Page 92 - ThePhoenix1991-92
P. 92
Page 4 Western Maryland College April 24, 1992 Editorial: Credit where Credit is Payed for Arc you ambitious, but also Iowan funds? Well, then, WMC bas anotherliule surprise to spring on you next fall. No longer will capable students be able LOreach their full potential of academic achievement without penalty. Did you weru to major in economics and political sci- ence and maybe throw in a computer science minor? Un- less you have cash readily at hand, no matter how smart you are, you won't be able to finish in four years. And don't even mink about changing your major after your fbst semestcr. Starting next fall students can only take 17 credits for the flat tuition fee 0[$13,300. For every credit hour there- after, $200 will be charged LOyour account. WPSS Gets a Ugh!!!! We even had to endure article by Joe Blow brought Will financial aid cover this? Or will mom and dad? pizza night and steak dinners on tears of envy to my eyes. All we For $200, you can take a three credit course at the com- Passing Grade Saturday with a make your own did at my school was construct munity college. And I, for one, see many students doing sundae bar!l! All that fat, sugar, egg crates and drop them from just that to avoid a the penalty. Dear. Bird Master, and grease!!! Things certainly the roof of the Math department I foresee the college realizing very little revenue from Thanks to the generosity of seem to be healthier at Englop. building. I had no idea the stu- Gretel, I had the this credit limit. But requests for credit transfers will soar. my daughter to read your issue of The article by Theodore dents at WPSS were so talented opportunity What will come next? A lower ceiling on allowable trans- Quacker on the twenty students or interested in biology. Cer- fer credits? April 1 this past week. To say held in President Hall's home tainly, Ms. Dallas must do a lot It's the old slippery slope theory that the college has that I was impressed would be restored my faith in the courage to (oops! I meant for) the stu- proven true before. Take the housing policy changes of an understatement! decision Clearly I I of academic leaders. When I dent body at WPSS. a wise when made the last two years for an example. chose to ransom my future, put was an undergraduate, my col- In any event. please accept I predict the fallout from this policy will be much the lege assumed they were doing my congratulations on a well same as from the housing policy changes-students will my wife out to beat laundry River, on something wrong when we crafted, well written, sensitive, the administration of the Severn the rocks transfer to a school that will grant them more freedom. and sold my other six children agreed with and insightful journalistic ef- How will the administration increase revenue then? a on anything! Oh the anxiety! fort. Whatever else WPSS may into slavery to find the funds to The frustration! All we wanted be, it is surely not dull and it is send my daughter to the was to be told how to think cor- nice to know that some of the was can Helping Out people suffering from these epi- Westminster (WPSS). Post-Secondary rectly, and got all a we bener got idea? inmates condition. still laugh at our demics by May 1. School Don't ever "You've human the Needy To acheivc this goal I need the Where to begin? Your edito- Great! Let's try it!" I am sure lose your sense of humor. support of all college organize- rial in which you indicate that delighted to see that at WPSS Sometimes it is the only thing Dear Editor, tions, offices, depanmems, fac- the issue has "very little ground- the administration is respon- that will gel you through life's So our parents sent us off to ulty, administration and students. ing in truth" and that "facts were sible and has the courage to more interesting moments. college to get an education, pre- With the total support of the col- stretched, twisted, and blatantly make sure you graduate with Sincerely, pare us for the real world. Weget lege, there is no way we can not ignored" restored my faith in proper thought patterns. DickPoweil a lesson in both when we find out acheive our goal. Here is what I higher education. Imagine at Finally, the civil engineering aka Gretel's Dad that education is expensive. need from you: help your orga- WP$S students actually get But here's something else. It nization raise 30 cans of food for training for careers in politics would seem that we should be the project and tell your club and the medial! The article by practicing what we may eventu- members to make personal dona- Peter Wolf on the culinary de- The Phoenix ally do in the real world. Here's tionsof about eight cans of food. lights awaiting students at our chance. Take a stand on the problems Englop brought tears to my eyes Edltor-in-Chlef __. ...__., Jennifer Scott Take a stand with me and the that surround us. I know thauhis when I thought of the common Layout Editor "",, Constanunos Frangos rest of the college community on is by no means a solution to these gruel I had to endure as a fresh- Copy Editor ••"""." ," _."", .... " ..__.,, __..... Kristine Holland the problem of A.I.D.S. and problems, but as a college, let us man in 1962. All we had back Sports Editor " .."." .•""." "." ....• " ... Ed Rigling homcJessness. Join the Chal- say that we care about those who then was plain, wholesome food Art s & Entertainment Editor .__." __.,,.,,_DcmeLrios Lambros lenge Project and help raise are the victims ofit. served in ample portions just Photography Editor " .. " "."" " .." .. __.__ " Bob Kirkendall 10,000 cans of rood for those Sincerely, Todd Robinson '93 like mother used to make .. Cartoonist " .. " __." " ..__ " ,, __, Mike Jenkins Business Manager , "."" " .. ", ..__." , Mark Long Three Choices my complete support of Tyson. who has found God through Is- Advertising Advisor Managers ". __" " Walt Eife and Bill Michaelsen __ Dalton Terry was just ignorant Faculty , Maybe Desiree A man who hasleamed lam,or3. for Tyson of Tyson's reputation, and a lesson on his own and now is no Student Advisor "_"" ,, ,,__ Andrea Covington maybe she really warned to go longer a menace to society, i.e.. The Phoenix is published bi-weekly. The opinions expressed Dear Editor, out and "take pictures with some- women. do not necessarily reflect those of Phoenix staff members, the I'm writing in response to the one whom her brother and father Hopefully, Tyson does some- faculty, or the administration at western Maryland College. editorial that appeared in the idolized," as she said. Who thing with his time and doesn't The Phoenix welcomes free-lance submissions on Macintosh or April 10 issue on Mike Tyson. knows if justice was served in come out as a hardened criminal. IBM disk in most word processor formats. The editor reserves I originally sided totally with thiscasc. If he does seek religion, I am not the right to edit for clarity, length and liable, and will be Mike in his statement that he I do know that jail has never necessarily implying that the published as space permits. Letters to the Editor that are one raped no one. I felt that the vic- been famous for rehabilitating its only choice for him is Islam, but page, typed, and double-spaced are guarentecd publication in tim, Desiree Washington had to inmates. Mike Tyson can no since Christianity did not work the upcoming issue. The editor reserves the right to edit for know of Tyson's previous repu- longer just blame the white me- for him, then maybe the disci- liable. diskettes) (excluding tation of womanizing, and of the dia for getting on his back. Now pline of Islam will. If it did work, All submissions of The Phoenix self-addressed be returned. become the property and cannot fact he was a millionaire (in spite black people like myself are on then I think that he would be a of Don King). It was not until I his back. In reality, Tyson can better man with a sense of direc- Please include a name and phone number for verification. saw Desiree Washington taIking come out of jail as: 1. A hardened tion. A man that the white media Address mail to: The Phoenix on ''20(10,'' (after Tyson's con- criminal who has learned nothing would have a reason to envy! 2 College Hill Western Maryland College viction) that I began tofeel iffy in from his conviction, 2. A man Sincerely,ITM Westminster, MD 21157
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