Page 95 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 95
Van Deusen, a Columbia, Md. native, Deusen only amassed an booorable mention, is still room for improvement in his petfor- became the startingqtl3ltelbad:forgooddur- despite leading the Conference in total yards mance. With his "lively ann," Keating ing the last gene of his freshman year. The and passing yards. wouldn'truleout Van Deusen playingatan- In the era of cocky, overly flamboyant, restishistory. Afterastellarsophoouecam- Being thequalityquarterOOcklhatbe is, it other level after college. But be also believes and Ioud~mouthedquarterbacks, Brian Van paign, which saw him throw for over 2CX)() would be easy to take full credit for his ac- that Van Deusen bas "a long way to go in Deusen sticks out like a sere thumb. yards, he has bettered his play this year. complishments. But he credits his father, terms of getting stronger, faster and getting Thesix-footthree-inch, 175-IXlUDdjunior The most prominent of his II passing WM bead football coach Tim Keating, and better footwQlk if be plans to play past col- quarterback for the Green Terror has virtu- records are most passing yards: in a game, quarterback coach Matt Kennedy formaking lege." allyrewrittentheentire WMCpassingrecord 433; in a season, 2315; in a career, 4652; him the playa that be is. His father was his Not only does Van Deusen excel on the book; currently holding 11 of the 15possible completion percentage in a season, 58.2%; coachatAtholtoo HighSchool, wberetheof- field, be is an exceptional studenl Tbe math records. He has established himself as one and passing touchdowns in a season with 17. tense was the same tbat Western Maryland major and sports coaching minor currently of the premier quanetacks inall OfDivision Van Deusen was 180 for 309 for 2312 operates, the run-and-shoot, holds a solid B+ average. "1 have had the ill. VanDeusenhasdonesoinauniqucfash- yards and 17 touchdowns for the '94 season. "I have only one complaint about Brian opportunity to have Brian in two of my ion for today'sathlete-quietly. While Van Deusen receives most of the and that is he's 100quiet He isan extremely classes," Dr. Richard Clower, head of the Tosaythat Van Deusen ispopularamong pressauentionfortheGreenTerror. Yet, line- coachable kid He is one of a bunch of 100- physical education department says, "and be WMC students and faculty is to say that backer Mike Kappes vows that Van Deusen erson this team. Withhisattirude,demeanor, has never missed a class, is always well-pre- ManuteBoliskindoftaU. He is one orsev- getting most of the limelight doesn't bother intelligence, and athletic ability in his arm, I pared and provides high-quality work, He is emltwo-sportsathletesatWMC. ln addition tbe ream. would love to have a whole team like him," an outstanding student and it's exciting 10 tofoolba.ll,VanDeusenisatri-captainoftbe "That is the typical situation, the quarter- said Keating. have him in class." '95 baseball team. . back is a position that is in the spotlight more Sophomore strong safety Brian Perrier With the end of the season finally upon Most everyone on campus has at least than any other position. Everyone realizes feels Van Deusen is the ideal teammate to us, Brian Van Deusen will soon Irade his beard of Van Deusen, yet you wouldn't that he is going to gel a lot of the press have. "He is quiet and a leeder by example. football cleats torbeseball spikes. When that know it from looking at him. As he travels whetherit's good or bad," Kappes said You never hear him complain and be never happens, many will reflect upon another out- from class to class, be passes many friends With the numbers that be has amassed, it blames his own teammates for anything," standing year for the WMC quarterback. and teammates. But even his closest friends seems only natural to think about possible Perrier replied. Onething is toesure.oreottbosepeople will seldom getany tTKX"C outofhim than a "beb." post-season awards. However, Van Deusen ''Deus is a smart quarterback," wide re- not be Brian Van Deusen. In many ways Van Deusen is like theold insists he rarely thinks about that. "Eacb ceiver Donte Abron explains. "He is good to When all is saidanddooeandit's urrefcr E.F. Huuon commercials: he doesn't talk week, Iconcentrateon preparing for the game have around. Hehastoknowwbere Ihave to Van Deusen to graduate, who knows how much, but when he does, people listen. coming up; Inever think about personal ac- be incertain situationsas well as where be has many records he will hold. However, it's "That's just part of his character, that's how colades." be said. Although, Van Deusen tobe. He's a take charge kind of player. I'm safetosay tbatbe will stepfrun Ihespotlight be is, superquiet," explains his friend,sopbo- may have roan to gripe with the '94Centeil- glad be plays for us!" of Green Terror football the same way be mere David Eilers. mal Football boners. Surprisingly, Van Van Deusen and Keating agree that there came inlOit-very, veryquiet1y. Green Terror wrestling should improve this season the sport, still competes, and is able to reJate pinning. Lowe wants the wealth of wrestling skill and experience as By JESSICA WIDOMSKI emphasizing C"""illulingWri'", to the guys well," feels Pickersgill. points from the stan. Despite missing does sophomore ruck Estes. Plckersgill adds that Lowe's enthusiasm weightclasses, Lowe feels thattbe wrestlers Justin Mikulski has made acomplete turn- Tte 1994-95 WMC wrestling team bas and desire to deal with his wrestlers cee-oe- be already bas are full of and all have around from last season, according to several new changes, goals, and expectations roe, encourages them to listen to him. A lot what it takes to redevelop the team. Pickersgill "Lastyeer.Jusnncerreoctanbe underway in order to tum the program fran of people grew tired of Jobnson, according Leading the make-over will be serucr co- very end of the season. He didn't have avery ooethalis"dyingintoanew,imtmvedtearn, 10 some 'W'reSt1ers., capIain, heavy- goodamtoce," said Pickersgill of thejunkr. working their way to the top," says new head but now with weight Ted Speers. A wealth of freshmen have come in, in- coach John Lowe. Lowe, more guys Speers returns as cluded in thisbunch are two quality wrestlers Lowe, the fonner assistant coach at arewillingtocome We s t ern in Paul Scott and Steve Smiddy, roth have Salisbury StateUnivcrsity,feels thattheonly out, wrestle, and Maryland's first received rave reviews early 00. Freshman attitudCthat thewrestlerscan have isposilive. win. Conference Cham- Jeff Kellmer and Mike Sniffen should con- He, along with assistant coocb Ray TheGreenTer- pion in nine years. tribute to the team's success. Pickersgill-a WMC graduate and captain for roraremissingtvlo defeating Lowe and Pickersgill agree that "we the past two years- arc out to have a winning weigbtc1asses, 118 Gettysburg·s Brnn- would like foc the program to not only re a season. They both feel that the team is full of and 126 pound don Ream, 7-6. sport, but entertainment for the whole com- ta1entarxl,with a change in the wrestler's at- classes. This SIX= then took munity." Lowefeelsthatthematchessbould titudes, this goal will re accomplished. means that they fourth at the NCAA re "physical. in your face matches," and be These new attitudes of the players have a twelve points from ~.....;==== Mideast Regionals want everyone there to sec il will be giving up lot to do with the new coa;h. According to at Elizabethtown. The players have better attitudes, more thewrest1as, Paul Johnson, the previous bead the start of each Juniorco--captain dedication, and are out 10have a wirmingsea- coach, did not work with the players as well meel Because of Joe Hemming son. With Lowe at the helm, they are defi- a<; Lowe. Lowe is "very knowledgeable of this,thecoachesare brings back a nitelyon their way. Women's swimming quick out of the gate Upcoming Schedule Tbursday, December 1- Meo's Basketball at Dickinson (JV-6 By JAY HILBERT dividual Medley (2:21.97). Women's Basketball at Notre Dame p.m.) 8:00 p.m spo,uEd;,,,, Alison Denlinger had a hand in keeping (Md.) 7:00 p.rn Western Maryland close with Washing- Tbursday, December 8-- Karen Alexander and Buffy Burke ton, with three second place fmishes in Saturday, December 3- Women's Basketball at York 5:30 p.m. have powered Green Terror women's the 50 and 500 Free, and in the 200 Wrestling at Swarthmore 11:00 a.m. swimming to a 2-1 start. Medley Relay with Martha lvey, Men's Basketball vs. ST MARY'S Though their meet with Washington, Elaine Eiennan, and Tara Harbold. Men's and Women's Swimming vs. 7:30 p.m. tbe duo has a hand in 15 of the 21 flrst- Senior Kelly Benvin got her first DICKINSON 1:00 p.m. place finishes for the Green Terror. number one finish of the season in the Saturday, December 10--- But it was not enough as the ladies fell 1000 Free, three days prior to Wash- Men's Basketball vs. WASH[NGTON Men's and Women's Swimming at York for the first time this season, 115-90. ington, at Albright, with a time of 3:00p.m 1:00 p.m. Alexander and Burke were responsible 12:12.27. for all four winning races against the The 1000 Free was just one of ten Tuesday, December 6 - Men's Basketball at Gallaudet 7:30p.m. Shorewomen. Alexander won the 200 events the WM ladies won out of the 11 Women's Basketball vs. DICK[NSON Freestyle with in 2:03.44 and the 100 events slated at the meet. 7:00 p.m. Home games are in CAPS. Back in 1:03.31. Burke clinched first The Green Terror easily defeated in the 100 Free (56.91), and the 200 In- Albrigbt 143-58.
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