Page 64 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 64
Women's Basketball: Enthusiasm Unlimited from Linwood, MD; and By JAY HILBERT spmt,&iiror Shelley Smith, a 5-3 guard from Entering her 13th season as Taneytown, MD. With a expe- the Women's Basketball coach rienced squad though, playing for the Green Terrors. Becky time will be limited, but their Martin bas especially high contribution will be important. hopes for her 1993ยท94 squad. The Terrors main challeng- Last year, the Terrors went ers this year in the Centennial 9-15 overall, including a 4-6 will come from Franklin and record in the now defunct Marshall, who have four of their Middle Atlantic Conference. returning starters from last Last year's record does not con- year's team which produced a eem Martin. What she saw in 244 record. Also strong will be last year's team was a team Dickinson and Gettysburg, who ..that was going to gain experi- both have four starters return- ence. Last season was more of a ing, and like the Terrors gained building year, in which the team experience from a sub-.500 sea- benefited from," son. Entering the 93-94 cam- Despite a pre-season pick to paign, the Terrors have every- finsh last in the Centennial one back from the 92-93 cam- Western Division, Martin is not paign, which Junior Forward concerned. "It's less pressure to Andrea Romich feels "will be at the bottom of the pre-sea- make us a more experienced son polls. The pre-season polls squad." .- are no proof of how the season In addition to everyone re- is going to go." turning, the Terrors recruited Overall, Martin feels that this four highly touted freshman. team is going to be "very Heidi Snyder, a 6-4 center from enthusaisticandexciting to watch." Newport. PA; Sandi DeJager, a She admits that she has oot been 5-8 forward from Hancock, this excited about !be season since MN; Erin Murphey, 5-1 guard !be 20-5 campaign in 1988-89. Women's Basketball Fact Sheet bas career totals of 388 points, By JAY HILBERT points a game. "Christa bas a and 44 blocked SpD.uEJiw lotmorecomposureonthecouct 337 rebounds, Head Coach: Becky Martin this season," says Martin. shots. (Western Maryland, 1980) Key Newcomers: Overall Record: 134-135 (12 Forwards: Andrea Romich Heidi Snyder (Fr., 64, Cen- yrs., all at Western Maryland) (Jr., 5-9, Columbia, Md.) aver- aged 7.6 points a game to go ter, Newport, Pa.), Sandi Assistant Coach: Vince along with a 6.3 rebounding DeJager (Fr., 5-8 Forward, DePalrner(6thyr.) average. "Andrea has improved Hancock, Mn.), Erin Murphey Md.), Letterwinners Returning: 12 (6 both offensively and defen- (Fr., 5-1, Guard, Linwood Guarii, Smith Shelley (5-3, guards, 5 forwards, I center) sively over the past couple of Taneytown Md). Letterwmners Lost: 0 seasons" says Martin. Starters Returning: 5 (2 guards, .Krista Shaffer (Jr., 5-9, 2 forwards, 1 center) Corriganville, Md.)- secor.d on Outlook: Starters Lost: 0 the team in scoring at 12 points We could be looking at the 1992-93 Record: 9-15 overall, a game while leading the team sleeper team of the Centennial 4-6 MAC-Southwest in free-throws with a 73% aver- here. This team loses no one age. "Krista bas improved on and despite a sub- .500 season, REfURNING PLAYERS: her offensive game every year they did gain valuable experi- ence. It is safe to assume that Guards: she has been here," says Martin. Sue Head (Sr., 5-7, Denise Spangler (Jr., 5-10, with this much talent, so starting Westminster Md.) return for her Hanover Pa.) - whether starting job would be considered safe. to Look for Head and Spangler final year after a season in or coming off the bench, lead in the scoring and rebound- which she made the Middle At- Spangler's rebounding will be a ing categories sucessfully. Both lantic Conference All-Star team key factor in the Green Terror's these players must have and was selected team MVP. success this season. Led the sucessful seasons if the Terrors She led the team in scoring team in rebounds last year at 8.3 are going to catch anyone by (12.6 ppg. and assists (85). She per game, while finishing third surprise. Romich bas devel- is also 8th in school history in on the team in scoring at 9.2 oped into a solid player at both points (755) and assists (174), points a game. She is also tied ends, Shaffer continues to be a 10th in rebounds (355) and 11th for the top spot last year in solid all around player, and in steals (50). Coach Martin blocks with 21. Mose possesses the quickness feels that Head will have "less Center needed to make defenses com- pressure in running the offense Marie Pawlowski (Sr., 6-0 mit turnovers. Field Goal and and is one of our two main lead- Wiles-Barre, Pa.) has not Free Throw averages were a ersonthecourt." missed a game in her first three sore spot last year (FG 36% and ChrlstaMose(Jr.,54, seasons. Last year, she aver- Ff 63%) these numbers must aged 6.4 points a game along New Carro1ton, Md.) joins Head with a 6.1 rebounding average, improve. This is not a last place in the starting backcourt. Mose team by any stretch of the led the team last season in steals also tying Spangler for the lead imagination, a playoff berth for (50) and was second in assists in blocked shots with 21. Enter- this team is a real possibility. (77) while averaging over four ing this season, Pawlowski's ............... .-.-.-,';..
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