Page 95 - ThePhoenix1991-92
P. 95
April 24, 1992 Western Maryland College Page 7 The Bahamian Express: Kent Lightbourn WMC Sports Shorts By KENDRA WI':IBLE S"lffi"" western Maryland College is learning one thing from the vs, Gettysburg; . ................ 11-11, 4-4 (MAC SW) .W 3-0, L 4-3 (in nine innings) Bahamian life: speed. vs. Johns Hopkins; . , L 12-7 Kent Ughtboum is a junior liS. Juniata; . . ,....•" LH-5 International student from vs.Moravtan ................................................•.. ,..,L7·I,W5-1 Nassau, Bahamas. He is cur- vs, Dlcklnson: W 6·5 (in eight innings), W 5-0 renuy tearing up the track as a rE,.~::~~Sl~::;k!;1::~;~~J~~~:;if.~:ll~~70!f}/~~~If_,~Ek~ member of the WMC track & pilche.dalwo up only one warkas heslrwckowlelJi/ufor field team. With halfofthe sea- Ihewm W 5-4 (in ten in nings) vs, Catholic." son completed, Kent has quali- fied for the Middle Atlantic fit£i~~£~~Fle~;~{~~:!n~;%l~~!~~t~r;,f~h:~:!~iel~i~~; Conference Championships in vs.Messiah 1,7·6 the 800 meters, 1:58.8, and the llighlighl£: SophorrwreCen1.erfielderGMy Carter wa,' 3for 5 ifl hit· 400 meters in 48.64. That time IlflgforlheKa~ earned him a provisional quali- fication for the NCAA Division III National Championships. Lightboum has been running competitively since \988. This political science-history major ::~~th~h~[::.,;,~~:::t"n~:~:fJ.~,~t~u:.~{ti:ol~~a1;a~·%;i:r: e: attended two years at the Jr. Werley twdfor lfiefifih best individwalsCOrewuh a n College of the Bahamas before seeking further education on the Elizabethtown Invnauonar east coast. Why the United !~1,!1::~i.·e{~"/.:n.h£:./he::7~hOw of 16 teams. JejJDierksshOllhe low States? "There are bcucr facili- Dickinson Invitational ties to run here and the quality 1~';§~~;'~1:h~J'i,.~~i~"!~:ittf";/,~~i~'[!i::'id~~~h;~:;::~ of education is beuer, too," he Junior Kent Lightbourn is Olympic material, hoping to explained. qualiry tor the 1996 Olympic Garnes in Atlanta, GA. Men's Lacrosse The Bahamas are compa- Although the 400 meters is front and getting ahead." Overall Record: 6~4, 1-2 (MAC Western Division) rable in size to the state of Con- his strongest event, Lightboum Lightbourn explained how vs, Mary Wa.<;hington:...... . • W 19-7 vs. Dickinson: .....•••...•• W 20-7 necticut, limiting the use of fa- admits to liking the 200 meters the track team here is closer and vs. FDU-Madl
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