Page 96 - ThePhoenix1991-92
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PageS Western Maryland College April 24, 1992 Slices Plus Delivery Off to a Slow Start A Voice mluec, then are the student rep- rescntauvcs reaching out From Page 1 enough? By nETIIANN VANNESS Davidson explained the stu- cash, you can just put it on your science professor and chairpcr- "I admit I don't go out and C,,,,,rih,;naR,_,,, son of the committee. dents are already getting the 5% express card." rind what other students think," The WMC Pub and Grilleof- discount by using the express John Blecklcy, a sophomore "We meet at least once or said Disney who's been a mem- fers pizza at the lowest price in card. There is also a coupon for business major, agrees with twice a month depending on ber since fall 1991, "The first town. but are students taking ad- a free six pack of soda and with Cappi that the delivery service how much money we have todo lime I found out about the com- vantage of it? each order the students get "the is convenient. the events," Nichols said. mittee was when Nichols asked Mary Colatcru, director of famous WMC deluxe bread- Bleckley alsocommemed on "But next year," Nichols me to be on it, and there's only Dining Services, said she can't Slicks," according LO Davidson. the efficient delivery service. continued, "there is going ID be been one meeting which was understand why students aren't Two students. Jeff McAn- "It was in my room within 20 a Popular Cultures group who last fall." taking advantage of a "conve- drew, a senior history and phi- minutes. Hot, done and unbe- already has a number of activi- At least two student repre- nient pub service that is losophy major, and Gina Cappi, lievably good!" Lies planned such as films and sentatives attend each of the matched by quality." She said a sophomore sociology major, Cotatoni wants more stu- cultural events." Board of Trustees Committees. the Pub only averages about ten said that the Pub pizza is better dents to realize the Pub is offer- Student representatives are These students are voting mem- pizzas per night. Her goal for than Monopoly's and Domino's, ing quality pizza that is compa- first recommended by faculty bers and participate either out of the new pizza service is 50 piz- but uisn'ras goodas Pizza HUI'S. rable 10 the pizza in town. But then voted on by the Student- interest or were voted in by the zas each night. Cappi Slated the benefit of she stated that she needs input Faculty Relations Committee. All-College Councilor the Stu- Brenda Davidson, the Pub the pizza service is that they de- from the students, both positive In addition 10 Disney, the other dent Government Assembly. and Grille manager, is attempt- liver right LO the dorm room, and negative comments, if the student representatives are "The committees try LOhold ing lO reach that goal by offer- "but the best part about pub new pizza service is going to be Deandra Brice (freshman), at least 34 open forums," said ing specials and discounts. pizza is that you don't need any successful. 0 Joslyn Martin (graduate), and Sayre. "Students can also call -------------------- ..J alternate Judy Gueiri (gradu- ahead and ask to sit in." Overload an analysis of the standard credit group, most of them do not Lake ate). Besides Nichols, the fac- However, Sayre conceded load for students attending other more than J 7 credits. ulty members include Henriette that there is not enough commu- From Page 1 colleges in Maryland. Out of the Seligman said that excep- Colette (foreign languages) and nication between representa- it." eight schools surveyed, all had an tions can be made for graduat- Henry Reiff (special education tives and students. Dr. Linda Eshleman, chair- overload policy wilh the excep- ing seniors who are experienc- graduates program). "Communication to the stu- woman of the computer science. tion of SL Mary's. ing hardship. He added, "Ar- Access to the committee is dent body is lacking," he said. department said she is "con- "The survey made us feel rangements have been made limited, however, because com- "Student representation has cerned about the cut-off." She more comfortable," said through financial aid ... The mittee meetings are closed, The fallen into extreme disuse," feels that a much better job Seligman. "it seems reasonably policy should not adversely af- student body's only channel of commented senior Andrea should have been done in con- sound to discourage students fect those with need-based communication is through the Covington, an active Board of veying the policy change to the from taking overloads ... It is not scholarships." representatives. The role of the Trustees member for the class faculty and students. "A policy in their best interest to dissipate Many students, facuity, and representatives Nichols says is of 1992. "Student reps are in- such as this should be officially their interests so widely." administration feci that most of to, "keep the committee abreast timidated to talk at meetings be- told with an explanation." As for how the decision was the debate will stem not from on what to do to facilitate reac- cause most of the trustees are In regarding the issue as a reached as to where the cut-off the policy itself. but from where tion between students and fac- older. Untried, young, untested whole, though, Eshleman and should be, Academic Affairs the cut-off point should be. ulty." persons play it safe with Seidel are aware that the practice based their decision on the sta- Some are in agreement with the But if nine out of 10 students people ... well respected in their of having an overload policy is usucs gathered over the past policy as it is now. Others be- have never heard of this com- fjeld." 0 not uncommon among most col- several semesters on how many lieve the cutoff should be 18 leges. Student Affairs has been students have been Laking over- credits or even higher still. coming I ATIENTION STUDENTS I aware of the existence of the loads at WMC. Fall 1991 statis- This issue will be open to policy in other schools, as well. tics show that the percentage of discussion over the Dean of Academic Affairs students taking overloads is year, and the budget committee David Seligman has completed relatively small, and of that welcomes recommendations. 0 SLICES PLUS PIZZA Budget restriction on the employees' These actions are in addition From Page t vacation accrual. College staff to the college's hiring freeze, could formerly carry over vaca- which is currently saving the fering, however. Dr. Sam tion days from one fiscal year to school $500,(X)() in salaries, and Alspach, chair of biology, said the next, explained Dr. Ethan the seven courses per year that even though the department Seidel, assistant to the presi- teaching load, according to has larger than normal needs due dent, but will not be able to do Thomas. Thomas announced at to lab equipment, he has been that any longer. This is ex- a faculty meeting last year that able to stay within budget. pected to save the school a seven course load saves the "We're not crying yet," he said, $200,000, said Thomas. school $120,OOOannually. 0 but he thinks the situauon will gel worse if the Slate appropriation May 1st 8:30 pm decreases again or if our full-time enrollment conunues to fall. outside Winslow The cuts, said Thomas, were necessitated by a smaller full- FREE from CAPBoard ORO[" ANYSU(F.S I'I,US lime enrollment and a less than I'IIJ,A AND Kt:n;IVE A COUl"ON. COu..t:CT 6 expected appropriation from the COUPONS AND RECElYE A state. They have forced the n~EE cnesse 1'11.1.4.. school to defer $250,000 worth of buildings and grounds main- tenance. Other budget cuts include the PUB & GRllLE _,,~ scaling down of the renovation of McDaniel Hall, which will DIAL EXT. 642 ~ now cost $100,000 rather than $200,000, and the elimination FOR CONVENIENT DEliVERY OR TO HAVE of $50,000 from the library ac- YOUR ORDER READY WHEN YOU ARRIVE. quisition budget, which was for- merly $350,000. Delivery Sunday thru Friday 6 PM to 10:30 PM The final new measure is a
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