Page 21 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 21
THE PHOENIX Western Maryland College Should Faculty Be Allowed To Date Students By DAVID RAOOSEVICII onstrate respect for students as individu- s"lC'Wri«, als and adhere to their proper roles as in- Can you imagine dating your teacher tellectual guides and counselors ... They one night and walking into his/her class- avoid any exploitation, harassment, or room to take a test tbe next day? discriminatory treatment of students." Over [DO colleges and universities Those who favor a policy to ban fac- across the country now have a formal ulty-student relationships point to the im- policy banning faculty-student romantic balance of power between faculty mem- relationships, according to an NBC bers and students. "I think every college "Dateline" report in May. The contro- should, have a fonnal statement of their versy bas been fueled by publicity at in- policy because r don't believe that these stitutions such as the University of Vir- relationships are educationally sound It ginia, where such a policy has recently violates the professional standard and been adopted. The issue bas sparked does not promote the environment that opinions on both sides of the question we, or any other college wants to have," on campuses from Maine to California. said Karen Noll Arnie, director of career At WMC, there is no policy, but ac- advising at WMC. cording to the Student Guide and Advocates of a policy contend that stu- Datebook, there is a sexual harassment dents should expect faculty to uphold pro- policy that says: "Western Maryland fessional standards. "Faculty are older College expects that individuals will re- and do not have the academic and social spect the rights of others. Members of vulnerability of a student. The student "tbe college community must be free has everything to lose and the professor from harassment or degrading conduct." has everything to win," said Dr. Jane be compromised by a romantic r6ation- if a faculty member dates someone in The question is whether the sexual ha- DeGroot, professor of communication. Ship." their class, they run the riskofendanger- rassment policy is enough to cover fac- But isn't the imbalance of power argu- However, what if the student involved ing the balance of power in the relation- ulty-student relationships. mentat odds with the fact that college stu- in the relationship is not in the ship," she added. dents over 18 are consenting adults? professor's class? "Dating is a private Dr. Joan Coley, dean of the faculty, The Faculty Handbook also has a Arnie agrees with DeGroot by saying, who to date is policy on sexual harassment as well as a "There is an inherent power difference matter, and telling people a student is like explained, "The easiest thing would be to dating create a policy, but there are so many ex- A faculty wrong. statement of professional ethics. The because a professor is a resource person, any other relationship," said Dr, Pam ceptions. While I was clean of graduate ethical statement says: "Protessorsdem- an evaluator, an educator, and this can all Regis. professor of English. "However, Insults Turn To Violence the beginning, when they continued on fri- REBECCA KANE AND MARK GEARY £tji'()r-;"-cl>i
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