Page 50 - ThePhoenix1991-92
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WMC Football to Terrorize Russia-Story, Pg. 6 THE PHOENIX Deadline for Bookstore Burglarized Affinity By REB"CCA L. KANE around $6,400, according to Housing On Thursday morning, Feb- what Campus Safety told the S"'IJR.p".... Sun" supple- "Carroll County Approaching ruary 6, Bookstore employees been ment to the Baltimore Sun in the discovered they had February 8 issue. Sunday, robbed the night before. The incident took place some By PETER WIIITI!': "If you wrote a check on time between 8 pm Wednesday S"'fJR,_" February 5, Wednesday, to the Thinking about where to live College Bookstore, please go night when the Bookstore next year? Why not get together there immediately because you closed and 8:30 am Thursday It is morning when it reopened. a group of friends who share a may have to stop payment on probable that the incident hap- common interest, fill out a fonn your account" read a notice re- pened some time between 12 of intent, and take up residence cently delivered to each WMC midnight and Sam when no one in a suite in Daniel MacLea? mailbox. was in Decker Center. February 24 is the deadline Although not everything in According to Pat Blackman, for the forms to be turned in, the safe had been taken, accord- the current theory is that some- which can be found at the Stu- ing to Bookstore employee, Pat one or some people entered the dent Affairs Office. March 2-7 Blackman, a bag of daily re- Bookstore from the women's and 9 are the times for inter- ceipts, including some checks bathroom located next to it It is views with prospective rest- from the day before and peuy believed that he/she/they could dents. cash were missing. have climbed through the ceil- Chances are good that your The total amount stolen was See BURGLARY, Pg.4Col.l group will be nominated if you have a good plan and are seri- Eva Hess, the new director of Financial Aid, urges Clements, RN, Resigns ous. Of the 14 groups that ap- students to tum their FAFs in by the March 1 deadline. plied last year, 13 were ac- By JENr-.1FERHILL Health Services. Freben- cepted. Financial Aid Office SIil/fR.p""" shauser, a registered nurse, is an According to Charlene Western Maryland College's adjunct faculty member in the Kinsey, Residence Life Coordi- Gets New Director Student Health Services is college's graduate program and nator and Director of Affinity looking for a new director to fill has worked at WMC in Health Housing, the only other require- By PETU WmTE the office left by Marlene Services for nine years. Her his- ment besides filling out the form S"'IfR,p""'" Clements. tory with WMC goes back even is to find a professor to be your The deadline for the Financial Aid Form (FAF) is almost Clements, who worked here further since she received both advisor. here, and WMC has a new Director of Financial Aid. for seven and a half years, re- her bachelors degree in 1981 One way to start is to ask ei. Eva Hess, who filled the position in 1984 for one year, was signed two weeks ago after an and her masters degree in 1989 ther the department head of rehired on November 11, 1991. extended leave. Philip Sayre, from the college. your particular interest, or a fa- According to Dean of Academic Affairs David Seligman, dean of Student Affairs, de- Prebertsbauscr will be as- vorite professor. The best way there were a large number of applicants for the position, clined to give the reasons for sisted by Karen Minor and Faye to do this, says Kinsey, is to which was conducted as a nationwide search. Hess was the Clements' resignation but was Koerner. Minor, a nurse practi- "just go ahead and ask them." number one choice of three people selected for interviews. eager to announce the names of tioner, also works at Carroll Starling Fall of 1992 there Although she had worked for WMC in the same capacity the new people who will be fill- County General Hospital's will be no Pennsylvania houses before, the deciding factor was her experience at Ursinus ing in until a new director can be emergency room. Koerner is set aside for affinity housing, as College, where she was director for the last few years. found. employed at Maryland General in years prior. This means that "Her primary objective is to serve the student clientele," Beginning Monday, Febru- Hospital. only the 12 suites in DMC are said Seligman. ary 10, Luann Frcbcnshauscr Sayre added that a search for See DIRECTOR, Pg. 2 Col. 3 was scheduled to take over the a permanent full-time director See HOUSING, Pg. 8 Col. 1 duties of director of Student will begin next month. Q Effectiveness of Smoking Policy in Question; Fine May be Used all campus buildings are smoke- By BOB KIRKENDALl. moria! Hall has been "taken adoption of the policy, said it with the policy, "I think it's a free with the exceptions of one over by smokers," and that no has been "very effective, espe- failure on the administration's PIwl~_~lEdilor A recent look at Western area in the Pub, designated fac- voting occurred. The same has cially in public areas. The and the AU-College Council's Maryland College's smoking ulty lounges, private offices, been found to be true by stu- smoking in the PELC entrance part. They need some kind of policy has brought up new ques- donnitory rooms, and dormitory dents in Albert Norman Ward, has been reduced or even elimi- enforcement." tions about its effectiveness. lounges as determined by resi- Whiteford, and McDaniel resi- nated." Cohen, who would like to The policy, which went into dentsvote. dence halls. However, Sayre docs admit see a fine enforce the policy, effect last April, restricts the ar- Other schools have similar A PJwenixpol1 conducted on that not everything has been questions why the alcohol eas where both student and fac- policies, with larger universities February 8 found that out of 58 trouble-free: There has been policy has a stiff fine when the ulty smokers can light up. Bret designating entire dormitories resident students, 26 found smoking in the hallways of Me- smoking policy does not: Cohen, a junior at Western for either smokers or non-smok- other people's smoke a nui- morial and students fail to close "Those Ipersonsl drinking don't Maryland, introduced the policy ers. According to one adminis- sance. Atmost halrof'the smok- their doors when in theirdormi- harm others, but those smoking through the AU-College Coun- trator, WMC cannot afford to do ers polled said that they did not tory rooms. Complaints have do. It would make sense to have cil and was successful in con- this because of the limited num- know where smoking is prohib- been made of people smoking in a fine." vincing the administration of ber of residence halls on cam- ited. dormitory hallways and stair- Sayre claims the policy is the hazards of second-hand pus. Dean of Student Affairs wells during panics. self-enforcing, with no need for smoke. According to several profes- Philip Sayre, who was instru- Bret Cohen is not as enthusi- a fine. "We can do it without As the policy stands today, sors, the faculty lounge in Me- mental in the administration's astic about current compliance See SMOKING, Pg. 8 Col. 1
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