Page 28 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 28
Mitch Alexander He's Got The Whole "Campus" In His Hands .: become involved. The most av HEATHER BAILV C"",,lb.'i"SWd,., successful activity he Mitch Alexander, director shared with the Phi Sigma of student activities, makes Sigma sorority was their Western Maryland College's Batman party in the fall of campus go round. '87. He said it made more Alexander is involved in money than it cost, and was all student activities in many great publicity for the so- different ways. Most of the rority. "No one was overly student group activities re- drunk, and I had fun," he Happily Married Childless quire his Signature. If there said with a smile. Couple Wishing to Adopt A is ever a contracting prob- Afro-American week White Infant. Willing To Pay Medical And Legal gxpenccs. lem, he fixes it. When was the best memory he bas Call collect: (202)244-2151 rooms in Decker Center are with the Black Student used, he is contacted first. If Union. He said, "It gave GREEKS &CLUBS an activity is held in Decker, me a positive sense of hope Alexander is in charge of and regard to the college." RaiseUpTo r.ocore Just One setting up, room scheduling, Alexander is greatly in- Weeki for your fraternity. and food and alcohol, if volved in CAPBoard activi- sorority & clubs. Plus$l,
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