Page 55 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 55
KAREN DOWNS health center when it was still N..."EQi"" ~ ~~®©o®~ [)¥j]®@@®~® Most people bate needles, but re- Thompson Infirmary. Frebert worked down in Smith House while Bosley was up in Ensor Lounge. [f[J@M ~MO~[}u gardless of that fact, many of Then, when Bosley was in Smith WMC's faculty, staff, and students decided to put tbeir fears aside for House, Prebert gave vaccinations to [J=(]@(li]@®~ the benefit of their health. the campus. On Thursday, October 14 and Fri- Flu season begins in November day, October 22, approximately 250 and lasts three to four months. faculty, staff, and students received People are vaccinated in October, flu vaccinations. Co-sponsored by because it takes about three weeks Student Health Services and the Per- for our systems to build up an immu- sonnel Department the vaccinations HelpIng YoungAdul/.r took place in Ensor Lounge so that nity. Students can still get flu shots down in Smith House for the next no services would be taken away two weeks. from the students who went down to "Hopefully, we'll get to repeat Smith House. this again next year," concluded "Flu shots were ongtnalty Bosley. thought of for respiratory compro- mised people," said Joan Lusby, Physician Assistant-Certified. Budget "But in reality we wanted the en- tire campus to be vaccinated be- From Page 1 cause of the communal living situa- tion," said Bonnie Bosley, Regis- peopleuse the librarythoseevenings, "It is disproportionate to have three people tered Nurse in Smith House. working for the benefit of one or two Faculty, staff, and students were people," Neikirk.said. The reduction in Toconvince young odultsto stop smoking, Richord Honaker. M.D, of charged $3.50 for the flu shot. "We hours was partially offset by leaving the C0l!0lfto~. Te~O$.fellsvoung women potienfs fhat fhelr risk 01developing charge exactly what the' vaccine ~IS much greater fhon tnot of non-smokers. He odviseshisyoung men commonsroomopen until9 p.m. Friday patients fhatsmokinC 'NillincreosefIlelr risk of ct:JnCeroNhepenk bV 400% cost," said Bosley .• "We just cov- and Saturday so students are able to ered our costs." Dr. Honaker believestnot fIlese womlngs hove on immediate and crecter The vaccine was bought from study in a quiet setting. ~~e U~h~brt~~c:.°~nddOI!~ ~~~~e~~nvent!onalwom!ngs about Falzon feels the budget cuts "have General Injectables, a vaccine dis- created a triple whammy," with journal tributor. "We got all our informa- Scuce: Consuttant prices rising, money scarce and the li- tion on flu shots and the distributor from Carroll County Health Depart- brary unable to keep studentsup-to-date ment," said Bosley. on the latest technologicaldata. Also helping in the vaccination Falzon saidsheisconcernedaboutthe effort wall Reaistered Nurse Luanne impact the budget cuts have had on stu- Prebert. Sbe used to work In the dents. However. sopboalcxe C.)'QlIliIo Spack. a frequent library user, saJd, -1 haven't seen any drastic changes in the Ranger Challenge Team Improves library's resourcessince last year." Conversely,EnglishmajorErikaLuft has foundthe library's resourceslacking. ROBERT MAGEE happy that they made marked im- proved this year with a thirty-nine point "When I was searching for information for my music appreciation paper on improvement. S,IJjfWr;I
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