Page 27 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 27
1;,&Q"QJ:ialsix.L.etl,eESxZK L;;;wrWW:W§TPZJ0fW/W(VWZ4.WPY0. _wxtifj;W);:;g~~~~;;m;~~~~~e~ The Student -Teacher Dating Game sex scandals rocking our na- and students alike are presumed However, there are unique of interests. It is difficult, if not tion, and the attempts by stu- to be mature adults. and they are pressures and problems in- entirely impossible,to be objec- tive about the actions and work Imagine your professor has dents at the University of Vir- responsible for their personal volved in the teacher-student of someone with whom you arc just told you thal he/she needs to ginia and other universities to relationships, no matter who datingsituation that one should personally involved. Professors a col- that they are with. Adopting understand before crossing see you after class. You worry ban teacher-student dating, will revea1 their bias in different that you might have failed your perhaps we should ask our- lege policy which regulates or line. ways. They will be inclined to Allhougb may some students last test, or that you'll have tore- selves what if any policy even bans teacher-student dat- agree to go out with their teach- either pay additional attention 10 write your last paper. You dream WMC should have for teacher- ing is a waste of time, paper, and upal! kinds of horrible scenarios, student dating. A group of stu- ink. Teacher-student dating ers willingly, some may not. the student and give better grades to him/her, or they will but you never once entertain the dents at the University of Vir- happens, and no policy, no mat- Some students will feel as over compensate for their bias nonon that your professor wants ginia felt they needed a policy ter how well-intentioned. will though they have to say yes in by ignoring the student in class to ask you out on a date. When prohibiting teacher-student stop it from happening. A order to protect their grade or and grading his/her work more the feelings of the professor. you professor propositions you, dating, because of grading bi- policy will only add to the arti- dating Teacher-student you are stunned. You don't ases and the emotional distress ficial boundaries between stu- most always results in a conmct al- harshly. know what you want to say or of some students involved in dents and professors. what you should say? relationships with their teach- Now, imagine you are a pro- ers. fessor and one of your students While theconccmsofsome asks you out on a date. Again, no University of Virginia students matter what you decide, it won't are very real, some may argue be the right decision. In fact, that college students arc adults, there simply aren't any correct and are therefore capable of decisions. It's a no win situation. choosing who they do and do With the recent high school not want to date. Professors Sick Of Going To The Bathroom ••. And More Dear Editor, and say, "go to your room and HmIIL. .•Problem, Complaint, chew and pop all you want be- Question, Observation, Some- cause the smell of your Hubba- thing on my mind? Why yes, as Bubba, Bananarama, Juicy" a matter of fact, and no I don't Fruit bubbles are making me have p.lVi.s, and I didn't have a sick." So I'm doing laundry bad hair day, and I don't have a today-whaddaya know-the big zit on the end of my nose, but driers are broken, "out-of-or- I'm sick of going into the bath- der." Gee, I guess I'll go to room sliding from one side to Whiteford "and wasb them another, holding my nose, whiie there or maybe I' 11 wail So I brushing my teeth, while grip- wait and then I go down to do ping' the sink (covered in gross the laundry again but I have to Oodles of Noodles and what flip the switch, wby do I have looks like peas and carrots) so I to flip the switch, why can't don't skid half way across the they just WORK!?! Rip that bathroom, hit my head on the switch, I'll just go to the li- shower floor (which by the way brary-whoops it's closed has a wonderful, natural, bacte- again, so I' II just sit here and rial fungus, sponge- like appear- listen to that damn church bell ance, which would probably ding-dong every fifteen min- cushion the blow) so maybe my utes. So I'm in Decker trying head won't really crack open all to figure out what "race-up" the way and I'll just get a nice means so I can transfer money little concussion that I can show onto my new "card" when I re- to all of my friends while we alize the thing is broken again. smoke in a room with the door Anyway, I'll just go to Glar shut because the campus is not a and make sure I sit at the non- "smoke-free" area and if you claimed, politically correct have to kill yourself slowly. do it 'table and have some Italian in a room with the door shut and pizza from the "Italian line", "if you don't like it then get the because Italian people only eat hell out." Yeah-well what if I pizza you know. But Oh·well hate stepping in chewing gum all I should just shut-up and have the time and I can't stand it when an coke and a smile. the girl next to me pop-pop-pops Sincerely, away at her gum and I tum to her Janeen Emele What Have You Noticed? What Is On Your Mind? We Want To Know!!! So, Send A Letter TO l The Phoenix
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