Page 106 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 106
Ice Hockey May Return To WMC Club Line-up -- By JAYHILBEIlT went through the proper av- still possible against the Genysburg Bullets "B" team. One day in October, during a enues of getting the club sanc- Associate Atbletic Director So far, up to this point, tioned. intramural floor hockey game, a Disharoon feels that after meet- Carol Fritz is keeping an "open couple of players came up to ing with Dr. Carpenter (Ath- mind" about the club. "We still Eric Disharoon and asked if the letic Director) and Mitch have to explore a couple things. school had a ice hockey pro- Alexander (Director of College Hockey is a "Top Collision" gram. Disharoon told the indi- Activities) that "things are so sport where insurance is pretty viduals that the school indeed far so good up to this point" high. We still have to look at had a ice hockey club until four The dislribution of players, the legal liabilities, and the cost years ago. Later, more indi- according to Disharoon so far, to the student-athlete," says viduals asked the same ques- have been "large in the fresh- Fritz. tion, and as a result, Disharoon man ranks." According to If tbe club is approved for started IOputoutflyers for inter- Disharoon, the distribution is insurance by USA Hockey, then est in resurrecting the club. four seniors, three juniors, one the Athletic Council votes on Now all that stands in tbe sophomore, and eight fresh- the approval of ice hockey as way of baving the ice hockey man. club on campus. The club club returned is the insurance "Money is not a concern," would start official play next question -Will the insurance says Disharoon, who sees the season in the Mason-Dixon liabilities be too great for the players paying about $400 dol- League. "We would be aproba- school and the club to handle? lars each, which according to ttonary team, playing 12 of the After initial questions by him is average, if not cheap. 20 teams in the league," says floor hockey players and the So far, the club bas not Disharoon. sending out of flier 16 players started practice yet. though If anyone is interested in showed interest in playing. discussions are still imminent playing ice hockey, contact Eric Next Disharoon, the club's ad- with Northwest Arena. on Falls Disharoon at 848-4022. visor for the next three years, Rd. A Feb. 13 scrimmage is Eric Disharoon will head the new ice hockey club at WMC. Dickinson Red Devils Defeat Western MarylandTerrors 72-63 By JAY HILBERT would cut the Red Devil lead 7-11 shooting, kept the to one at 47-46, then after a $po",U_ Terror's in the game Despite coming back from Tony Jenkins hoop closed the - The eight minute span in two deficits of 13 points and at deficit to 52-48, the offensive the second half wbere the one time holding the second troubles began. Terrors made 2FG's half, the Green Terror offense A quick 8-0 run by the - Rolando Welch played self-destructed as they scored Devils in a two minute span, tbe entire 40 mintues, look- only five points in aeightmin- keyed by three pointer from ing downright dead tired at utes span in the second half to Aaron Gingrich (who burned times finisbed with a 4-17 give the Dickinson Red Devils the Terror here in December clip from tbe field, while a 72-63 victory at Carlisle Sat- for 31) and from Jim pulling down nine boards and urday night. Shanahan stretched the lead finishing with 12 points. The Terrors were down 32- to 60-48. - Kenny Young's 0-4 3 pt 19 with less than seven minutes The Terrors next went shooting in the second half to go, when they went on a 21- four minutes without a field - A Terror second half FG 9 run, behind 2-2 3pt shooting goal until a Dziengeleski % of 29.4. by Kenny Young and several lay up made it a 64-53 - The failure to opportunize clutch baskets by Al Welch Devil lead with six min- the chance when the Red Dev- and Andy Dziengeleski, one of utes remaining and a ils put the Terrors in the bonus which came at the end of the couple of late baskets in with 11:43 left in tbe 2nd half. first session, to cut the Red the last minute made the For the Terrors (7-13 over- Devils lead to 41-40. Young score close. all, 3-7 in tbe Centennial), led the team at the half with 12 Keys of the game: Dziengeleski led the team with points (4-4 3 pt. range), while , Despite the deficits, 17, while Young, and the Dziengeleski scored nine. the Terrors forced seven Welch brothers both added 12. The Terrors came out and turnover in making tbeir For the Red Devils (11ยท9 took the lead in the second run at the end of the first overall, 5-4 in the Centennial), half, courtesy of a Rolando half. Brian Harper scored a career Welch jumper and a - Alejandro Welch's high 17 points (14 in the first DziengeJeski Jay-in to give the eight points during a six half). Terrors their biggest lead of the minute span to fuel the The last home game of the nigbt at 44-41. After six rally season for" the men is Saturday straight points by the Red Dev- - Andy DziengeJeski's night when they entertain state ils, a Dziengeleski basket 17-point performance on rival Johns Hopkins at 8:00 p.m. at Gill Gym. Thanks To Everyone At Maintainance And Grounds For Getting Us Through The Snow And Ice.
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