Page 22 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 22
S.G.A. Is Ready to Work With Students has bigh bopes for the upcoming year. "I long. According to Furlong, programs as effective as our student population thinkas long' as we have student support, wants us to be; if they do nOl seek us out such as an S.G.A. column in The Phoe- we can prove that we are not a lackluster Although Lee Harget, the president- to belp, there is little we can do for their nix and more open forum meetings will organization," said Long. elect of the Student Government Assem- problems," said ReddeJ. be used in order to provide a better rela- "The year is young, the members of bly, did not return to W M.e. this fall, his "We want to be more of a voice on tionShip between the members of S.GA the S.G.A. are fresh; it is now a time to successor and the other members of the campus; we want people to know that we and the students that elected them. prove that tbe S.G.A. can be a significant S.GA have good aspirations for tile up- are here and are here to help," said Fur- Cooper Long, treasurer of the S.G.A., asset to the student body," said Reddel. coming school year. Replacing Harget as the president is Drew Reddel, the former vice-president Campus 9f.l.4'}3·4AM, theradioantennaontheCS **Acddents- of the organization. The vacancy left at vehica1 was vandalized in front of Blanche 911m3 - 5:30 PM, CS assisted a student with a burned finger. the position of vice-president was filled Safety Ward Hall. 9/19193 -12:35PM,astudentwasassisted by Senior class president, Mark: Furlong. 912493 - it was reported that an off campus in Whitefmi with flue-like symptoms. Furlong will hold both the position of business waS receiving harassing phone 9(21193-6:50PM,astudentwithsevcreab- Senior class president and vice-president Blotter calls made frml a pbore on campus. dcminal pain and possible intemal bleeding of the S.GA this year. 9124193 - between 7:35 AM and 5 PM, was assisted by CS EMT's in Daniel Already the S.G.A. bas begun to re- By ANNEUSESULuvAN scnecoecoered Big Baker withoutautho- MocLca spond-to the needs of the students. Stu- 5IqfW'; .. , rization. 9f23193 • 1:13 PM, an employee cut his dents have sought the aid of the S.GA All this informatioo printed in this col- 9/2493 - 11:24 PM,analoobol violation in dent on the soccer field was treated with a to increase the hours of operation of the umn is supplied by Campus Safety unless aclutroooa party in ANW. neekinjurybyDrWellivcrandCSEMT's. library. The S.G.A. is currently attempt- otherwise noted. 9(25f}3 - 12:29 AM, An alcohol violation Ste was transported by ambulance to ing to have the hours of operation on **Crimes- in a clubroom party in ANW. Sarurday extended. This matter will be 911m3 - 12:41 AM, there was an alcohol 9/'lJ5F}3-5:21 AM,anofficerobservedthat Carrol County Oereral Hospital. voted on in the next few weeks. It is violation in Rouzer Hall the window screen in the front lobby of 9(25193-4:53 PM,aslildent with a severe and rose bleed was assisted by CS EMrs through this type of input by the students 9115193 - 12:55 AM, vardalism was re- Blanche bad been tom. was transported by ambulance toCCG. that the S.G.A. can completely fulfill its ported at the gazebo. The stOOen.twoo did it 9~3· 6JOPM,astudentreponedbcing 9(27/93 -4:22PM,CS EMTstreatedasru- duties as a liaison between the students was identified threateoedinANW. dent f(X"seizure at the Garden Apartments. 9(27/93 - 11:20 AM, a false nre alarmoc- and the administration. "We can only be 9/15J93-1l:32PM, There was suOOtanIiai 9(29/93 - 6: 10 PM, CS EMTs evaluaeda vandalism damage reported on the fO\D1h curredinANW. student with trouble breathing. Sne was Violence flOCl" of the North wing ofRouzet. 9f28fJ3 - 12:39 AM, there were barassing \trnnsportcd to Smith Heese frcm ANW, From Page 1 9/19..9:'\ - 12:51 AM, Campus Safety re- paooe calls 10"""",", Safety. 9Tl9193 * IIPM,CSre:stX>fldedtoastudent sponced to an assault and oottery in the 9/3003 - 1:30AM, there wasdesbUCtion of portedthislbreat.toCampusSafety. How- pup:::rtyatANW. wilh~~~ breathing at ANW. Sbe: was ever, the Sig Ep denies having said it, ac- rouzer{micingiOL 9.f3(Y.J3-2AM, asadeurecervedabaass- trnnsponeo by embclence to CCG. cording to Alvin, and she has no witnesses. 9!20f)3 - 8:19PM, a student rq:oted being ingphooeaill. - Remember, be,don't be sorry. verballytbreateIx:d in the dining haiL BoIh Campus Safety and F_ Lamas, associatedirecrorofStudcntAffairs,baveoo comment. 1bey couldn't say anything even if they wanted to, accoo:ling to Lamas, be- cause the Iawdoes not allow it On Tuesday, September 21, sene of Alvin's friendsjoired her at tile Sigma Phi Epsilon table- treakfast, lunch, and dinner. However, it wasn't unnl Wednesday, Sep- tember 22,!hat!he wboe table filled up ex- cept for five seats, at.cording to Alvin. This occurred after many had seen oranges thrown at Alvin and two of her friends by at least five unidentified {X.'OP1e00 tile way to dinner. "Iguess!heyknowwbattimeleat now," Alvin stated. Afterdinner,Alvinsaid she reported the incident to Campus Safety. WedoesdaynigbtwasthelastnightAivin satal the Sigma Phi Epsilon table. Afterlhe table had almost comple!ely filled up at din- ner thai. night. she feltshe had "acronptisbed. a major goal," explained Alvin. It proved that "you can't just push{X.'OPlearoundand fraternity'S revoked. she would just chapter that other people feel the same way 100," tion thai some unidaltifIedmen with lacrosse joined Alvin at the Sigma Phi Epsilon table like the individuals involved punished. "I to see Alvin said Earlier in the week while sitting sticks reat on the door. "They threw their foc a few meals. "You're supposed at the table, Alvin said she was appalled be- txxIies up against the door (00," said Alvin, stuff like this happening in high school, not don'tthinkit''skey[.X':qlle in the fraternity," she said. "Some of them cause of the way some members of the fra- "and thcy said things like 'we know you're oollege." The communications major said are nice to me outside the group." One even !emity "barked aOO threw food at women." in there.'" she was "'shocked when her Orientation She wondered, "why doesn't anyone stop It took 12 minutes and two phone calls Leader, at !he beginning of the semester, saidtoher, "you haveonc h*1 ofa set of steel themT' before Campus Safety arrived. accoo:ting 10 started pointing oot all lheplacesin tbecaf- OOlls,"andsheresponded, "no,lhaveoneh*1 On Thursday, Septemrer 23, Alvin reaI- Alvin. When they did arrive, the men hid, eleriayoucan'tsit" Hrybyk'smotrer,upset of a set of ovaries," Alvin stated. Alvin says. however, sbc thinks fra!emi- i7.ed the oonflict was not over when her and Campus Safety did not catch anyo~, but by the problems. said she was going to start ties get away with more than everybody el<;e. friends door on the fourth floor of Blanche they escorted her h(l1le, according to Alvin. writing letters if oothing was done alxJut this She wanl'> to communicate the message that Ward Hall was beaten with lacrosse sticks Alvin says she does not feel Campus by the OOministration, aoconling to Hrybyk. "fraternitiesarenotspccial." She says she is while she was visiting him. Twenty minutes Safety and the administration arc taking her WhatwooidAivinliketoseehappcn? "I thinking aOOut organizing studenlS and fac- earlier, she had gone to the third floor to go to seriously. "They are not taking the right wooidliketoseethemenwholhrewOOlOges u1tyinthefuturetotalka1::ootherexperiences the balhroom. 1llere was a party on the floor, measures. AllhoughtheyareJringrucc.they at me caught and have their graduation privi- and "let people know that fraternities arc not andshernnL'ltothe~SigEpwhosbehad are nOl realizing that 1could be in hann or in legesrevoked,"shcsaid. "I know the admin- above the law." threatened her at the table. He;Need her if danger," she explained. "Jftheyhadbroken istratioowouldn'texpelthem,"shesaid, "be- ''This situatioo is a double-edged swmi," she had pressed sexual!was.<;ment charges in, anything could have happened 10 me. causetheywilJ be thebackboneofthe alumni explained Todd Robinsoo, a senior Theatre against him, according to Alvin. Alvin re· Thesearen'tkindergartencrs. theyaremen." one day, and expelling them would lose the S(Xlnded by saying that ~hc hal moo a ron- AI Frostburg last year, a girl was beaten up oollege money." Scme oolleges would ex- arts majorwhojoinedAivinat the Sigma Phi Epsiloo table for a fcw meals. "I don't have plaint against him about hL~threat and thai byafratemity,accordingtoAlvin. However, pel individuals for any act of violence, ac- animosity but I for the brothers as a whole, things had gone too far when oranges were Alvin saysshcdoesfeel the faculty andmany oording to Alvin, such as Earlham College think tre group should be responsible f(X"all lM:Jwnather. He answered, "ldofI't care if of the students arc behind 00. which is a non-violent school and bas no fra- of its members and that is one thing that 1 you get shot in your f**king head;" accord- "We were all really outtaged." said Anna temitiesorsports. don't see happening." ing to Alvin. It was following thisoonversa- Hrybyk, a sophomore transfer student who Alvin said she does not want the
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