Page 60 - ThePhoenix1993-94
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"StarTrek Did Not End With the TV Series schools to teach Spanish By RANEE DEYO classes, S"'ffWriUt Looking back, she re- Imagine that 23 more vealed that her childhood Vulcans were added to the crew dream was always to be an of the Enterprise when a fatal astronomer. Even though she explosion on board killed off the uses two telescopes as a science department. Kirk's hobby today, her dislike of thinking, "Ob no!" andSpock is physics lab in the 1970s re- ill at ease because of his half- sulted in a double major of human insights. French and Spanish. For Jeanne McGrew, the ad- Building on the legacy of ventures in Star Trek did not parents who both graduated [",ppil" Married Childless Couple end with the series on televi- from WMC, McGrew credits sion. a lot of her growth to them. The 1976 WMC graduate of Westminster saw many new and Mildred M. McGrew taught vocal music for over 30 years vivid scenes and characters in at almost every elementary her mind's eye. "Spencek and school in Carroll County, and Sporknak have become like old John W. McGrew worked at friends of mine, I have trouble Teledyne Energy systems for thinking that they are not real," most of his career. McGrew said: In addition to what she These characters and more learned from her mother's are featured in her latest science musical instruction and a fiction publication, Pitchforks couple of decades singing and Pointed Ears, which was with her father in the Carroll printed this past May, The story County Choral Society, was preceded by her first book Jeanne McGrew says her par- in May 1992, Times Change: A ents taught her one of her fa- Lost in Space Star Trek Cross- vorite pastimes today-ball- over. room dancing-at age 7. "I wrote the novels first. With the start of the school then they sat." McGrew admit- year, McGrew's writing ca- +-- _ ted. But, when she learned that WMC Alumni Jeanne McGrew writes spin-offs or Star Trek. reer has been temporarily put "short stories are stepping on hold, But, anyone who is stones," the teacher wrote 21 of McGrew grinned, reliving the Despite the success, McGrew's interested in purchasing one SPRING BREAK them for eight different maga- moment,Ruff and Ready Press writing days are not her only live- of McGrew's books may send zines during her summer vaca- accepted her story for publica- lihood. For the past 15 years, she $8 c/OMichael Ruff, 110Ce- 7 Nights-from $299 Includes: Air, Hotel, Transfers, Parties and tions. tion, "I jumped up and down ..,1 has driven 40 miles daily between dar grove Dr., Rochester, NY Morel NASSAU· PARADISE "Inever forgot theday I first think I hugged everybody in New Windsor Middle, East 14617. ISLAND· CANCUN· JA- got a 'yes' from a publisher," sight that day," she said. Middle, and Northwest Middle MAICA· SAN mAN Organize a small group- Earn Pom-Pom Squad Prepares for Plnale FREE Trip plus commissions 1-800-GET-SUN-I FOR SALE By RANEE DEYO St4fWriu, time entertainment real crowd pleasers. Aside from the dances, Trent said, "We were looking to work more intensely as a squad." Though WMC's Green Terrors take a break for half-time, the action on the field never stops. It is not just the cheerlead- Hence, for the first time in about 30 years, they brought the pom- 1--:::;,~">.~,~~;;::o'~'i.".":V>O"?'1 pon squad back to campus extra early for practice. ers running on the field, clad in yellow and green skirts. Senior Mary Nicholson, who started her second year this sea- Enter: The 1993 WMC Porn-Porn Squad. On November 13, with their last routine of the season, the ~~~k~~~d~~!::~~~h~o~::!-;~ore than anything-to coming I----==::_--I group will be giving a performance that no one will want to miss. The distinct character and spirit of the music is what cap- The work didn't stop with the first week on the field. Practice had expanded this year in more ways than one, The times and days tain Tamitha Moore called "a real blast from the past." grew to 17 "It'll appeal to everyone," said junior Sally Hall. From tra- became longer. And, after try-outs, the membership ditional kick-lines to the toe-touch jump, the types of dances girls, have changed with each home game. The final routine tops "It was a lot more fun than I had ever anticipated," sa;djunior them all off, in Hall's opinion. "We'll probably even catch a Hydce Johnson, of her first year on the squad. finish their last season, with what is sure to be a As the seniors glimpse of people singing along, tapping their toes, and snap- "smash hit" on Saturday, they all wish luck to next year's squad. r--:::::-:-------1 ping their fingers!" she exclaimed. The diverse dance styles were created by the squad's cap- "We nope that they can have the same energy and relationship that tains Tamitha Moore and Jen Trent. Both seniors worked over we had this year," Trent said. the summer to choreograph routines, featuring a combination "When I come back next year to watch the football games, I NOW! of traditional poms and some funky new-age moves. And, know I'm going to really miss helping out on the field," said ENVELOPE STUFFING- $600· thanks to Rob Johnson, the music has featured a variety of Nicolson. $800 every week. Free Details, mixes for the past three games. Already, the girls are anticipating new and exciting routines for write to: Moore and Trent were determined to make this year's half- 1994. Intemationallnc 1375 Coney Island Ave. Brooklyn, New York 11230 FOUND: BOCKS FLORAL DESIGN CRUISE SHIP 10% Discount With CoUege Multi·speed bicycle, JOBS! IdentUication. behind Dr. Glick's Oiler expo u/~o/
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