Page 98 - ThePhoenix1991-92
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Page 2 Western Maryland College Focus on a Student: James Martin Barry C. Wilkennen Award and BSU, treasurer for CAPBoard, By KRISflNE HOI,l.AND CcpyF.d,;/w James B. Moore Award and in wide receiver for me football Dressed in his ROTC fatigues his freshman year he received me team, and a member of ~e track in me middle of me library.jun- Veterans of Foreign Wars team. tor James Martin studies his Award. Martin has also been pushing books mal sprawl all over his The honor he is most proud to bring a black fraternity on table. While his 6 fool I frame of, though, is his Air Assault campus. "Although the Greek commandingly overshadows his award because it was his ultimate organizations on this campus do small library chair, his long fin- test of perseverance. Last sum- not exclude blacks, I feci that gers gently knead his forehead. mer he went to the rigorous Air many black students would pre- He is man of many contrasts: Assault School which consists of fer to join an organization which a football player who is a star many challenging tests and cxer- is based on African culture," he scholar, a political science major cises.lfasoldierfailsanypartof said. who doesn't want LOgo into poli- me school heorshe is sent home. Next year Martin will be an tics, and a ROTC cadet who While many of his classmates RA and, after graduation,he questions me government failed early on, Martin passed test plans to enter me army. "The Although his interests and ac- after test On the last day he had army can promote an officer, tivities are diverse, Martin says LOgo on a 12 mile road march black or white, with opportuni- he always tries to apply me same with with a 40 pound pack and ties for advancement. The army lessons of discipline and hard gear. He groans when he remem- has been at the task of integration work mat he learned from child- bers the march, "I became dehy- longer than the private sector, hood. "When I mink of my par- drated and developed cramps. therefore the environment is bet- ents I mink of how hard they When I couldn't go any farther I ter," he said. work," Martin said. "Every was disappointed." Later he would like go to law morning my dad gets up early; While Martin was sent home, school. He said, "I want to take ... 1 don't mink he's ever been he vowed not to give up the fight the talents that I have and give ROTC cadet James Martin will be going to Advanced Camp late to work." The school has a policy that sol- them back LOothers." a this summer, He plans to go into the army arter graduation. He wishes his parents could diers can redo part of the test have had the opportunity to go within a certain time frame. So WMC Continues and Expands Recycling Effort college. "They worked very hard formostofthis year Martin prac- to make sure my brother [Kevin ticed and recently he retook the By KIM POTTER Whelan said. He said it has al- housing contract committee and Richardson] and I could come test and passed. COftITih"';"'R,,_.,,. ways been an option 10 have re- IntcrGreek Council advisor, also here." Martinjoined WMC's ROTC Wilh today's society becom- cycling cans on individual floors. believed this to be true also. "We His parents efforts seem to in his freshman year after his ing environmentally conscious it There is a recycling planning [the committee, made up of stu- have paid off. Over the last three uncle persuaded him LOtry it and is no surprise that recycling has comrruuec made up of Whelan, dents and faculty] were told this years Martin has earned a slew of he says he has not regreued his cometoWMC. Dean of Student Affairs Philip was the policy. It just must have awards. decision. In December 1990 WMC es- Sayre, faculty, and students which never been enforced," she said. On April 26, Trumpeters in- According to Martin, ROTC tablished a recycling program make decisions on issues concern- Whelan says this has never ducted Martin into their honor teaches valuable leadership campus-wide. The school now ing the recycling program. been the policy. "We would leadership society at the Under- skills. "Everyone in ROTC is a recycles colored and clear glass, Kristi Towers, former presi- never demand money up front," graduate Honors Convocation. leader. Usually in most clubs aluminum and tin cans, newspa- dent of Phi Sigma Sigma and part he says. He explained that if the At the same event he was there are a few people arc at the per, computer paper, magazines, of the housing contract commit- can were damaged or lost that awarded the William top and they make all the deci- cardboard and plastic according tee, found some policies thereon- there would be a fcc to replace it McConnick Junior Memorial sions. We [in ROTC[ take turns to Mel Whelan,building services cerned her when she asked for a According to Whelan there has Scholarship. rotating leadership," he said. coordinator and coordinator of recycling can for her floor. She never been a problem with the Last year he was given the Martin is vice president of the the program. said she was led to believe by condition of returning cans. This is the first year that all members of the housing commit- Rick Mcintyre, former hous- dormitories have recycling bins tee that her organization had LO ing chairperson for Sigma Phi Rape Myth #39 in the lobby, which include those front $50 before Obtaining a can. Epsilon, said he didn't pay a fee Myth: Men deal betferwith crisis than women do and don't need for glass, plastic, and cans Cynthia Zciher, part of the when receiving the cans for his helpin coping with rape. Door. He spoke directly with FACT: 7~ere isgrowin;evidencethatmenmayhealfrom rape trauma MUSICIANS Whelan and said that a fee was WIth greater difficulty than. IWmen. As men charactenstlCally never mentioned to him. "I was ~al With sexual ~ictjm!Zatwn bytryi~!llignore It, theyare/ess hkelytoseeka.>slSlancethatcoufdfiuilttaterecovery. just under the impression that I For help or more information, contact the Rape Crisis lntetven- DBOOK '92 would be billed if they weren't tion Service for free assistance. All inquiries are confidential. returned intact," said Mcintyre. that it is stated Zcihercxptained Hotline: 857-7322 Office: 857·0900 in the Greek housing contract that -r Takethe there is to be a deposit 10 obtain cans. She believes if this had been . ,·0\1$10 changed more organizations may { . ···E.· ..1'...a \'\. laO. ;. First Step to have asked cans for their 1l00r. She said this will be revised for next (J~ ~Pl'i{\ti{\9 year's contract. Getting Signed.... seems this issue has the efficiency 140 EAST MAIN STREET WESTMINSTER MD 21157 not really affected "It is very suc- of the program. 848-2844 87&-1330 ....:l!L.S:::';O'-I~ StTTJwPravitltd cessful. The students are doing a CONTACT: marvelous job," Whelan said. QUALITY RESUMES QUICK PRINT RESUMES , Major Record labels, Publishers, Behind 199 Pennsylvania TYPESETTING WORD PROCESSING BOOKS MANUALS ~ Clubs, Promoters, Managers, Studios, Avenue there are additional big BUSINESS FORMS ANNUAL REPORTS Distributors, Nationwide compartments for large quanti- TWQ AND FOUR COLOR BROCHURES ties of materials thatcan 't fltclse- SanLi. 'Day Strvia On Qpjc{Print Orders Send $35.00 (chock or tnOQeYordcr) to: where. Whelan said these seem Pick Up And DElvEru SErvicE AvailablE A & R RECORD GUIDE lO make it easier to recycle and 21 ?blrs of strWrs tJU. c.ummJI.II.jl!J P.O. Box 8841S even helps the county partici- l.ot~CA9all9 pate. Q
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