Page 104 - ThePhoenix1991-92
P. 104
PageS Western Maryland COllege MayS, 1992 Alarm cau~';~~~~~:h~:!;re-Student's Car Victim of Hit and Run From Page 1 ported later that the strange smell unidentified car smashed it in the that morning by Campus Safety Hall. The calling of five fire en- was caused by an engine part that nv MICHAEL KUBACKJ rear, causing the Mazda to move that his car had been struck. S"'l/R,p" .... gines to the scene is normal pro- had burned out in the air condi- On Friday, April 24, at ap- forward five feel into another car. On the following Monday cedure anytime a possible fire is tioningsystem. Nootherdamage proximately 3:00 am, a white Frangos' car was totaled. morning, Frangos went out to see reponed on the campus, said occurred. 1988 Mazda 323, was a victim of According to Officer Shobert if his insurance company towed RLC Donna Cooper, the first After the incident, Grocki a hit and run. of the westminster Police De- his wreckage; instead, he found a residence life staff member 10ar- concluded, "I sure am glad Cam- The Mazda, owned by Con- partment, ''We have a partial lag, parking ticket given at 5:03 am, rive at the incident "The theater pus Safety checks upon us. It lets stantine Frangos, was parked on as well as a lead." because he hadn't move his car in is an old building, so such pre- me sleep safely at night." 0 Pennsylvania Avenue, when an Frangos was notified 7:50am time for street cleaning. 0 Seniors money goes. Ballard wonders or her senior year. "My senior specific events: And still other students will about WMC's priorities. ''The year has been great because I've "I'll remember the golf pro- remember WMC as the place From Page 1 school should sit down and list been able to get my future and gram. We used to be the laugh- they really grew into who they Ballard and Craig said thet the their priorities... ask the students, my grades together but sopho- ing stocks but we've made great are now: friendliness of the students is the take polls, to figure out what they more year was a lot of fun," she strides in a positive direction "I learned what I do best and best part of WMC. "I'm a LOur really want," he said. said. since my freshman year," Werley what Iwant to do with the rest of guide and prospective students Most of the seniors agreed Twenty years from now, each said. my life," Ballard said. are always amazed when I'm that their sophomore year was senior will remember something Machlan's memories will be "I discovered who I am and showing them around and Isay hi definitely their favorite and most different about his or her four quite simple. "Pledging and the person I want to be ," Trone to people ... You may not know memorable year. Leith and years at WMC. Some will re- Glar," she said, laughing. said. 0 everyone personally, but you still Huminski believed that by their member certain professors: say heJlo," Craig said. sophomore year they knew more "Dr. Alspach. He is such a On the other hand, what is the people and felt more at ease at personable person. His classes 'FAN'S weakest point of WMC? All WMC. "1 met more people after may be a little boring but if you eight seniors cited money as freshman year and Istrengthened get him out of the classroom ... @ WMC's downfall. old friendships," Huminski said. he's great," Leith said. Machlan said that as a mem- Frees, Craig, and Werley said "Dr. Stevens. He has such a ber of me student government that the social life on campus was dry sense of humor. Once you she was able to see the school's much better their second year. catch on and have had a few CHINESE RESTAURANT budget and she does not under- "Clubroom parties were a lot of classes with him, he's really stand why the school, which con- fun. There were fewer restric- funny," Frees said. Szechuan» Cantonese» American tinues to be in debt, spends tions on our social lives then," .....Any and all of Riek 59 West Main se, Westminster, MD 21157 money unnecessarily. Craig said. Dillman's classes," Huminski Telephone: All of the student were con- Trone could not decide which said. fused about where the college's was better, her sophomore year Other students will remember (301) 848-0919 • (301) 876-3166 ! s time to trade inyour present mode Walkover to your Ford Dealer; • Graduates get pre-approvedcredit lease, in addition to any current degree in hand, and you'll get • Plus $500 cash hackon top ofany factory incentives . guaranteed credit up to $17,000 other cash backoffer So get your degree and Ihen see through Ford Credit on any new your Ford Dealer: Oh, and you can Ford car or truck. You'll also gel keep your sneakers. We probably $500 towards your purchase or couldn't get much for them an)"ay.
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