Page 100 - ThePhoenix1991-92
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Page 4 Western Maryland College May8,l992 Editorial: Make Us Leaders, Not Followers would have been avoided. 8v ANI)R~;A COVINGTON SIdfJR,p'''''' I'm not saying that the stu- By now everyone has prob- dents wouldn't have asked for a ably discovered that, despite our few things in return, such as a re- strong objections, the manage- duced rate meal plan, but every- ment of WMC has decided to body could have left the negoti- keep the housing policy that re- ating table feeling respected if quires freshmen, sophomores, this maucr had just been pre- and juniors to live on campus sented to us as a urgent request. next year. Instead, we got an imperial The fact that the administra- decree. WMC's third class citi- tion chose to ignore the student'> zens are to be herded into the is crystal clear, but the underly- dorms, as cows are herded into a ing phenomena that caused this milking parlor. whole mess is much rnore elu- And this isn't an isolated sive, and ultimately, much rnore event. damaging. Sadly, WMC has developed a I don't think it ever sank into history of not letting us partici- loco is the term used to refer to a our own lives is teaching us The administration could con- the skulls of the budget commit- pate in many of the decisions that condescending, parental attitude learned helplessness. The gen- sult with students before issuing Lee that this light was over more affect our lives. An early classic on the part of colleges' manage- eration that will be responsible new policies. Maybe students than justa housing policy. example of this was when the ment. It is typified by a tendency for the maintenance of the world could draft policies to submit to If they had simply approached freshman dorms were desegre- to view us as children who must tomorrow is being taught that the Board of Trustees. Maybe the students a year or so ago and gated four years ago. The stu- be watched and protected, and as they are powerless. students and the administration said something to the effect of dents heard nothing then, 1Oo. All a result the administration can't The supreme irony of all this could actually cooperate instead "We hate to have to ask you this, of this evidence points lO an un- see or respect us as adults. is that we pay the administration of argue. but we're tight for operating derlying philosophy of the col- Sound familiar? to boss us around. The tuition, The present system won't cash. Would you give up some lege, whether or not they chose to This is a very damaging phi- room, and board we and our par- give ground easily. Not only be- of your freedom of choice for admit it. losophy. The college, in rebuff- ents pay make up 70% of the cause we wouJd have toconvince awhile," this whole ugly affair The philosophy of in parentis ing our attempts to take pan in school's budget. senior management to grant us WMC is missing a great op- the power of self-determination, ponunuy to be truly unique in the but because they were educated realm of higher education. in the same mediocre system that Sndemscould graduate feeling emphasizes obedience, fear, and like1eadersrathcrthanpawns. And the superiority of age. while we are in school, we could Why should they change feela true senscot responsibility to what's working for them? the maintenanccof sndeuamhor- Why should we be taught any ity, rather than drowning ourselves different then they were? in a keg every Thursday night in a Why should WMC give up a poor attempt to rebel against an ad- tradition of 125 years? minislJation that makes lIS feci For the same reason most powerless, meaningless, and things change: because a better empty. way has come along. 0 Stunmer Session The Phoenix at Mount Saint Mary's College Editor-in-Chief Jennifer Scott Emmitsburg, Maryland layout Editor Constantine "Bonger" Frangos Copy Editor Kristine Holland Sports Editor Ed Rigling Check This: Arts & Entertainment Editor Demctrios Lambros Photography Editor Bob Kirkendall V" Two dozen classes in Accounting, Business, Econ, Cartoonist Mike Jenkins Government and International Studies, Math, History, Business Manager Mark Long Spanish, Psych, Fine Arts, and Communications Advertising Managers Walt Eife and Bill Michaelsen Faculty Advisor Terry Dalton V" Intro and advanced courses - Everything from the '92 Student Advisor Andrea Covington Presidential Election to Statistics The Phoenix is published bi-weekly. The opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of Phoenix staff members, the V" All classes are held at night; most meet twice a week [acuity, or the administration at Western Maryland College. V" All courses taught by full-time Mount faculty members The Phoenix welcomes free-lance subrmssionson Macintosh or IBM disk in most word processor formats. The editor reserves V" Tuition is only $165 per credit hour - low, low, low! the right to edit for clarity, length and libel, and will be published as space permits. Letters to the Editor that arc one page, typed, and double-spaced are guaranteed publication in You must register in advance. so call the Registrar's Office today next year. The editor reserves the right to edit for liable. to learn more about the 1992 Summer SeSSion at Mount Saint Mary's College. All submissions (excluding self-addressed diskettes) become the property of The Phoenix and cannot be returned. Please include a name and phone number for verification. Registrar Telephone: (301) 447-5215 Mount Saint Mary's College Address mail to: The Phoenix 2 College Hill Western Maryland College Emmitsburg, Maryland 21727 westminster, MD 21157 -,---
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