Page 19 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 19
Terrors Victory For Keating Debut to run alot more in the second By JAY HILBERT Sport,£Qj'()f" half, but when they started key- The Western Maryland ing in on Rob (Johnson), we had Green Terrors started the Tim to go back to the air attack. Keating era off on a successful The first scoring drive saw note, by defeating the Juniata Van Deusen start at the Juniata College Indians 16-14. Western 49 and drive the Terrors down Maryland took command early the field, completing 4 out of 5 with a 16-0 lead going into the passes for 39 yards. The drive half, and were able to hold off a ~~~gl~~~~e:~~~~:i~~kl~I'....;.. .... .&,.~:T, late Juniata rally for the win. Terror Quarterback Brian Van Dung Dinh nailed a 27- yard Deusen was 19 of 34 passing for fteldgoal at the 8:16markofthe 207 yards and threw for a first period to give the Green touchdown. Alan Pietkiewicz Terrors a 3-0 lead. was the Terror receiving star by Later in the first quarter, tbe catching seven passes for 110 Terrors got a big break. Juniata yards and a touchdown. Par- retumman Mike Hoff fumbled ticularly absent from the game' Paul McCord's punt, which was the running attack, which then was recovered by Terror gained only 34 yards on the long-snapper Colin Clark to ground. According to Van give the Terrors the ball on the Juniata 33. The Terrors wasted Deusen, "we wanted to estab- no lime. scoring on a 33-yard ii.."""...."""'~_;;.1!"" lish the pass quickly into the game, not only to gain an early touchdown from Van Deusen to advantage, but give the offense Pietkiewicz to put the Terrors a confidence boost. We wanted up 9-0. Dinh's extra point was blocked, holding the lead The offense debuted their at 9-0. n~ run and shoot offense, After an unsuccessful wrucb proved in the first half to drive by Juniata, the Ter- be the spark in opening up the rors, benefactors of poor early lead. Pietkiewicz feels Juniata punting, received that "it makes us more versatile the ball again in Juniata and eliminates the one-dimen- territory. The drive was sionality that the offense has in trouble, when after been accused of in the pastt Van Deusen completed a The defense also debuted a new 21-yard strike to Keith set. Gone is the old 5-2 set, Abel, Abel had the ball which is replaced by a standard jarred loose. Terror 4-3. Senior DT Rob Rimmel freshman wide receiver and Senior LB Dennis Walker Carmen Feldus promptly both enjoy the new defensive trounced on the ball to set. Both agree that "it makes save the Terror drive. On us a better defense, with a lot the next play Van Deusen more movement, and that it has ran 18 yards for a touch- also made us more aggressive." down. Dinh's extra point There were Terrors positives made in 16-0. to the game. The passing of Van Juniata [mall y cracked Deusen overall was very effi- the scoring column on a cient. Alan Ptetkiewicz's 12 play 69 yard drive proved to be a valuable go-to ,,=============================0=]1 with 4:42 left in the sec- guy for Van Deusen. Paul punting was highly McCord's had Juniata ond quarter, HOUSE OF UQUORS impressive, one of which was a ~i~;,;~~~lead to within 58-yarder. The defense, which - "Eve.rything in Spirits, PLUS Courtesy & Service- The third quarter despite giving up 292 total CARROLL-PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER;WESTUflSTER, til 21157 would see both teams yards, gave up only 14 points ( (Rt 140 and Englar AdT play stagnant football the the most unportant stausuc), in- 848.1314 entire quarter. Halfway cluding stopping several impor- tant Juniatadrives, the Terrorde- Lotto & Lottery Headquarters ~:~~~~~i::~:~h o~u~~ fense rised up and nailed several RNE WINE & SPIRITS· THEPERFECT GIFT FOR ALL OCCASIOOS play 80 yard drive !.hat Juniata drives shut. CHECK OUR LOW PRICES! took only 2:55 off the However, the Terrors still Milwaukee's Best . . $7.99/case clock and with 5:00 to go have (0 improve if they want to Stroh's (Reg. and Lt.).... ...$10.99130 pack in the game, Juniata had win the Centennial Conference Miller (Reg. only) $9.99/case cans closed the lead to within in their debut year. Teams like Dickinson, and RikaloffVodka(1.75Itr.) . . $7.99IboUJe 2 at 16-14. Juniata had Johns Hopkins, are all ready to give but stalled Gettysburg Malt Liquor... Mickey's $O.99/quart one last drive r------, r------, good while supplies last!· at their own 38 and the the Green Terrors a fight for the • All prices r S;;-h"iefe7-'1 title. can out the clock Terrors l : 10% Off: INatural Light 1 : 1 (Reg. andLt.) 1 : $8.99 1 Any purchase 1 1 1 : $6.99 : 1 Excluding sale 1 1 items and tobacco 1 1 case cans 1 1 case cans 1 1 L products 1 .J 1 with clupon .J 1 I. L!.I~~~~_.J 1 L
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