Page 99 - ThePhoenix1991-92
P. 99
MayS, 1992 Western Maryland College The Challenge of Earnest Well Met By S. A. SOMMER ceased to be merely the prim, trayed John Worthing J.P. beau- C""trib",j~JR,p("''' hence Prism, and proper gov- tifully. Patrick's strength of In his production notes, di- erness with her subtle seduc- presence on stage did not over- rector Ron Miller described tions of Rev. Canon Chasuble, shadow any of the other actors, Western Maryland College's D.O., played by Todd with the one exception of Act II. production of Oscar Wilde's Robinson. Though the relation- When Jack first becomes aware The Importance of Being Ear- ship between those two is never of Algernon's presence in his nest as the "second in a series of fully recognized nor explained, manor house, Patrick greatly Performance Laboratory pro- Tull's Prism is the perfect overshadows Steve Zumbrun, ductions ... designed LOpresent complement to Robinson's whose Algernon has suddenly advanced acting students with Chasuble. become quite foppish. challenging problems in the in- Though a minor character, This production of Earnest terpretauon of difficult theatri- Reid Wraase's Lane was out- was set in the round. At first cal texts," The advanced acting standing. this set seemed obtrusive, since students in question met this The utterly British Man-ser- the actors are not facing the au- challenge admirably. vant betrayed no emotion at all, dience at all times and much of Seniors RJ. Measday, Laura even when Algernon thrusts the the humor is in the facial ex- Tull, and Steve Zumbrun all blame for the absence of cu- pressions of the actors. As the gave final undergraduate per- cumber sandwiches on the un- play progressed the set became formances to be proud of. suspecting servant. more the dance floor that Mcasday's Lady Gwendolyn Merriman, a caricature of an Wilde's comedy demands. was the perfect mixture of sar- elderly butler, also portrayed by Having seen other produc- casm, wit, and seduction. wraase, entertained the audi- tions of comedies of manners Zumbrun did an admirable job ence with his humorous antics. from the same era, it must be trying to understand and capti- During the colloquium follow- added that Western Maryland vate the motivation of the elu- ing Sunday's performance, College's production of this sive and perverse Algernon Merriman served the refresh- comedy of manners was won- Moncrieffe. TuB brought a new ments. derful and well worth the ticket dimension to Miss Prism. Prism Christopher Patrick por- price. 0 Lady Gwendolyn (RJ. Measday) and John (Christopher Patrick) in The tmponance of Being Earnest. Credit Limit to Affect Few Students Volunteers in Service: By MICHAEL KUBACKI exceptions for some seniors ducted to see the true effect of It Trip Planned for Jan-Tenn S..jfR<_" who need more than 34 credits this policy on internships. According to Dean of Aca- to graduate. We will not grant must be noted that many intern- For ten days during Jan.- inland travel, food and lodging demic Affairs David Seligman, exceptions in all cases, but we ships are done in the summer- Term in 1993, a Volunteer Ser- costs. For those participating in reasons for the imposition of a will be flexible in a reasonable time or during January Term. vice Trip is planned for students the trip, there will be several credit limit are because "taking way." However, many students of the Western Maryland Col- group building sessions over the twenty credits or more is not There was also a concern don't agree with the seventeen lege Community. Through the fall of 1992, including two healthy academically, and it about students who wish to credit policy. One student, final decision has not been camping weekends. All partici- causes problems for students complete a dual major. "Most sophomore phys ed/psychology made as to which country stu- pants will be expected to attend who wish to get into certain students could complete two dual major Kristine Leonard dents will be working in, Puerto these. classes." majors, but maybe not a minor, said, "1 don't agree with it per- Rico or another nation in the Leaders for the trip are Susan Associate Dean of Academic within the range of BLARS, and sonally because I wanted to lake Caribbean is most likely. Glore (x243) and Rev. Mark Affairs Barbara Disharoon still have electives left over." more than seventeen credits." The purposes of the trip arc: Lancaster (x560). If you are in- agrees, "Students were com- Disharoon added, "Only "Because of the policy, I'm I) to provide students with terested in obtaining more infor- plaining that people taking more people who made the decision not going to take more than 17," meaningful experiences among mation or want an application than 15 credit hours were taking very late in their academic ca- added Leonard. the poor of developing countries for the trip, please call either classes away from underclass- reer to have a second major will Leonard is also angry be- and,2) for participants to pro- Susan or Mark before the end of men." be affected." cause "it is not fair that we vide significant labor for this Spring Semester. Another reason for the 17- It was reported in the last is- weren't consulted-they [the ad- projects given to the group by Academic credit may be ob- credit limit is to counter the sue, Professor Richard Dillman ministration] just sprang it on their hosts. tained through internships with losses to the college of students of the Communications Dcpt., us." The approximate cost for the a variety of professors on cam- who want to graduate early. raised a concern that the 17- Students were told of the trip will be a maximum of pus. Seligman said, "Some stu- crcditlimit will hurt those who new policy by their academic $1600 and will inctude air fare, Contributed by Susan Glore dents consistently take over- wish to do an internship. advisors when registering for loads in order to graduate early, Disharoon replied, "Most stu- classes for Fall semester. and student costs are based on dents are doing internships If students have an opinion fifteen credit hours, and the fact within the fifteen credit hour on the matter, Academic Affairs that the student will graduate in limit." A survey has to be con- would like to hear. 0 four years." "It is not unreasonable for colleges to charge someone for Fitzgerald's Carriage House Liquors graduating early," added 113 West Main Street· 848-3466 Seligman. "The 17-creditlimit @ is reasonable in relation to com- Specials... ICE petitors." Seligman did a survey con- Coors, Light, Extra Gold ~ $13.99/case cluding that not many students Molson's, Light (bottles) ~ $16.99/case will be affected by the credit Schlitz (cans) ~ $8.49/case limit, as only fifteen students Piel's (cans) ~ $7.49/case arc laking more than 18 credits. Labatt's ~ $7.99/12-pack Some concerns have arisen Moosehead ~ $4.99/6-pack that seniors needing more than Sutter Home (750 mL.) ~ $3.99 34 credits will have a problem with the policy. However, Numerous liqUflrs at dose-out prices. Cash and carry while supplies last. Seligman said, "There will be -,---- -- -----
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