Page 59 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 59
Dear Editor, the apartments and then over. I would like to know why Neither walk is fun at night, Lower Decker is always closed alone, in the cold or when it's before Upper Decker is. It is wet. Why isn't Decker kept very frustrating to be over at open for people to walk tbe Coffee House (or anywhere through? The double doors can on the Gym's side of campus) be closed to Glar. The Pub and and have to walk back to the Book Store are locked any- Whiteford (or anywhere on the way. What is the problem? opposite side of campus) at There are many other campuses night. It seems as if Lower where tbe student center is open Decker is always closed at 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. night. People do stay out after On a campus where many lIpm on this campus. This people are afraid to walk alone doesn't seem to be taken into at night, it is just negligent and crazy not to have Lower Decker open! Sincerely, Chiara Berlingo English '96 No Heat And More ..... before started about a month lamwritina:tbialcue.-intbct hopes that no one else has to go Secondly, I was under the through what I have had to go impression that the residence through tnis semester. First, I balls wereopen over Fall Break, was one of the unfortunate but I was wrong, yet again. people who bad their window From my perspective, "open" painted open. After two work means heat and bot water; luck- orders had been put in, it ily, we did not need the beat, but started to get very cold; it was I needed the hot water. As I said windy and felt like 32 degrees, before I am student teaching below freezing. I was told the and need to take a shower. Iin- windows would be fixed be- quired about housing and Iwas tween 7pm and 11pm a student first told by the secretary in the teach and am in bed by 9:30pm, president's office to go to an- but would have gladly stayed other dorm to shower. First, I awake to get my window like to shower in the morning fixed). I understand that night and leave here at 7:20am, so I it started to rain and tbe work- need to shower at 6am. Second, ers had to stop working, but I the residence balls are not open expected that the next day the then. Third. I refuse to go at work would be continued-l night in a dorm that has a frater- was wrong. I requested an- nity in it (for safety reasons). I other work order. After a few went to housing and was offered days, when it was not filled, my the RLC office in McDaniel - a father called President Cham- sofa and a two flight walk-up to bers' office. His secretary said asbower. This migbt have been they would see what was hap- suitable if I was not student pening. The story does not end teaching. I had to find a place of there; the secretary said to my my own to stay. Luckily. a father that she would call me friend was able to put me up for that day. One day passed and I a few days, but l lost three meals had not beard anything, so I from the meal plan and bad to called her. She said sbe would pay for dinners, because Ido not check on it. She did, and she have a car and felt it was not said maintenance said they had right to ask my friend to drive come and the window opened me toeat and pick me up when I and shut just fine. I knew that, was finished eating. The trust- but my window was painted ees, I am sure, had a nice stay at open at the top. So, finally af- the Comfort Inn with heat and ter this. my window was closed hot water, while I stayed on a on October 15th. This had see Heat Page 11
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