Page 93 - ThePhoenix1991-92
P. 93
April24,1992 Western Maryland College PageS Residency Requirement Still in Effect commuters, Sayre's office has to Price. 60 Seconds By BOB KIRKENDALL P~"'o~1&1il", granted individual exceptions to "Even the AIl-CollegcCoun- More than two months after about eight students on a case eil seemed ineffective. It is a the junior residency requirement by case basis. matter of getting my parents in- said Price. was announced, some students One such exception was least, Price would like to sec a on Campus At the very valved," are still voicing their concerns. made for a sophomore woman The requirement, as insti- because of financial consider- grandfather clause instated for tuted by the Budget & Finance ations. The next year's cost in- tbcclassof 1994,saying, "They By Hob Kirkendall and Doug Rettberg Committee, has spurred a flurry creases will bring board ex- led us to believe that we could of letters, a public bulletin- penses to almost $100 a week live off campus next year, and board protest, and a petition and room expenses to over $350 they look Lhal freedom away." Should Decker Center be open signed by more than 400 stu- a month. Although these are Several students, including 24 hours? dents, all attempting to rescind said to be comparable with two freshman men, stated their or postpone the policy. other private institutions, off- intent to transfer because of the Dean of Student Affairs campus living expenses are con- requirement, according to Price. Philip Sayre said, "I thought the siderably less. One student, who wishes to Laura John '94 protest board was great. It The Student Affairs Office is remain anonymous, told The History showed the issues involved and working with the Financial Aid Phoenix of his/her intent to live added a depth to the whole Office to address student's 11- off campus next year under the "Yes, you can walk thing." nancial difficulties, according to pretext of commuting from his/ home safer." Although the requirement Sayre. her parent's home. The student, still remains as originally stated, Cost is only one factor that who has already been granted Sayre encourages students to re- has led to one sophomore's dif- approval by the administration, sponsibly voice their opinions. ficulues. said, "My parents are support- Sayre has prepared a letter to be Marshall Price, originator of ing my decision 100%. They distributed to all freshmen and the student petition, had hopes don't want to throwaway their sophomores in response to the of living off campus to avoid money any more than 1 do." students' concerns. The letter what he refers to as, "A socially The 1993 budget, as influ- should be sent before this article segregated atmosphere on cam- enced by the new requirement Chuck Hammond'93 comes to publication. according pus." Although Sayre accepted will go to a preliminary vote by Biology to Sayre. the petition and listened to his the Board of Trustees this In addition to the staled ex- concerns, Price felt as though he month, said Sayre. The final "Yes.Decker shouldbe captions of married couples, was not effective in promoting a vote will occur in October once open when studying lo- persons over 25 years old, and change in the policy, according students are back. a cations are poor." Seniors Give WMC Social Life a 1.26 GPA the academic rank WMC re- people 01T campus to drink and By CHRIS MARSHALL C... "j""'u.,R,'_"
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