Page 101 - ThePhoenix1991-92
P. 101
May 8, 1992 Western Maryland College PageS Letters to the Editor: 60 Seconds Open Forum Not the campus recognize this group sary that graduate students find Currently, a student must ei- on Campus Much of a Chance and make certain considerations out before registration so that for their religious beliefs. they can plan accordingly. Dear Editor, Additionally, the matzo was I felt the Open Forum (held placed on a table beneath the ban- ther register for a full course load April 24) to be a good concept, ner reading: "Happy Easter!" .. and ten drop some classes if they By Bob Kirkendall but it was something that boiled Glar was able to serve a non- are accepted, or assume they are down to a way for the Board of meat entree on Ash Wednesday in and only register for a few Trustees to say, "Sec, you had for those students who believe in classes, then later try to add the Does the Rodney King verdict your chance." Christianity. Why should the ones they need if they are not ac- It was poorly advertised; the special needs ofthosecclebrating cepted. justify LA's upheaval? Why? Lime devoted to it was too lim- Passover be overlooked? For those of us who rely on ited; and students' concerns were Sincerely, student loans or scholarships that lettasconcems. Irmustberecog- SA. Sommer, Class of 1995 require proof of the number of nized that if the college plans to credits undertaken, this can be Jian B. Song '94 truly craft thoughtful, creative, Congrats to more than just a hassle. In ex- Physics and Math and active citizens, it must make treme cases it may mean that stu- "Not at all. It's a very such opportunities better known Phoenix Staff dents lose funding necessary for and share the power of decision Dear Editor, them to continue classes. good reason to protest, making with the students. To the entire Phoenix staff... Those who run the program but not violence .." The college cannot continue my congratulations on a terrific have offered no viable solutions, to operate as an educational cor- semester! Despite budget cuts, a apologies, or even noted that it is poration; it must begin to under- recession-induced dip in adver- a problem worthy of concern. stand the idea of a cooperative in tising space and the publication I ask as a student who is wait- which all sides are viewed with of some difficult stories, you ing to hear my fate - I have not respect and with equal interest have persevered and progressed yet received the letter of accep- Without this realization. the in the finest tradition of respon- lance/denial - that this matter be Damon Lewis '94 college will continue 10buy into sible student journalism. noted as one worthy of Invesuga- Biology the societal prostitution of educa- Were any unfortunate mis- tion. tion and in the end will enter a takes made during the semester? Thank you, "I think it does because quagmire from which it may not Probably. And that is all pan of A grodstuaem in the deaf ed. dept. the police can get away escape. the learning process, not to men- with it. The police are Let it be known that be students tion part of the territory for all Tri Betas Take will begin to lead and the leaders facets of the news media. But in supposed to protect the must follow; the ncxtOpen Forum a semester of such impressive an Active Role people." willbcbctterpublicized. growth and improvement, any Dear Editor, Thank you ant/peace, such errors pale in comparison. Led galJantJy by advisor Dr. Jered Ebenreck, Class of 1995 So now, blessed with a larger Sam Alspach, the WMC chapter and more diverse staff, let's tum of the national biology honor so- William Sipes Passover Deserves our auenuon to the principal ciety, Beta Bela Beta, promises Recognition challenge ahead: keeping the comradery and scholarship Campus Safety WMC community informed of among biology students, as well Dear Editor, what they need to know, when as the consumption of Spring "Not whatsoever. Two As a student who is of mixed they need to know it. See you in Fling's best dam funnelcakcs! wrongs don't make a religious heritage, I am appalled the fall. Tri Bela has the distinction of right." by the ignorance of Judaism on Terry A. Dalton being the most active honor soci- this campus. Advisor, The Phoenix ety on campus. Members meet Though I am not a practicing once a month to discuss on-going orthodox Jew, I do acknowledge ALPS Needs projects including the restoration all of my religious heritage. in the of the Spring House ncar the golf obscrvanccof Passovcr, the third Some Revision course. An intensive project holiest holiday of Judaism, fol- Dear Editor, slated for next year is the replace- Amanda Thompson '92 lowers cannot eat bread, In place I would like to call to the at- ment of a pond that used to exist Sociology of bread, followers eat matzo, tention of the students and the by the Spring House. The pond unleavened bread. Besides eating administration an unfair situation will be stocked with decorative "No, if LA's upheaval matzo, most followers who do occurring on campus. This par- fish and native plants to create a justifies violence, then not regularly keep kosher do so ticular one deals with a program beautiful retreat for the frazzled it sets a precedent for during the eight days of Pass- run by WMC known as ALPS- student. over. Alternative Learning Program. Tri Beta also Invites numer- the future:" I was shocked that on the first This is a commendable pro- ous speakers each year to share night of Passover, the main en- grMTIsetup toallow graduate stu- their research projects and pro- trees in Glarwerechicken cordon dents and other people in the fessional experiences .. blue, breaded chicken with ham, community who already have Next year's projects will be a non-kosher meat, on a roll, and earned a bachelor's degree to tackled by President Maria Keven Richardson '92 a breaded fish fillet. None of meet Maryland certification stan- Lafferty, Vice President Karen these entrees can be eaten during dards and become teachers. Murphy, Treasurer Leza Rae Business/Economics Passover. The problem is not with the Jeffries, Secretary Martha "It's really a shame; it Perhaps little consideration program, how it's run, or the Shaver, and Historian April was taken, beyond providing people who run it, but with the Ommen. The path to their suc- is justified because it matzo (which was provided) be- timing. Those who apply for this cess was paved by this year's ex- was a slap in theface. It cause there are so few Jewish stu- program are not notified as to cellent leaders: President Jonelle wasn't fair at all." dents on campus and that many whether thy arc accepted into it Leith. Vice President Valerie students had gone home for the or not until a week after registra- Funk, Secretary Mary Beth Easter holiday. Though there are tion for summer classes. Since Craig, Treasurer Steve Lane, and not many Jewish students on the this program begins in the sum- Historian Phil Heavner. campus, it is very important that mer with two classes, it is neces- Cheryl Griffin, Class of 1992 1-
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