Page 103 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 103
More tban 700 Greenteams A Little House are at work Monsters, Green Gec- Their names are Garbage kos, or Blue Bears, .... Their By ELIZABETH BIDEAUD motto: "tf a lot of smatl people, SIo/fWri", in a lot of small places; do a lot ln order 10 give our grand- of small things, it can make a big children a clean planet, is it difference in the environment. " enough "just" to return to Ihe Germany is still full of sur- past, to give up the washing prises!! machine and the supersonic Munich's new airport which plane? I do not think so. Only had been in construction since progress can save us from 1963, finally opened this year. progress. Munich: II is definitely a harbin- The battle for the environ- ger of things to come! A forest ment is going on everywhere, the sun's energy from the roof. acts as a buffer between the run- but it is not the same every- It lakes only a cup oj water way and the country side in order where. Each country bas its to flush the toilet. Water from to reduce noise. A series of ca- own way to deal with ecological bathtubs, laundry, and sinks is nals and detoxification plants tssues.but what matters is that treated in a tank before it goes prevent ground-water from be- all actions are already paying to tbe roof greenhouse, where ing polluted, off. tbe remaining acids arc being Environmental pressure in Toxic products are being treated by specially selected Germany is so strong that a gradually eliminated; use of fos- plants. Rainwater is collected lobby has formed to say that sil fuels bas been limited; water and treated so that it can be there slwuld be no air traffic in management bas been adopted; used as drinking water. the country at all. Germany's polluters are beginning to pay The prototype's price tag is giant airline, Lufthansa, has had for tbe damage they do; and small, too, at $99,250 -per- to find responses to meet there is obvious attempts to pro- haps less if mass-produced. people' s concerns. teet species as well as thema- ... ,.... ,.... ,50, are you ready to rine envimnrnent. get one of those for yourself? The five deadly sins of an air- However, the battle for sav- ........ What about the campus? line against the environment are ing our environment will not be Should we have it built on this noise, atmospheric emissions, easy: the half of the planet that model? congestion, waste and yes, in- provides the other halfts oxy- creasing tourism which threat- gen, controls climate, and shel- Germany is far ahead,too, in ens natural resources. ters living species is on the its own way. The way airlines are run and verge of extinction. Vienna's most impressive how passengers are treated are Nevertheless, let's be opti- achievement has been its attack changing, too. Here are some ~6~~f;i;;'t'~~o:~~!;I~i~lea~~' .~r~~~~~~taGI~~~i:;::~:~,:::=St~~i~tg{, ~~,~~.~ean_airj: lions can make a difference. clear glass, and colored glass- When traveling on Canada's politically cor- into WhiCh, reSident,S ,are sup- Lurtha,nsa, pas,sengers take an way, red house: posed to divide their garbage. attracllve doggie bag (made of 3n193N 8:12AM; There were Canada has launched the The attitude and feedback of the recycled material) and fIX their anember cttanntsrer railmgs prototype of a tiny house that Vienneses have been outstand- own meal to take on the flight. in Blderdice whicb appeared has received the label "healthy ing: almost 200.000 tons oj In one year, Lufthansa reduced to have been ktcl
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