Page 90 - ThePhoenix1991-92
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Page 2 Western Maryland College Focus on a Student: Evan Mawyer By KRIS'nNE HOLLAND Mawyer was a model and actor you probably never will," said COPIEd;, .. in New York City catering was Mawyer. "You can hang on but Outside the swinging doors the last thing he saw himself all you will be doing is hanging President Chambers and trust- doing. A friend, a caterer, told on," ccs discuss college politics over him about all the work that was So he decided to go into act- dinner in the President's Dining involved with being a caterer ing, enrolling in HB Studios, a Room. Inside the swinging and Mawyer promised himself New York acting school, and doors the president and trustees' that he would never do it. How- planning a career in com mer- muted voices outside are merely ever, Mawyer's life has been cials and soap operas. Mean- background music to the or- radically transformed since the while, he supported himself chestration of the meal the ca- day he said those words. with various wanenng jobs and tcrers arc preparing. Mawyer grew up in J ackson- by working at Chippendales as a Sophomore Evan Mawyer, ville, FL. and went to a junior host (not a dancer). full-Lime caterer and WMC stu- college there for a year before He starred in a nationwide dent, carefully places two more he decided to head for the Big beer commercial and people pieces of asparagus on the last Apple to model. At first he that he had never met before entree plate and carries it into loved it. His career look off started calling him up. Despite the dining room. When he re- when he was offered a three this big break he said began to turns to the kitchen he pulls a month modeling tour in Europe. question his lifestyle. little on his red bow-tie and IeLS Although he enjoyed his tour "I was 26 and realized 'God out a small sigh of relief. He has in Europe, the more he modeled I'm getting older'," he said. "So a few moments reprieve before the more he wondered if model- many of my other friends had bringing out the cheesecake and ing was the best avenue for him gone to college and settled strawberry ice cream. to follow. "If you do not make down." On his terrace balcony Several years ago when $100,000 in the first two years See MA WYER, Pg. 3 Col_ 4 Greek Week a Disappointment Evan Mawyer, rormally for Dining Services. is now a full time an actor and model and caterer student By CHRIS MARSHALL "It's a shame the Bachelors Only about 80 students at- C....m6 .. "',R"'" Day even though SEAC Says: "Think had to go against the spirit ofpro- tended Greek According to many Greeks, moting the Greek system," said free beer was available, and it Greek Week was not the huge senior Kim Potter sister of Phi was the only place the Greeks Globally, Act Locally" success they had hoped it would Sigma Sigma referring to a party could get served dinner on cam- be because of the lack ofparuci- they had on the same nigbt. pus. Junior Dan Sussman of was to include a speaker and en- paLion from both Greeks and in- The Phi Alpha Mu Lipsync Alpha Gamma Tau agreed, By JENMFER HILL tertainment. S"'IJR,po"'" dependents. and the Greek Day celebration "More participation would have SEAC, the Student Environ- The theme for this year's "The point of the whole thing were the most popular events. made it a bene- affair." mental Action Coalition, was to unite the Greeks and im- Over 100 students, out of the Junior Tricia Duffy from Al- planned to hold many activities Earth Week celebration locally" is act "Think globally, press the independents, but it nearly 250 Greeks on campus pha Nu Omega said, "It por- to celebrate Earth Week, April hopes and SEAC to instill never really got off Lheground," and the rest of the student body, trayed a poor image to the inde- 20-25. idea in the minds of the WMC this said junior Jeremy Kenney, a attended the lipsink. pendems because it felt like it According to freshman Jered communuy. brother of Sigma Phi Epsilon. An independent, impersonat- was just thrown together." Ebcnreck, the group planned to This grass-roots based group Only 25 students supported ing Elvis, took second even Despite the poor attendance, hold a vegetarian dinner, a the forum party, which was held beating out the rest of the it is worth trying again next year movie, a speaker, and a folk wants to make everyone aware of governments what many on a Friday, despite the free Greeks accept Carrie Arbaugh believes all interviewed includ- party during the week to make around the world are doing to beer, food, and disc jockey. from Phi Alpha Mu. ing sophomore Sophie Kaye of the community and the students preserve our fragile environ- Phi Alpha Mu, senior Melyssa more aware of environmental ment. Denney of Alpha Nu Omega, issues. Rape Myth # 18 The main focus of Earth and junior Coleen Klasmeier of The dinner, which was to be Week at WMC is to inform stu- Myth: The victim of rape shares some of the blame for the crime. Alpha Nu Omega.. a held on Monday April 20 and dents about the meeting which FACT" ::e~leJr;::::;:~~es:S;::;'A~1oe::hc;tcrim~,~=::::. will take place this year in Bra- zil. ~:t;;n/km:ethdn!n1~~~~01h~~iii:\:~'~~~";"O( MUSICIANS discuss United Nation leaders issues. will environmental responsibility to talk a rapist out of criminal conduct SEAC, founded in Chapel For help or more information. contact the Rape Crisis Interven- DBOOK '92 Hill, North Carolina three years tion Service for free assistance. All inquiries arc confidential. ago, was the largest student in history. movement Hotline: 857-7322 Office: 857-0900 group is part of region WMC's ~rTakethe national from washington, D.C., 130(' the student chapter, with groups Pennsylvania, and Delaware. 1....,.0..•?.~.ra·~~:E; -""'- ;. First Step to very SEAC active at WMC environmental has been a , ,pt\t'it\tl() group and began the recycling plan at the college. Getting Signed.... Ebenreck said that the group i40 EAST MAIN STR€ET WESTMINSTER. MD 21157 is very interested in making 876-[330 -""'''=>;;o......J",- StrvictsPrOVitfuf contacts with other regional or- gantzauons. OUAUTY ReSUMeS QUICK PRINT ReSUMes r CONTACT: As a grass roots student orga- TYPESeTTING WORD PRoceSSI NG Major Record Labels, Publishers, nization, the group docs not BOOKS MANUALS ~ aubs, Promoters, Managers, Studios, BUSINess FORMS ANNUAL REPORTS Distributors, Nationwide have a specific chain of com- TWO AND FOUR COLOR BROCHURes mand or president. According to Ebcnreck, SEAC is not hier- S~ 'DayStrrJiu 0" Quic{Print Orders Send $35.00 (check or money ordu) to: archical, sexist, or racist. Any- Pick Up And DEIIv~ry SErvicE AVOILiiablE A & R RECORD GUIDE 21 ?Urs of serving tk wmmunit!J P.o. Box 8841S one interested in the environ- meet- SEAC to.Anedea.CA9CXXl9 ment can attend nights at 6 pm. a ings Tuesday
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