Page 157 - ThePhoenix1993-94
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three-run horner, but overall no By JAY HILBERT SpoJr,EdiIm singles in the nightcap, while to chase D' Angelo and make The Green Terrors are back complaints. Matt Marchese and St. Mary's juniors Gordon fanning six and walking two in the score 6-2. The second at .500 again after being .swept Brett Kehler both took over for Hawley and Michael Lerner a 5-1 win in tbe nightcap. The game saw another frosh Byron by St. Mary's of Maryland last the frosh in the twin bill and fired complete game victories lone run came on sophomore Druzgal pitch well until weekend. pitch impressive. Expect Clay to lead the Seahawks (7-9) to a Brian Van Deusen's single that Seabawk Thorn Rafferty con- Offensively. the team fell nat McAllister and Brian Van non-conference doubleheader scored junior Will Godfrey. nected on a three-run homer in both games- no more to say. Deusen to see some action sweep of Western Maryland For the Green Terror, fresh- that broke out the lead to 4-1. 00 the pitching front, fresh- soon. (4-4) Saturday at Terror Field. man Tim D' Angelo started the This doubleheader saw the man Tim D'Angelo and Byron Despite great pitching by S1. Hawley allowed just seven opener. D'Angelo was at times 1994 debut of veteran pitchers Druzgal have pitched decent, Mary's, Western Maryland hits, struck out ten and walked sporadic with his pitches. The Matt Marchese and Brett but D'Angelo's problem has needs to do a better job creating none in the Seabawks 7-2 First one time he was in control of his Kehler, who both saw time re- been control and giving up runs. The excuse of great pitch- game victory. Lerner limited pitches, Seahawk Brian lieving the freshman. game-breaking plays. Druzgal ing by the opposition can not be the Green Terrors to three Mummert hit a two-run homer had a good outing ruined by one an excuse the whole season. Alexander Places 14th At NCAA Division illChampionships Western Maryland College's Alexander also placed 25th in the consolation after posting the Karen Alexander placed 14th in the 200- yard butterfly and 33rd. 15th-fastest time in the morning the 400- yard individual medley in the 2OO-yard individual med- trials at 4:45.59. Last season, at the NCAA Division III ley. the sophomore Alexander women's swimming champion- In the 400 individual medley, placed 12th in tbe400individual ships held Thursday March 10 Alexander posted ber fastest time medley at the Division III meet. thru Saturday March 12 at Wil- of the year at4 minutes and44.11 In the 200-yard butterfly, liams College in Williamstown, seconds in the consolation final Alexander finished with a time Massachusetts. Fridayevening. Sbe advancedto of2: 16.98 good enough for 25th place. Her time was well offtbe Van Deusen Named school recordof2: 12.34, she es- tablished earlier this season. The 200 individual medley Centennial Conference gave Alexander ber lowest placement in the tournament. Alexander posted her fastest .Player-of-the- Week time of the year inthe event, fin- That was Isbing in 2:15.71. good for only 33m place, with only the top 16 times advancing Western Maryland Col- Perhaps the biggest high- to the finals. lege first baseman and light of Van Deusen's week: The championships brought ~an Van Deusen was the unassisted triple Western Maryland's winter sea- was named Centennial Con- play he turned in the season son to its conclusion. ference Player-of-the-Week opener against Rutgers- lnfomwtion provided by Sports In- for games played from the Newark University. With formation beginning of the season runners at first and second, through March 20. first baseman Van Deusen Van Deusen went five- caught a line drive, touched for-eight with Iivc runs first for the second out, and Sports scored, four walks, and two ran to second base before runs batted in during West- the runner occupying it ern Maryland's six games could return. It is believed Writers in Cocoa, Fla. Thc Green to be the first unassisted Terror sophomore also triple play in Western Mary- earned a pitching victory land history. Needed witb 3 2/3 innings of no- run, two-hit relief work ver- Information provided by Sports sus Clark University. information Sports Trivia Contest Update Due to some errors in the questioning of some mvtaquesdons, yours truly is revising some questions 10 make the answers close-ended and easier. We have added five more questions. TIle new deadline is April 5th, and the winner will still appear in the Apr. 14th issue. Sorry fc- the error, but bey it is not costing yOU anythingtomter. Questioos 1,2,4,5,6,8,IO,II,12,13,14,and 15 will stay the same 3. What was imp::lrtant ebout the final score in the 1f179NFC Championship Game? 7. Who were the three teams to win the NCAA Men's Divisioo I ToumamcotCrom 1964-1975? 9. What two teams were involved in the highest scoring NCAA Men's Division I Tournament game in histay? . Some additional questions 16. The NCAA first reidue women'a toumamentin 1982? Wbatorganizatioo reid thc wccen's toorna- ment before the NCAA took over? . 17. What WOOWl bas won the New York City JvIarathon the most? 18. What WOOWl bas won the most world figure skating championships? 19. In 1973, wtat sport badtheBattleofk Sexes? Who won? 20. Name three out of the four townaments that make up the LKiA Grand Slam?
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