Page 61 - ThePhoenix1993-94
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Dark of the Moon "Shadows" Stage Barbara, but he can not remain Bv MELISSA SLAUGHTER human unless Barbara is faithful C",uribotinsWri", to him for that year. Director Ira Picture an antiquefied, de- Domser, associate professor of crepit, rickety tabbacco bam that stands three stories high. theatre. describes the relation- It's moldy, crumbling, and ship between John and Barbara as being similar 10tbatof"a bird covered with mildew. On its who falls in love with a fish and right is an old wheel barrow they have no place to nest." and a late 1800's stove. On its Domser feels that the play is left is a large raised cross and pulpit This eerie scene will set a "celebration of life," but that it the stage for wnat me audience also, "comments on the dangers will encounter in attending the of isolationism." He also stated production of "Dark of the that "Dark of the Moon" is a Moon," to be performed by the dramatic work be has been fas- cinated with from the first time Western Maryland Theater de- hereadilltisalsoaproduction partment be bas been wanting to have "Dark of the Moon," is a folk musical which was written performed on campus for quite in the early forties, and first some time. "Dark of the Moon" was preformed on Broadway in which accentuates the joyful, 1945. It is based on the folk written by Howard Richardson cent rehearsals. Barbara's family. Ana Maria de sorrowful mo- and Junior Rios, song, "The Ballad of Barbara and William Berney. It is a pro- expressed actress Lynn Turner los Sara Lundberg, Rocbere Whitaker, mystical, in tbe play, Western and Turner play ments the concern that some Alien". The play itself re- duction that is not only eerie in its context, but also in its his- of the faculty and students may hauntingly sensuous witches. Maryland alumni R. Reid volves around the love of John, tory. is comparable to be discouraged from attending Actor Chris Patrick is Preacber Wrasse and Anthony Rosas It a witch boy, played by fresh- Shakespeare's Macbeth, in that the performance due to a Haggler, and Chester Stacy constructed the elaborate set. man Eric Lyga, for a human ccntrovercial it is, believed to be cursed by scene that has plays Marvin Hudges. Towns- Whether it be a religious re- girl, Barbara Allen, played by many people. It bas not been been considered to be people are played by Lisa vival, witch dance, or a horrify- junior, Jennifer Brown. In Of- uncommon for actors to die sacriligious by audiences in the Benecke, Jackie Brilliant, Amy ing sexual encounter, the play is der for John to persue Barbara onstage during preformances, past. Turner states that it Dreibelbis, Arnie Glasgow, certain to entertain and move its be must make a deal with backstage in the wings, or to in- "doesn't offend me because it is Brian Irons, Kevin Lundell, Su- audience. It will be preformed Conjur Woman and Conjur san on the upperstage of Alumni Man, played by junior Hope jure themselves during practice. art." Oxley, Paco Ruiz, and 12, 13, The cast of Western Maryland's Other members of the cast Kimberlee Schlauch. Theater on November Jordan and senior Todd Robb. 14,18,19,and20,at8:00pm. In this deal John is made hu- production has suffered some include Carleen Alves, Carl Bo Eckerd has orchestrated man for a yearfnorder tomarrv minor injuries itself during re- Downey, and Pat B3!l)' as the music of the performance! FalloutShelter Hers Alternatives for Students By DA YlD RADOSEVICH then hang it up," explained til everybody gets tired. "It's SOjffWri.. , not for everybody because it is Pelsinsky. They also have an In a quiet little corner on the attraction called "Give-a Book- so mellow and informal, but WMC campus, students hang Lend-a-Book", which is full of it's a good place to go and re- their artwork in a gallery, play magazines, books, cards, and lease some pressures," said their music live on stage, and games like Chinese checkers, Ridge Knauff, a sophomore recite their poetry in grand according to Pelsinsky. who has gone a few times. fashion. And what else does the in- In order to really experience The Fallout Shelter, located formal atmosphere of the Fall- the Fallout Shelter, regular pa- in the Daniel MacLea out Shelter offer? "Last year, trons urge that new people find clubroom, is a coffee house that for a one night appearance out about it by participating. offers an alternative social only, 'The Kill Boy Powder "You've got to see it, sense it, scene every Thursday and Fri- Head' band played to a sizable and smell it," explained Ed day night to the mainstream crowd," said Jered Ebenreck, a Navarre, a junior chemistry parties on campus. "It's a place junior philosophy major. The major. where students can go and band was made up of WMC Not only is the atmosphere share their artwork, music, po- . students, but is now defunct, an alternative to the main- etry, and thoughts," said Amy according to Ebenreck. stream, but so is the organiza- Pelsinsky, a senior English and Music isn't the only event tional structure of the coffee French major. "We just hang that adds to the atmosphere. house. "We wanted to set up out and welcome everybody "The first night someone read something that we believe in - who is interested." Dr. Seuss while standing on a without a hierarchy," said Patrons can buy coffee, table, and everybody lovcd it," Navarre. The Fallout Shelter is herbal tea, or bot chocolate for described Pelsinsky. It appears run completely by about 12 25 cents a cup, which is used to people are comfortable going regular patrons in a cooperative buy more coffee. "People en- to the coffee house. fashion. joy drinking coffee, singing Charlene Kinsey, advisor to "Hopefully this structure will songs, or contributing anything the FaJlout Shelter, remembers pull others in so that we have a they want," said Bekah singing "More Than Words" by broader base and get more diver- Velazquez, a freshman art his- Extreme last year in front of a sity," said Ebenreck. Most regu- tory major. She has contnb- sizable crowd. "I like it be- lars wish that a more diverse utcd some of her artwork to the cause it accepts everybody," group of people would show up. coffee house walls. said Kinsey. ""It's a place And what can students visit- The Fallout Shelter also pro- where individuals can gather to ing for the fust time expect? "I vides several other activities be individuals together." think a lot of people are going to for visitors. "We have tables Individuals have been at- drink a lot of coffee, get really with 'butcher paper' so people tending the Fallout Shelter, wired, and have a lot of fun," said can put graffiti all over it and which is open from 8 P.M. un- Navarre.
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