Page 52 - ThePhoenix1991-92
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February 14, 1992 Western Maryland College Page 3 Elisabeth- Happy Valentine's Day! Sandy- Cheer up. -Q Personal Announcements Policy: -Bluc Personals may be sent through campus mail to The Phoenix. proper payment enclosed. Happy Valentine's Day, Patrick. I To Amy RA- Happy V Day. -Marc Payment for the 2/28/92 issue is 25 cents per announcement, 5 for $1. Individual announce- enjoyed whipping your butt! Jennifer & Tiffany- Happy ments may not exceed 50 words. Phone numbers will not be included in any personal announce- -From: 007 Valentine's to my two favorite RA buddies.-Love, Kristina ment because we cannot verify the number or ensure a third party is not harassed. Announce- Hey Nancy- Make sure you pack a ments that the editors deem libelous will be censored, payment non-refundable. lunch -. Guess Who? Dcmctri- Happy Valentine's Day!! Sc Agape! -Lovc Elaine Yeah whatever, Mary!! I. U! Happy Valentine's Day, Shana B. Carrie- Looking forward to us To- La Keisha Rivers; From- Your Baby 0011- I love you more than Michele, Anna & Heather- The -. Your Roomie Flower store would not take my Mis.' Hope it'll be a special day. Secret .Admirer in Rouzer: Happy anything and you mean the world to VISA. Sana flowers for you. -Luv, To Jenn- We share a strong secret -Tina Valentines Day! me.-YourSunshine Imnman. that none will ever know! -Love. Thanks Bob, Kristin, Pete, and Tom Kristina- Can J have a IWU scratch Heeter- Edgar and Stanley miss Tiffmy 1., Jennifer C., La Keisha The Man.!! for al\ you help with the personals! tonight? -Lovc.Dorben you. get well soon! -Wilbur Elcni-Mooll!- Sc agapo apo Teen -The Ed. R., Tasha, Donna c., Renee & Cardia-moo!! Sc thclc tora! Tara! Anissa(islhatrighl?),MiehelleM._ To-Kri.stina; From- Wayne: Happy History Major- Good luck in get- ALe- Thanks for your training, Yalcruincs Day! ting lhat scholarship! .Psyeh. Major HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY Tara! You arc the best thing in the guidance, and advise. -lSS -Peanut world'! -Lovc, Vatrachos. To: The Slick Chick- Another se- Jessica & Gina- Have a great last Sandra- Hi, Roomy. Watch out for mester, here we come! -Your semester. n., -Your Little Sis This Bub's for you Jenn- Good luck on you new job as editor!!!-Steve the speakers. -.Karen Wacky Roomy To: G-String Money Wayne- Mary S.- Have a great Semester! Andy, Beth, Dino, Doug, Ed, len, Carrie Ward- Can you remember Happy Valentine's Day! -Frorn: -Bcny Boop Happy Valentine's Day, Ricardo & Mark. I miss you. -Kcisha Jim (Harvey), Kristine, Mark, Re- anything? Not even a phone call? 007 becca, Terry, Tessa, and Tom- -SG. Compadrcs- Sec you all Sat. at 9 Clive- Happy v-day. -RAW & (you know where). Hope you all get Thanks for making the first issue Steve W... - You don't know who I possible. Welcome new and return- Jcnn-Ilove you. I need you. Be my am but I love you. -XOXOX a good night's sleep tonight. You'll NOR need it. -Ex-Nurncro Uno ing staffers! Looking forward to a First Sgl. rorevcr. -MS UI Class Pete M.- Happy V-day. -RAW great semester. -The Ed. Dooky- We've been loving each Dee- Aloha! Glad 10 be back? Flowers- You tum me on in those other for a while now, and I plan on Here's to a great semester!-Dcbra Matt- I'm waiting. -RAW lP- Tum the knob of history. - I pink sweat-pants! Meet me at loving you forever, even though lovethef;umachinc.-G.S. Champs.-? you're so damn stubborn. Happy T/Krr/K ... G.A.B.O.B. the Dear Poo Hey- You're TOO old to Valentine's Day! -Cookie. death to be playing in the sand-box; leave The Roaches and all other Phi's- • Bccce- Happy Valentine's Day! those freshmen alone. -Somcone Happy V-Day. I Jovc you all. -S.G. Looking forward to dinner and our The Latin God!- Happy Valentine's Cookie/Corky- This time no second Concerned Day. -The Latin Goddess?! hand balloons. Happy V-D. -Kris IT.- Thank you for the best six ~~~ha~t~:~oa;~a~~r ;~~~s~ir1~ Keisha & Sasha. Since both of your months of my life. You brought out walls. I surrender, for now (he he). Captain Hood- Keep it flapp'in. To all 187 PA- Good luck this se- Valentine's are gone, I'll share my the light inside of me and I thank Remember the Rosebuds? Happy Valentine's Day! mester & welcome! ·Debra! candy. SIKE! -Krissy you for that, too. I love you always JK.M+TR. -Love, TEQ (P.S.- and forevcr. -Love Meghan Sam. Happy 1 year anniversary - may B.V.N- I love you always. -Y.S.A. Sony Kim. No Flowers. -Swim Thinking of you, Turner. Woof, there be many morc.) Team '92 woof. Slobber, slobber. -Hooch Mary- See you in all our Jives. Cutler- Good luck w/lax this sea- -Love, Teddy (P.S. Remember the • Tiamo Niccolo es son! -Big Bro. Happy Valentine's Day, La Kcisha. Happy Valentine's Day, Rolando . tree.) You're #1. -From Secret Admirer -From: 007 TO: ED SELL- HAPPY To the 4th floor posse- Happy Dear leffMac- This is the only way VALENTINE'S DAY-From the 3 Valentine'sDay!-Kee I-f-ing-mcdiatcly Terry: Happy 47lh! -The Phoenix I could think of gening your atten- Nuns tion without facing you tongue tied. To Jenn- Thank you for paying for Mom & Dad- Thanks for all of the Be A Magazine My friends tell me that I s~ould stop To: Mel "Big Boy" Whalen and the lunch. -Love, John Gazzelli support. It helped me I.hrough! being shy. I hope you believe that I Mrs.- Happy Anniversary -Ulla Happy Valentine's Day! -Lovc, am serious. I want to get to know Happy Valentine's Day, Uncle Sunshine. Model! you. You've known me for awhile TO: WMC Community- HAPPY Byrd. Nice going Partncr. -From: but I've kept my feelings secret. I VALENTINE'S DAY. THANK 007 Tugs- Happy Valentine's Day! want to be your valentine ... -Love, YOU & GOODBYE -KekJru Good luck this semester. -Bayliner Brown Hair Green Eyes 0.1.- Stop being so cynicaL Have From one hot babe to anolher: fun on V-Day. -Guess who I love ya, Big Sis! -'LiISis, Mary Denise- Sociology becoming quite "Happy Valcntine's Day, Ruth!" Happy Valentine's Day, La Tasha socilll, wouldn '\ you think? Can '\ To my GS buddy- Thanks. I love wait for lhe big plan to go into ac- To: Mel Whelan- "Lc coeur a ses & Jodi Peace Party Poople. -Kee ya.-Mare lion! -Luv, Your Cat's Meow raisons que la raison ne connait poinL"-A bras ouverts, Monique or Caneun from City Beach from LET OUR COMPUTERS Earn cash and Free trips ...... DO THE WORRYING ... campus reps neededl!l ...about the cost of higher education for your child. call I 8QO.648.4849 Whether he or she wants to go to college or to improve upon ~~r-r technical or vocational skllls, funds for the higher education that ENTER THE "GLAMOUR Is deserved can be found through the services of SERVICES MODELS" MAGAZINE A oomplelely computerized operation. MODEL SEARCH! Scholarship Quest will provide 6 to 25 sources of financial aid Doo'l missthisfanta~ticopportu- matched with the individuat needs, interests and quatificaoons of vir- nily! Owr 200 winners lohe tually every student selected for mag~llnecoversand Processing fee is only $50.00. Results guaranteed editoriais! The rand pri7.ewinner willreceive a pniessional model ScholarShip Quest-the service you can't afford not to use. portfolio and case valued al $2000! For free and complete information, fill out and mail the coupon below. For free details, call:848·4624 Anytime or Come byon... r----------------, I 140 EAST MAIN STREB WESTMINSH:R. MD 21157 Sat. March 7th I Please Send Free Information 84~B44 876-1330 I Name of Student I Suvius PrOfliaea lOam to 8pm Address _ I auAUTY RESUMes QUICk PRINT RESUMes Comfort Inn, I ~~%phone Number ~7Ie-- Zip --- : TYPESETTING WORD PRoceSSING Presidential Suite I High School Attending I BOOKS MANUALS Westminster BUSINESS FORMS ANNUAL REPORTS I Year in School I lWO AND FOUR COlDR BROCHURES ljIlJlQf!Rr. 140)Qf876·(}()/O, IrJanr·8pm I Please send this coupon to: I S~ 'Da!!S~rtIiaOnQuic.{Prinl Onurs Meet Don Kelly-to enroll I Scholarship Quest I In the magazine Model L p::_. !~:!Y:"do!~ :::-C:2 .J Pidc Up And DElivEry SErvicE Available Search! Men and Women 21 1Lars of sut/ing jfU. comnlllnit!} welcome. Bring Photos!
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