Page 63 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 63
Heat From Page 7 sofa bed and other students wby are the fire alarms not stayed here without hot water. hooked up to Campus Safety? I What really frustrates me is that know tbey would probably re- this project was started this spond a lot faster and not have summer, when I was here for to depend on the RAs. This graduate classes. I understand summer, when I was in a dorm there must have been complica- with some Deaf students. some- tions, but surely the school one bad pulled an alarm. Some knew that there would be some Deaf were not awaken by the students on campus that needed Deaf fire alarms, the RA was to be relocated to a place with housed in another dorm (he did heat and hot water. I can not not even know there was an imagine what it would have alarm), and Campus Safety did been like if it had been cold. not know about the alarm. Does Thirdly, I understand that it take someone dying before gets done? WMC is trying to save money, something Maybe there is no one I hope Campus not! I do not blame but when it is 32 degrees in Sep- • tember Why was the heat on the to blame. if we spent less money and Safety. why was the heat not I take that back; on? maybe Friday before Fall Break; it was campus the beautifying I do not understand. warm. The safety, more on student then I be on when heat should it is cold, and off when it is warm. Thank you for taking time to In addition to all these griev- would say no one is to blame. ances, it took four work orders read about my concerns. I hope and a week and a half to get our I am around to see some good toilet fixed. changes, because right now I Lastly, this is a slightly dif- would not suggest anyone go ferent topic, but why do we have the WMC under these condi- a beautiful library with an aIarm tions. system that goes nowhere? And Sincerely, Margaret A Oehlers ~ ft ~ • HOUSE OF UQUORS Mental illness "Everything in Spirits, PLUS Courtesy & Service' has warning signs, too. CARROll PlAZA SHOI'PWG CftIIER, WESTIItISTER, II) M7 (Rt 1401rrd Englar Rd.) Withdrawal from social 848·1314 activities. could Excessive the anger. These be first Lotto & Lottery Headquarters warning Signs of a mental ANE _ & Sl'lRI7S' THE PERFECT GIFT FOR ALL
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