Page 54 - ThePhoenix1993-94
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What Is The All College Council About? appear into President Robert Cham- and student body. Both the admin- zanons to rush fresbmen during the LISA HnJ.L istration and faculty have three rep- spring semester; to establish a S,ojfW,i,.. bers' office? Budapest-Hungary branch of WMC, This group. called the All College resentatives each, and the student Council, meets to discuss any issues body has representatives from four representation in the council, and that affect all three groups involved organizations, eight students in all. new types of affinity housing. in it: the admhntstranon. Administrative representatives are "We have been having a big President Chambers; Philip Sayre, problem with attendance lately," dean of Student Affairs; and Dr. explained Dean Sayre. "We wanted Ethan Seidel, coordinator of to discuss whether we should open Aministration and Finance. the council to more student organi- The facuity is represented by Dr. zations or have more representa- Jane DeGroot, Ms. Colette tives [from the groups already in- Henriette, and Ms. Kay Falconer. volved] ... · Tbe eight student representatives in- "The reason the meetings were clude: SGA President Drew Reddel poorly attended was because they and Vice-President Mark Furlong, used to be scheduled on Mondays IGC member Shane King and IGe and Wednesdays during classes," President Sue Farrell (substituted by ACC Secretary Mark Furlong ex- Jen Veteto at the November 4 meet- plained. "Now that we've changed ing), CAPBoard President Julie the meetings to Thursday mornings. Simmons and member Kathy the attendance will be much better." Gaston, and Black Student Union The change in the time of the President LaKeisha Rivers and Sec- meetings bas worked well, accord- retary Sbenta Harrison. ing to Dean Sayre. Attendance was The All College Council was pro- very good at the November 4 meet- posed in 1989 by Greg Cberundoto, ing. president of SGA at the time. He Tbe ACC also planned to discuss wanted to form a committee jointly the possibility of installing new pro- chaired by the college president and grams for specific majors at WMC. SGA president to bring the students, Students sharing particular interests faculty, and administration together. would live together in special hous- "The council isn't a big decision- ing, and a faculty member would be making body, but it can influence working in close contact with them, other groups that can make impor- in and out of the classroom. tant decisions, like the Board of "Basically, we are thinking of Trustees," explained Dean Sayre. creating honors-kind of programs the fitness and aerobics center first gram," explained Dean Sayre. came up before the AU College Unfortunately, the council was Council. "We then sent it [the pro- only able to cover the issues of rep- posal] to the Board of Trustees. resentation and the Greek proposal. They were really excited about it Due to the change in meeting and gOI the ball rotttng," said Dean. times and the promise of better at- Sayre. tendance, the representation will 'Last year, the council dealt with stand as is. The council also voted such issues as the scheduling to send the proposal to the faculty change, prohibiting sexist language for a vote. in the classroom, and the installation Overall, the All College Council of tbe college's no-smoking policy. seems to be a success. "Everyone according to Dean Sayre. works well together," remarked According to Dean Sayre, at Ihe Dean Sayre. "It's really great when meeting on Thursday, November 4, people from all areas of the college the ACe agenda included a proposal can gel together and talk about these from IGC to allow the Greek organ i- issues." Russian Journalist/Diplomat To Visit WMC GennadiGerasimov,Mikhail Gorbachev'stermer head of the departmentof information,SovietMinistryof Foreign Affairs. wiUpresentthenrsr ina new seriesof addressesat WesternMarylandCollege-TheEvelynY.DavisLecturein Journalism- on Friday,November12,at 7:30p.m. in McDanielLounge. UntilrecentlyRussianAmbassadortoPortugal,Gerasimovisa frequentcommentatoraboutRussianaffairson Ameri- canTV programssuchas Good MorningAmerica,Nightline,and veteranjournalistwasa correspondent for the NovostiPressAgency (akin to the AssociatedPress) in New York from 1972-1928,writingaboutdisarmament and internationalrelations. Hewaseditor-In-chiefof MoscowNewsfrom 1983-86. Aschief spokesmanforMikhailGorbachevas he was forg- ingglasnot(1986-90),Gerasimovgarneredinternationalattenti~nas'¥1 astute interpreterof Sovietinternalandexternal policyfortheworldpress,providingpress briefingsfor420 foreigncorrespondents.In 1990Gerasimovwasrecognized as Communicatorof the Year- the first non-U.S.personto be so designated- bythe AmericanAssociationof Govern- mentalCommunicators. Hisappearanceis sponsoredby the EvelynY.DavisFoundation. ~----------------------------- 'r>" .. >~'i;";.'," I",i~,"(';-' ('" "':~~~'';"';:.,).'.
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