Page 102 - ThePhoenix1991-92
P. 102
Western Maryland College MayS, 1992 Playoff Loss to Ursinus Halts Successful Season by Women's Lax The Year in Review By ED RIGLING we had a balanced team effort," quick, so they were way ahead Spo>uEdiIM assistant coach Cathy Railey of where they normally were." Well, well, well. Here we arc at the end of another aca- The Western Maryland explained. "We had freshmen The team also began practic- demic year (as if you needed the reminder). I apologize to Women's Lacrosse Team jour- come into positions and step up. ing in full force on February I, my fans (both of them) for not being in the past two issues, neyed to Ursinus for their first We realized halfway through a full two weeks before the buuhc academic whip was upon me. Anyway, enough of the postseason game in three years, that there was no individual to usual staring date. This early imro sluff, let's get the meal of this column: A PERSONAL keeping the score light in a very make or break a game and that emphasis on basic skills al- CRITIQUE OF THE YEAR AT WMC. (This mayor may physical game versus a favored we had to playas a team." lowed the team to concentrate not be taken as nost.algic.) Ursinus team before finally Captain Shannon Smith agreed. on more specific parts of the Let's start at the bcgining. The freshman arrived. (Need I succumbing 15-5 to end an oth- "In the past, there were always game when coach Easterday ar- say more?) erwise very successful season. a few players who stood out. rived on March I. The team's Then mid-terms plopped upon our unwary heads. "Sometimes, the score does Now, Everything just clicked new found reputation as a sec- Then finalscame and-No! Most studentsfeci their not reflect the intensity or close- for us. There were no stars." ond half team is largely attrib- ness of the game," Coach Kim Easterday added that "So much uted to the squad's commitment lives here are governed by their classes and exam periods. They say: "If only I can pass this and gel through _ Easterday commented two days of our success this year was due to conditioning. (finals. mid-terms, pig dissection, tonne's dinner, pick your after the match. Still, the season had a Indeed, the Terrors own), then I'll be OK But The Phoenix tells us a different gan the game by scoring be- "Sometimes, the score does not very rocky beginning as story .. the Terrors dropped their the first two goals and first three games, but then The September 19th issue gave the freshmen some insight stayed close through the reflect the intensity or close- into the 'typical' college life. Two students were tried on first half as they headed ness of the game." went on to run off five before wins consecutive Forgery Charges, one of them a Phoenix staffer. Off to a into halftime only down pretty good start, huh? Maybe that article helped because 6-3. "We did not let the -Coach Kim Easterday ~S~~g th~o suC;;!~s~~ new Phoenix staffers came by the dozens. (Not!) reputation (of Ursinus) around in play? "After the Surprisingly the Library wasn't completed, and most bother us. We went out and to a strong team unit In each F & M game, people were angry. people worried that it wouldn't be by its dedication in Octo- played the game," Easterday game, we had a different player It was a change in attitude." ber, SO the college decided to cut the budget. And then the said. that shined." This change in attitude cul- PA houses became a mess ("I thought cleaning crew cleaned minated With only seven minutes to go Much of the suceess of this in an upset of Johns our house! "), causing Joanne Goldwater 10 make her official in the second half, the score was year's team has been attributed Hopkins which many on the political proclamation "Something will be done! (I'm just not 10-5 with Western Maryland still to their commitment to condi- team believe was their best sure what, or when)." Oh wcll. in striking distance when Ursmus uonlng as well as their team game. Then a nationally ranked So the school decided to appease the students and spend broke the game open. Scoring play. Because assistant coach team, Johns Hopkins had all the more of their money to take their minds off of the messy four quick goals on breakaways Cathy Railey has an extensive advantages in the contest: home houses by proposing to install a phone system, and hiring a in the final minutes, Orsinus background in lacrosse, the field, under the lights, fan sup- new Director of Campus Safety (in a period in which they sealed up the game and ended the team was able to begin earlier in port,and the change in field sur- promised not to hire any new people) at the same time. And Terrors season. the year than usual. face from the Terrors customary while all this was happening, someone vandalized the Phi Mu Still, no one on the team Many of the players who natural grass to an artificial turf clubroom, directly across from campus not-so-safety-any- seemed displeased with the were on campus over Jan Term "It was the most intense game of team's season. for a squad would work with assistant my life," captain Maija Strenger Then: Champs did not bum down. which began the year with a coach Railey on basic skills and said. "We were really really Suddenly it was spring, and Ijoined the paper, hoping my goalie that had never played the conditioning. "We worked on a psyched for Hopkins. We efforts to awaken the common mind would have a dramatic game before this year and three lot of attack skills (over Jan wanted to beat them bad." affect on the lives of all, through my knowladgeabIe criti- freshmen starting on the squad. Term)," Railey said. "We Shannon Smith agreed, saying cism. "I think that the reason we did learned a new form of attack, "we took them by storm and re- so well this year was because and the team picked it up really See LACROSSE, Pg. 7 Col. 3 So someone robbed the bookstore 1Ogive me something to criticise (as if I didn't have enough already). I don't have much space so I'll wrap it up: Freshman-spot- Schwing's Wins Volleyball Intramurals less, Bookstore-sold, tuition-up, Clements-resigned, Library flashers, housing policy protested, football team stopped at Softball Championship to be Decided this Week McDonald's in Moscow for lunch, l7·credit limit, and over pc- 200 people actually voted for SGA nominees. Wow. stretched over a two-week (7-2) are in the title hunt along riod. with two independent teams, the This was truly an adventurous year on campus. But the (7-2) In the softball Earlier only protest formed was against the new housing policy. So Schwing's in the semester, the round-robin schedule intramurals, a Fighting Banana (7-2). Sluggers Sig Ep I in defeated and Stampede was estab- much to fight about, or do something about, and little was three games 10 win the Spring Iished. With the late additions of Stampede and Sig Ep I were accomplished. Maybe students were too worried about their Intramural Men's Volleyball the Phi Delt and Bates teams, scheduled to face off on Wednes- grades. Maybe they didn't have the energy: Maybe what- championship. there wcre eleven teams in all. day, May 6. ever happened was exactly what they wanted. Maybe they After losing the first game 2- Sig Ep I (7-2), the defending The season was scheduled to just need a leader to push them. May 7. 0 15, the Schwing's bounced back champions, and Delta Upsilon end on Thursday, Whatever it was, Ihope that next year's freshman are will- to record impressive back to back ,-__:__:__:---_:_------'----- ing to challenge the system by themselves, and want to make victories(15-8, 15-6), allowing Many of the representatives changes that will benefit their education here the mOSL only 14 points in the final two Conference present at the conference con- Because class isn't where learning is accomplished. It's games on their way to the cham- From Page I veyed a similar belief that the in yourself. pionship. demic institutions. By joining new division will be a place Sec you next year. IJ The season was a double together, we can find an appro- where both men's and women's elimination tournament which priate place for athletics and the sports will play an equal part. proper way to effectively im- western Maryland Assistant pact on intercollegiate athlet- Athletic Director Carol Fritz 1lJANTl£l:! ics." Haaland went on to say that said that the women beginnings. were "ex- cited new about the three top priorities of the We look forward 1O the begin- Talented Phorographers for The Phoenix. conference were to establish a nings of athletic leadership for set of by-laws, hire an executive women. Hopefully, the confer- llleedng time. are Monday. at 6:30 I. the IWeme.t 01 Da.lel MacLea. secretary, and begin play by ence will be able 1Oafford these 1993. new opportunities." a
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