Page 4 - ThePhoenix1991-92
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Page 4 Western Maryland College August 29,1991 Guide to Building Codes on Your Course Schedule or "Where the heck do I go on Monday ..:' ALUM ~ Alumni Hall (I) LHS ~ Lewis Hall of Science (7) ART ~ Fine Arts Building (2) MEM ~ Memorial (8) BMC~BakerMemorialChapel(3) PELC ~ PELC (9) DECK/WEYB ~ President's POOL ~ Pool (10) Office (4) THOM ~ Thompson Hall (II) GILL ~ Gill Gymnasium (5) WIN ~ Winslow (12) LEV ~ Levine Hall (6) PLAY, from Page 1 part again." Lambros said that the play tries to teach the audience the impor- lance of good self-esteem. Other points that the play makes include the idea that it is okay not 10have sex, being safe, respecting others, and being able 10 make "con- scious, positive, decisions." This is the first play that Robinson has directed at WMC and he said that the production has been difficult because the play started as mostly his script and ended more like the UCLA script. He added that becauseeverything in the play is "secondary" 10 the health themes the play sometimes has to sacrifice reality to make its points. Robinson also said thai the production is unusual because "it's an all-the-way student-run pro- duction" and that everyone in- volved with theplay hasdirector's powers to some extent. The play shows in Alumni Hall on Friday at I p.m. and will be followed by a question and an- swer session. Mediating the ses- sion will be Marlene Clements, director of Student Health Ser- vices. 0 SPORTS, from page 1 ently blows at random, and quite frankly confuses the hell out of me. The field hockey team will havetheir third beef coech in as many years, BELIEVE IT OR NOT, THIS GUY which always poses problems. Players to Watch: Sherry Albright. DinaCommuzzi,andJOOilivingston. IS IN CLASS. Cross Country/Golf- no of- fense.butthesetwosportseremeleast Excitement and adventure is the course descrip- tion, and Anny ROTC is the name. It's the one col- enjoyable to watch. One can only your pick one vantage point for cross lege elective that builds potential self-confidence, and helps you develops your leadership country, the startlfinish line, and then take on the challenges of corrunand. sit around for a lalf bour. Likewise There'snoobligation until yourjwli.oryear,and that for golf. One can only play groupie means there's no ,eas~to try it out right now. andshout"You theMan!" forso long before the thrill is gone. Players to Watch: Cross country- Kendra ss Weible, Derek Johnston. Golf- all of them. ARMY ROTC Remember, the best thing about Contact the Military Science Depart- all these events is that they cost abso- THE SMARTEST COLLEGE ment, Gill Gym, second floor or call lurelynothingwiththeuseofaWMC COURSE YOU CAN TAKE ID. AndyoutOOughtitwasgoodju& 857ยท2720 farGlar. 0
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