Page 58 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 58
tinuunrof degrada- sons- and sadly-daughtefS By MAURA ZIOLKOWSKI C",'ri/ndi.,Wri", tion. believe this garbage. Do YOU? I need to let you know what -I~1fl_iheJ' lC,.Jj(trJyi/Olce aJ'"ld;"j/)o(?Jd~ I found a poster If you read what I've shared, I goes on here at WMC - stuff in a dorm, of thank you. Please share its that's often swept under the t ~ women who were meaning with others as well as thick rugs. almost naked with your own thoughts and let the IT'S NOT SAFE HERE! the messages college know how you feel For several reasons (one of printed next to about all this. Please remember which is when we speak: up, our them .. .''Let me that although we desperately voices are often ignored. Actu- Bring Out the Ani- want to believe that the college aUyour volces maybe heard .. mal in You" and experience is totally cool . but only because they make "I live to fulfill .please let's remember that rape, sound and people want to quiet your dreams, de- abuse, discrimination, compro- us. But we aren't really listened sires and fanta- mising of values for a college to or heard or respected). sies." business and for efficiency - • - (THAT'S what these are all also a part of it. Iknow at least one YOU might think! And our SILENCE woman has been raped is my reaction to CONfRIBtITES to it! It is ab- in the apartments it.) solutely here at knife point! Great. I'm strug- VITAL @!!!?W?H?Y?'?@!!!! gling every day of to our very lives my life to dispel and beings and of those you Last year at least one other per- my own ignorant love and hold dear to you in son who was raped left campus. images of men and your hearts. So it is absolutely What is unjust about this pic- women that I have vital to do something. That we ture? Shouldn't it be the RAP- wrongly been use our voices! andDOSOME· THING. IST who leaves and deals with taught, to respect the consequences? The victim myself, and to deal Iwrote this letter the Saturday should not feel subtly forced to with the terror and morning of parent's weekend, go because of no support. She rage I feel about October 30, 1993, addressing it will already have to deal with rape. For the real with "Hello Family and Friends the emotional scars from being lips t~' II Ustel\ to .. message of this of students here,". I taped this raped for the rest of her exist- poster basically is whole letter on a brick wall in decker with a sign that said, ence. Shouldn't the college im- ""hed ...........1 "1 Gf ''.15 <-,.r·' "Please "Please Read and PLEASEdon'l 7 mediately reach out to support , '-'I~ bo » ~ 1. 1//1 come rape me so take this all down." Ihope, hope. ~ .-., r,;f.' her-the victim-so much so ihvl'lk. then you can blame hope that people did read it and that she feels she can stay if she me for it." actually heard what Iam saying. As wanted to because she would Get real. are asking if I signed it .~ people feel action was taken to stop tbis Contributed by Maura Ziolkowski Signed, man and to protect her? to be raped, despite Hopefully she was supported too many ways (and Ihave been don't appreciate a group of the rumor that a tank top means a woman who may be horrified by the college behind closed here 3 112 years), although they people, an organization, who, 'I want to be raped and groped.' and disappointed ... a woman doors. Perhaps it was kept quiet may even think they are help- througb group mentality, en- This is wrong. Another mes- who hopes she does not get raped because she asked it to be. ing, they (and we-for I rarely courages PIMPING and PROS- sage these posters send is nOI tonight ... a woman who hopes a do anything about it) just brush TITUTION. But what about a woman only that women only live to be fraternity or the deans won't zero wbo comes forward in protest stuff under the carpet. Having sex with made objects for men to play in on her for speaking out .. against an assault openly and I would say of lot of it is be- me ... (therefore). , .I get into a with, fondle, and put their penis but aiso a publicly? Susan Alvin did so cause as a business (which by fraternity or sorority. How into, but that women want to be woman who is enraged. . a this semester against being as- this fact alone hinders true sick and degrading! abused. Wrong again! woman with a voice ... and a saulted. She went through the learning-honest learning) the Aloog this same wonderful con- This is all so wrong and very woman who is ready to respect given system ... and nothing re- college feels a need to appease . messed up! And some of your herself and use it. . if not bow down to, .. any- ally became of it. She wasn't one with the big green paper $. even informed immediately and willingly of the decision of a We want to always fook good. hearing. Information was The college is not grudgingly given to her, it Perfect! It should be okay to sounds like. She wasn't al- challenge the greek system or lowed to hear some of the hear- anyone in it like Susan Alvin ing which involved the person does. Perhaps her case blew who was confronting her. In the over because a drastic investiga- rules it says she is allowed to. tion of greek life, whether or not But in fine print there is an ex- the whole fraternity was ception for WMC, Susan re- charged or not. would jeopar- ceived subtle hints throughout dize financial support given by this (and some not so subtle) to greek atumm. So what? Let's be proud of ourselves by doing NOT ROCK the BOAT. If you what we feel is right ... not be- do, "we'll belp you" but only by trying to settle the water as soon cause we're scared of what oth- as possible and NOT by facing ers might think! Let's not wait the issue, addressing it, and until someone is killed before changing (But BY being we look to say what should be uncritical of the college's inher- changed at WMC-like perhaps ent way of running things and the greek system. Yet rapes approaching certain issues.) I don't even motivate us!!! sincerely agree with and believe Speaking of fraternities and that deans and otbers involved sororities, do you realize that have good intentions and do your sons and daughters, sisters help in some ways. I know I and brothers, cousins and nieces have been listened to and helped and nephews are HAVING before. (Or maybe I was just SEX with each other IN OR- appeased) But I just see how in DER TO BE ACCEPTED?? I
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