Page 102 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 102
News March 22, 1993 Page r Rush entering in 1991 had risen with rules were Sayre's new housing about women and how issues Achor. 40 more students from the pre- requirement that 80% of each affect them, according to However, whenever it is ap- From Page 1 vious year, said Joyner. That Greek organization must live in Palmer. She thinks that propriate he says thai he brings sorority. If uie numbers get low means that the number of the same vicinity. women's issues are discussed out important woman scientists ,then there is no Phi Alpha sophomores who were eligible These new policies will be less now then when she went to and important details about their Mu," she said. to rush this year had actually effective immediately, accord- college. background of the country or In addition it would benefit ing to Sayre. There are women in almost culture of where they are from. national sororities. "Local so- These efforts to make the every field of study to investi- S~vcral of the faculty have rorities don't follow these Greeks more visible and inclu- gate, says Palmer. However, thought of ways 10 correct what rules," said Jennifer Veteto, a sive are intended to strengthen she says she thinks that many they see is lack of gender inclu- junior political science major, the overall WMC Greek sys- teachers do not find out about sion in the school. Zepp thinks Phi Mu president. With 150 tem. them. "There is plenty of his- therc needs to be a grassroots other Phi Mu chapters nation- "There can be solidarity tory, plenty of literature, we (the effort and discussion among the wide, Veteto corruncntco on the in small groups," said faculty) lack the desire. It is faculty. N.P.C. rules, "If it worked for Disharoon. In her opinion, easier to do things the way they He suggests that the curricu- every other sorority in the n«. 1/3 of the campus is plenty have always been done," she turn commtuec make a decision non, it seems logical that for productivity as long as said. on the issue of gender inclusion would work for us:' she said there is a "common bond, The problem is not the lack based on a year long discussion Still, Caves shid common goals and full inter- of the desire, but Ihe lack of with faculty and consultation people have teen skeptical est." time inside and outside of the with other schools. He hopes at-out the cbanec. On the other hand, Dean To the sororities, that will classroom to investigate that the decision would encour- -\lthtlugh ~phomorcSherry mean finding more sisters in women, according to Margaret age gender inclusion across the Lesner, a member of Alpha Nu Disharoon pointed out that from late Spring, when they try to Boudreaux, chairperson of the the incoming class of 370, there board, he says. Omega, wants the "whole sys- were a significant number of recruit freshmen with Music department. When she While Evergates thinks that tcm to be strong," she ques- nontraditional students-88- open house, said Tolin. teaches music history she only more women should be in- tioned how the quota system mentions a fcw female compos- who normally don't become in- Feminists cluded in the curriculum, she is would affect the rush process. volved in Greek organizations. ers such as Clara Schumann, wary of the curriculum commit- "If you don't get your quota, it "With groups being in transi- From Page 1 says Boudreaux. tee or the administration impos- seems you can go out and ask tion, a lot of people don't see as buttons. I don't believe that a "When I have the opportu- ing rules about how much anyone to pledge," she said, nity to include women I do. I women should be studied in the many of the benefits of becom- regular curriculum class should noting that she still didn't fully ing a Greek," said Tolin. include more women if they don't take the time to create a classroom. understand. Many students and members haven't made significant contri- new curriculum because Idon 't "When you become a college To better inform -the sorort- butions," said Scott. have the time," said Boudreaux. professor, you come in with a agree that . ties, Hyland said that there will of the administration on alcohol Yet Scott admits that it is "Students are well served in un- certain expectation of academic the tight restrictions continue to be informational policies have limited social hard to know for sure if she is derstanding musical styles by freedom," she said. "No univer- meetings and bidding until af- functions of the Greeks. Tolin being told the full story. "The the examples that I give." sity bas the right to infringe on ter Spring Break, when a final possibility that women's contri- She sights the current text- your right to teach from your decision will be mace. said that parties were "major butions could have been erased books and the lack of women perspective." Still, some are concerned recruitment tools" when she disturbs me," she said. composers in the development Instead of school wide poli- came to WMC four years ago. over Greek membership alto- And, although-there is still a lot Lisa Brennan, a seni~r Bio- of music in' the 19th century as cies, each department should gether. "when I started work- of fund-raising and community Chemistry major, has been very further reasons why women are examine it's curriculum, ac- ing here ten years ago, about not included more in her music cording to Evergates. service performed by the orga- pleased with the amount of 35% of the population was nizations, she said these activi- women that she has studied in classes. Having more exchanges be- Greek. Now that there are ties aren't as visible as parties to all of her classes. Female pro- In an area of history where tween other colleges and re- stronger and more organizations very few women writers existed education programs for the fac- the campus. fessors have provided her with on campus, many people feel positive role models in what she Donna Evergates, head of the ulty would help new ideas such they don't need it," said Barbara The administration during addressed feels is a male dominated field. classics program, says she has as gender inclusion to flow in, Greek an Inter issues Disharoon, associate dean of been able to find ways to in- according to Palmer. However. Greek Council meeting on All of ber professors have en- March 3. There, Sayre pre- couraged female students to en- clude women's issues. She uses she thinks that budgetary limita- sented a plan tbat responded to ter science fields, according to texts that emphasize women, tions have kept the college from the concerns of clubroom par- Brennan. explores the role that women exploring these options. The ties and housing arrangements Brennan is more concerned and the family played in books only hope for change in the col- for Greeks, among other things. about sexist remarks made by written by men, and searches lege, according to Palmer, is the The burning issue of whether her fellow students, than the out female writers such as the influx of new teachers who will a hallway is public or private curriculum in the classroom. "I greek poet Sappho. have been trained differently. property is still a flame with am mostly interested in the stu- "There is material there if While Palmer seems to have many Greek students insisting dent body becoming more you are interested in it," she lillie hope for transrormanons in that they are being treated un- aware," said Brennan. said. "It's about educating the current faculty, she isenthu- fair. However, Sayre's new The responses of faculty to yourself. You have to take the stastic about students who are guidelines for "Private", "Resi- this complex issue of gender in- time to do it." pushing for women's rights. dential Common clusion have been as varied as Discussing the gender of a "There are now more women Areas"(primarily hallways), the reactions of the student scientist is not always important who are interested in women's body. Some professors feci that in his science classes, saysWil- issues," she said. "The impetus According to Tolin, the :~~v';:b~C~~I~:pOr~=P~~ they have been guilty of exclud- liam Achor, head of the Phys- for change will come through ing women from their currtcu- ics department. the student body." ~r~~~ o~~~:~t:~e~sam;~:- the definitional problems. Rec- He says that the emphasis in lurn in the past. Palmer marvels over student Phi Mu President, Veteto ra- ~::~~~~ut!:n~;;r~~h~~?' Ira Zepp, professor of Phi- his science classes has been on Linda Sue Harrison who has tionalized this decline. "A 40% losophy and Religion, says that the discovery rather than the spoken up for inclusive lan- participation rate of eligible ~~~:S~t!~~~~ ~~~~:d oti::!~ he is a recovering sexist and rac- gender of the discoverer. "I guage in the classroom. "We students should tell you that we hoi in hallways for those over ist. "I have had telling and trau- don't set out specially to include didn't create Linda, she came have less students involved be- 21." matic moments where women women or 10 avoid them," said that way," said Palmer. cause we have less students," But, ultimately, to encourage have cared enough to correct she said. more clubroom parties and use me," said Zepp. "It has been a Rape Myth #14 However, according to long journey of constant Rodney Joyner, associatedirec- of Decker Center, his proposal deprogramming." MYTH: "Rashers" and "Peeping Toms" are generally harmless targeted at eliminating the seg- tor of Admissions, tbis state- regation that nonnally occurs at Nancy Palmer, senior lec- and should be ignored. ment is not entirely true. AI- these gatherings. The main turer in English and Compara- FAC1:' Many convicted rapists regan as flashers and umed 10 rape though the ineomingclassaver- change being that from now on, tive Literature, feels that she and sexual assault as the thrill they gained from peeping wore ages around 400, enrollment bas those who are 21 may wear herself is guilty of neglecting off. Incidents relating to flashing or peeping should be re- been unsteady over the past ten identifying wrist bands and arc the accomplishments of women ported to the police, as "JX.'.CPCfS" are unlikely to scekhelp years. not restricted by a white line on because her speciality has been without police intervention. Despite the Iluxuating num- the hero. For help or more information, call the Rtlpe Crisis Intervention hers of the incoming freshman the floor to stay away from Not enough of the classroom those under the drinking age. crass. the number of students Hotlllll'S"7-7J2! OIlI{t,s"71I')Un In conjunction with these time is devoted to studying
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