Page 29 - ThePhoenix1993-94
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It's Not Just An Adventure White Water Rafting By ROB MAGEE SoJdWn'", When homework has brought you down and you have a huge test on Tuesday, what could be so great about a Saturday class? Well not much unless you happened to be in Military Science 101 and White Water Rafting was your class for a day. ' On the rainy weekend of September 25 cadets from the ROTC department went to beautiful Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania for a day of white water rafting. . Senior business major Mati Butcher said "It's a good time for everyone who went. It wasn't train- ing bul more a social event." John Gazzelli, a senior history major, commented on the relaxed nature of the trip. "It was loads of fun because we got to soak the instructors during the water battles." The pleasure of the trip was enhanced by the wonderful weather. Some cadets joked that they got less wet on their trip than {hose at (he football game. The trip was planned to show freshman students that ROTC is an exciting, fun-filled organization. Many of them learned this through the many water battles in which they engaged. The ROTC depart- ment wants students to know that ROTC isn't all about running in the woods and that mere are many exciting and worthwhile events that take place in the program. Students are encouraged to try new things that the College cannot always offer. Senior Matt Butcher also added that "everyone who went on the trip had a great time and is excited about next year's trip." $$$ For Next To Nothing $$$ By JULIE SIMl'vIONS $4 at the door). Finally, to end the month C... lri/>"d.,Wn·", Everyone loves great mov- with a spooky twist, the tradi- CAPBoard (College Activi- ies! Look for a film survey to tional HalioweenSpiritWeekis ties Programming Board) .. .n's help our Films Committee pick happening again with some new where the fun begins! The outsomegreatflicks. Amovie, events. On October 28, aMur- month of October is no excep- slill to be decided, will be spon- der Mystery will be occurring at uon; fun activities pack the cal- sored on October 13 at 7pm in Spm in the Forum. Come, endar. Kicking off the month is the Pub-Free! mingle, win prizes and try to the Jeff Marder Comedy Con- On October 20th, a Pub figure out who done it! The cert on October S. Appropri- Night will exhibit all ofWMC's next night, the movie Death Be- ately for Homecoming, the frnest student talent Starting at comes Her uses slapstick silli- opening act will be some WMC 8:30pm, look for your friends to ness in a ghoulish way in alumni-a musical duo called shine! Decker Auditorium at 7 and 1.T.andMike. JeffMarderisa The Performing Arts com- 9:30pm. great comedianwshTvcredene mittee is sponsoring a dinner Read all of the CAPBoard uajs under his bell Tickets are theatre, "Star-Spangled Girl" at posters and WMC This Week available at the College Activi- 8pm on October 22. Watch for (available at the Info Desk) to ties Office in advance ($3 for all the details on posters hang- find out where the fun begins one ticket, $5 for two tickets or ing around the campus. with CAPBoard this month. Smith "House of Horrors" October 28th Come see the women who haunt the halls of Smith House on Thursday, October 28 from II AM to 1:30 PM. Anyone who dares to enter the portals of Smith House will be eligible to enter a contest for fabulous (okay, really nice) prizes sponsored by the Offices of Counseling, Career, and Student Health Services. Brave souls with a craving for Holloween goodies can get re- freshments and special treat bags. Free information about Smith House services will be available as you wind your way through the perilous halls and offices. STUDY WHILE WORKING! PERFECT STUDY OPPORTUNITY! ! \ 'AHLUlit !:.AU< 'l\iashingt01 Nd at UE€I1 ~t. Babysit infant in our lovely private home A1LN]\j!! v\€s1rrins1er near WMC 3-4 12 hour days/weeks - some weekends in- cluded. Full use of our study and computer while sitting. This opportunity would begin in the middle of November! CompatlblNfy ro: WordPerfect 5.1 Can work out details/ Convenient to your schedule. Mi{::rosoft Word Wfndows As an option, every weekend plus one or two days an week. PART-TIME Babysitting also needed. Stacy Orndorff MUST BE RESPONSABLE, LOVING AND RELIABLE. 4'0-857-4064 PLEASE CALL Reasonable Rates KARIN at 857-1937 Delivery AvailablO
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