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a problem because faculty are older and dent relationship," said Shacm Spencer, more mature, so the students may a senior political science major. hesitant because they feel they may be A number of students either have not judged on the relationship," said Denise considered the issue or see no real need Linn, a senior sociology major. "But people are free to date whoever they "It's stupid for want as long as they don't affect the sys- faculty to date stu- this debate overthe consenting adult ver- tem," she added. sus the power imbalance. The Univer- Other students contend that the power dents, but you can't of Maryland at College Park policy imbalance is not reason enough to write states: "The element of power implicit in a policy outlawing faculty-student rela- outlaw stupidity." sexual relationships occurring in the su- tionships. "1 could potentially see a -Dr. Pam Regis, professor of pervisory context can diminish a problem with a power struggle, but 1feel subordinate's actual freedom of choice. that all adults should be able to handle English There is doubt whether any such rela- the situation. After alL, play is play, and Dr. Ira Zepp Is Concerned With The tionship can be truly consensual." work is work," said Zippy Mackie, a for a policy. "There shouldn't be a Power Imbalance In The Classroom In a report published by the Associa- sophomore physical education major. policy banning dating, but if a professor affairs, many of the graduate students tion of American Colleges, the Univer- However, the debate is equally strong does start dating a student, that student were my same age." This fact suggests sity of Iowa believes, "Amorous rela- on the other side. "1 think it is highly in- shouldn't be in the professor's class," there may be a gray area near where a tionships between faculty members and said Melanie Phipps, a sophomore phys- line needs to be drawn. students are wrong when the faculty "An outright tcs major. "An outright prohibition might be too member has a professional responsibility Some students do not think a policy is extreme. Although I think some type of for the student. Voluntary consent by the prohibition might necessary, but feel that the issue needs to policy would be wise, we have to main- student in such a relationship is suspect. be too extreme." be addressed. "It should be up to the dis- tain a professional relationship but not given the fundamentally asymmetric na- cretion and honor of the professors," said encroach on freedom of adult behavior," ture of the relationship." -Dr. Ethan Seidel, professor of Julie Simmons, a senior business and said Dr. Ethan Seidel, professor of eco- The American Psychological Asso- business and economics economics major. Heather Seal, a senior nomics and business and advisor to ciation has outlined in its ethical guide- sociology major, said, "It shouldn't be President Chambers. Freedom of choice lines this asymmetric nature by stating condoned, but it shouldn't be con- seems to be an important factor in this that as a counselor you cannot have dual appropriate because it may have an effect demned." debate. relationships with a client. "Education on the way that the professors or the stu- Some in the administration agree that A close look at freedom in these rela- could be considered a treatment. and psy- dents are perceived by members of both a policy may not be necessary. '"I would tionships may reveal different opinions. chologists can't date clients who they are the faculty and the student body," said prefer a statement of faculty consensus "The quality of responsibility and tree- treating," said Dr. Steve Colyer, profes- Shannon Wyble a sophomore history that says we see a problem with it anlt dom in a relationship is important. It's sor of psychology. However, he also major. that we don't condone it," said Coley. difficult for a woman to be free in a rela- explained, "But if that student isn't in Others believe a policy may help both "We should take an ethical stand rather tionship where there is a gradation of your class. it's not a dual relationship." faculty and students understand what is than creating a policy with bureaucracy." power," said Dr. Ira Zepp, professor of Some WMC students have noticed expected from them. "A policy could be Ethan Seidel believes that finding an religious studies. According to Zepp, the potential problems in such a relation- instituted to protect not only the school answer to the question will not be easy. there are three different intensity levels ship. "The power difference may cause and its integrity, but also the teacher-stu- See Dating Page 12 VIDEO WEST CARROLL PLAZA, RT 140 1/2 MILE FROM CAMPUS FREE MEMBERSHIP!!! 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