Page 25 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 25
greek men, independent men, women, and coed. In the past, there were men, women, and It's a cold and windy dark coed leagues. It is unnecessary October night. Grab those mit- Come on and damaging to the cohesion tens, scarfs, and night vision of tbe campus community 10 goggles because it's lime to play YOu.' Ve o.lwo,ys enjo'led make separate leagues for WMC four on four outdoor intra- greek and independent men. mural volleyball! Most people I""l Volleybo.ll 1'! Such a distinction is ridicu- wear sunglasses when they play' lous, and need not be made for volleyball, but here at WMC we the purposes of intramural like to encourage alternative ex- competition. periences. If outdoor volleyball Despite all of the planning, isn't your forte, then you can try hard work, and dedication that your hand at innertube water went into improving the intra- polo, horseshoes, bocce, weight mural program, it does not ap- lifting, floor hockey, or swim- pear that the program will be mingrelays. any better than it was before. Thanks 10 the Intramural Di- Instead of introducing addi- rector, Keith Reitenbach, we now tional sports and contrived have more intramural sports to competition structures, Mr. choose from and participate in. Reitenbach should have con- Given the shortcomings of the centrated on making the old intramural program last year, Mr. program run better Reitenbach's efforts to improve the program should be ap- plauded. Phoenix Staff Last year, Mr. Reitenbach was unable to plan game schedules Editor-in Chier for both volleyball and softball Rebecca Kane '94 that did not conflict. In addition Managing Editor 10 scheduling conflicts, he could S.A. Sommer '95 not seem to provide the necessary Business Manager equipment Students were ex- Arman Latif '96 pected to play softball without Advertising Manager bases, hats, balls, and catching Sue Farrell '94 equipment. Having the games News Editor officiated was definitely out of Downs '94 Karen the question. Since Mr. Commentary £dUol' Reuenbach could not effectively manage the details of the pro- Greta Powell '94 gram last year, it will certainly be 'On the Hill' Editors difficult for him to manage a pro- Jenny Daino '95 gram that now boasts ten intra- Kristin Vick '95 mural sports a semester. Sports Editor Although the expansion and Jay Hilben '95 reorganization of the intramural Cartoon By Beth Daigle Layout Editor program is well intentioned, Jodi Harman '95 some 'of tbe aspects of the new be, without a doubt, games we play in the dark? Frankly, night games will have to played Photography Editor program are questionable. Vol- cancelled and rescheduled due most students do not have in the dark, since it is unlikely TBA leyball, the most popular intra- to rain and other inclement enough free time during the day that Mr. Reitenbach will be pro- Copy Editor :u:!~::o~~~~~;~c~t: =~;~ld :~~eo~::v~~~~ ~~=u~~e t:~!~:~~":::~Vid:~ga::i~;~~'the problems Lisa Hill '97 Business Starr cdec to make intramural volley- if Mr. Reitenbach had left well have almost always been scbed- with VOlleyball, Mr. Reitenbach Karen Beamer '96 bail an outdoor affair during the enough alone and kept intra- uled at night so' that people thas created problems by tnrro- month of October. While August mural volleyball indoors. could field teams and actually ducing specific leagues in the Layout Starr is a great month for outdoor vet- Is Mr. Reitenbach suggest- have their team members be divisional competition struc- Lisa Benecke '96 leyball, October is just a bit too Ing that we make time in be- present at games. Yet, with the .ture. Mr. Reitenbachdecidedto Randy Rytter '97 nippy. Furthermore, there will tween classes to play, or that advent of outdoor volleyball, create the following leagues: Rick Tarr '97 It's A Matter Of Manners Photography Berlingo '96 Starr Chiara Aden Moges'97 trick to fall for. It's not always that. Each one of us wants to be troductory scenario: av CARLEEN ALVES Rick Rodriquez'97 SIry_211S7 chili, so this would be an easy no one reading this would do
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