleges will be laking part adjustment you have to get not all fun and games. Pratt said in the January Term Institute, used to," she said. Otherwise, it depends on the amount of work knownasJTI. she said she "had a ball." students have whether she can Dundalk and Essex Commu- After Pratt attended JTI, plan off-campus activities. nity College are joining she transferred to Western On Tuesdays and Thursdays Catonsville Community Col- Maryland. Later, she told JTI students meet with the depart- lege this year as participants in Disharoon she was interested ments of Financial Aid, Admis- the three-week program, said in the coordinator job. "! told sions, Campus Housing, and Stu- Barbara Disharoon, dean of the her I'd like to do it, as much dent Activities, Pratt said. "They First-year Program. The com- vided with a full scholarship dential liberal arts college, said fun as I had," she said. "It's familiarize themselves with the munity colleges are cooperative and any extra fees for one Jan Disharoon. They encourage mi- not really ajob, tts a chance to Ihings they'll depend on and use," partners with Western Mary- Term course, she said. Western nority and nontraditional stu- have fun with other students." she said. "It really opens up their land. Maryland and the community dents to take advantage of the As coordinator of JTI, Pratt eyes to the financial help WMC Carroll Community College colleges split the cost of tuition. program, she said. plans social and academic ac- offers." has not participated the last two JTI ts basedon astmilar pro- There are five minority stu- tivities, corresponds with stu- Pratt said teachers are very re- years, since they became inde- gram at Vassar College, which dents this year, which is more dents before they arrive and ceptive to the students. "The pendent from the Catonsville held is during the summer, than in the past, according to coordinates campus housing. teachers seem to accept and wel- system. She said Carroll has not Disharoon said. JTI is different Disharoon. She said about 60% She plans many on-campus come them because they are here budgeted for the program in in that students arc totally im- of the participants are nontradi- activities such as volleyball, to learn," she said, "Also, the stu- their fledgling years of in de pen- mersed in the academic and so- tional students. Christina Pratt, swimming, and attending bas- dents bring enthusiasm to the dence. cial life, and arc not identified to coordinator of JTI, said one stu- ketball games. Also, there are class since it is a new experience Academically-qualified stu- the faculty. dent is in her 60's, but most are usually a few off-campus ac- for them:' dents are selected and invited to The purpose of JTI is to give in their 30's and early 40's. tivities like bowling and in- attend the program. Should they community college students a Pratt, a senior mathematics door golf. See "JTI," p.4 chose to come, they are pro- chance to live and learn at a resi- major, was a participant in the However, most of what Registrar creates waiting lists to ease rush on popular classes cur. If a student By JONATHON SUACAT CO""". The new system forces students wants 10 lake a Are you on a waiting list? If so, to sign a list which would cventu- particular course do you know whether or not you ally be sent to the department to be in his or her se- will be able 10 take that particular reviewed. The options of the de- nior year, most class this LUning semester? partment would be one of the fol- professors would The waiting lists are made in lowing: a)letallofthestudentsinto allow thcstudent order to give all students an equal mecoursc, b) lei only thoscstudents 10take Ihe class. chance to take a course. who are majoring in that subject Dr. Brown, a Biology profes- ~~;:~~~Ierr=:=======ili~~:eo:~ sor, said most or his classes do not have waiting lists. The on! y ores that do are me labs and they hold only 12 people. Dr. A cand1elight vigil in protest of the racial incidents on campus Brownsaid"Iwill Monday, November 28 in Red Square, Several hundred students, was held on faculty and do whatever have members of the Westminster community came out to show their support to do" to leta se- list system, there w ruorimoooeonus classes, this would include crowd- room for it." She said "me- if she will definitely get into little organization inl.'oo==~=,,==~ertl'" the registration process. Some stu- professors and a certain number of inga lab. morial can't be used for un- the course. dents would get into a course wbile classrooms in which to teach the In addition to using the lists to dergraduate classes. In addi- Dr. Brown thinks that Bar- others would not. course. If every sndem is put into select students for a course, the de- tion, "budget limitations of a bara Shaffer deserves credit For example, there arc ten su- that course then there probably partment could use the list to plan department" do not allow for for making this new system. dents in line for registration and all would not be enough room. for courses in the future. The new more courses to be added said He said "'I have not heard of of them would like to take the same Option "b' seems more likely to system will also give the depart- Shaffer. any other alternatives that are course. 1be first nine try toregister occur. If a student who is an Art ments the opportunity to adjust the Many of the students who better", Mr. Spence, an En- foritbutit is full, lheydecide to take majorwaots totakean Artclassand teaching loads of future courses are on these waiting lists do glish Professor, said that the a different one. The tenth student it is full, then the protessor coutd let accordingly. not know if they will ever get waiting list system "might triestoregisterforthatsameoourse, the student into the class. This par- According 10 Barbara into their desired course. Joy help, we will have to wait and but carl' t, and she goes 10 the ticular student is the type that would Shaffer, the registrar, it is very Hoffman, an English major, see". professortogetapprovalIOtakcthe be most likely to succeed in that unlikely for other courses 10 be said "I know that I am on a Shaffer thinks "the new course, 1be tenth student gets into course because it is his or her rna- added to the list for next semes- waiting list and that the pro- system of registration will be thecourse. This is unfair to the nine jar._ ter. Shaffer said that one reason fessor is trying to get me into much more fair to the stu- students who don't get into the Option"c"ismostlik:elytooc- is because "we don't have the the class". She does not know dents".
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