Page 51 - ThePhoenix1991-92
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Western Maryland College February 14, 1992 WMC Volunteers Send Food to Russia By KRISfINE HOLLAND C"!"Jlidi'", Harvey Stone is out getLing stoned, so I'm taking ever the Six people from Western Maryland College column, like it or not. and the Kiwanis Club of westminster helped pack Two. weeks ago, (as I'm sure you've already heard) the over 150 boxes of food in New Windsor on Janu- Bookstore was robbed, finally getting a taste of their own ary 30 that arc now bound for Russia. medicine. Someone just got frustrated with spending over Western Maryland and the Kiwanis Club were $400 on class books and a pencil sharpener and wanted to get just one of the many work teams that have helped their money back. out over the last few months. Volunteers work Or,a wcsumnstcr communuy member had been planning five days a week in New Windsor to pack food this for months, and knew that the safe would have the most that comes in from all over the country. money in it after the first week of classes from students emp- The faculty and students that volunteered their tying their wallets as they passed the registers. time were a link in a nationwide effort of the Or, an ex-campus safety director decided to drop arson World Council of Churches to relieve the food and begin robbing his past employer in order to pacify those shortages in Russia. nightmares he's been having. The volunteers from Western Maryland were Or, ... Well Icould go on. The point is it was robbed. impressed by the amount of food that has poured and cards. ~,,==========~~~=~ But not just robbed, but robbcdsucces.ifully. Whoever did in from across the country. Some of the donations the deed will most likely get off scott-free. But why? Where came with pictures of their hometown was the high-tech alarm system on the safe that sends a warn- One card said, "This food is from your friends in David Radosevich, head or Circle K, re- ing to Campus Safety as well as Westminster City Police? America sent with good will." cruited volunteers with aid or Kiwanis Club. Where were the motion detectors that all computer labs on "The responsiveness of the American people campus as a freshman last year with the sponsor- campus carry? How about the Flashing lights and sirens? I has been very moving," said Dr. Robert Hartman, ship of Kiwanis. missed all of that. Where was Campus Safety? They of all professor of Philosophy, chairman of the Pbiloso- Besides pack food for the people of Russia, people should have noLiced something. phyand Religious Studies departments, and coor- Circle K has participated in Save the Bay, Special But few people knew what they were doing, and had the dinator of thc event. "It's rewarding to see this Olympics, March of Dimes, Adopt a Highway, westminster City Police and detectives arrive at the scene outpouring of generosity." and Tutoring programs. before Campus Safety could disturb anything. Fingerprints, Seniors Guido Stubenrauch, Rob Snyder, and Radosevich said that their latest project has etc. were taken, and detectives could easily sec how the per- Mary Beth Craig were recruited by sophomore showed him that hunger is not particular to any petrator broke in, stole the money, and walked out again. David Radosevich who heads Circle K. country. "Regardless of what nationality you are So what's the school going to do about it? Everyone is a Radosevich started the service organization on See VOLUNTEERS, Pg. 4 Col. 4 suspect. Should Campus Safety fingerprint everyone until they find a match? The Bookstore most likely (I hope and Director will be greatly improved, "said quickly tested when a student's pray that they had some sense) had insurance that covered Seligman. financial need increased beyond such a circumstance. So do they really care if they catch any- From Page 1 The FA Office operates from what the school had allocated one? Dr. Ethan Seidel, Faculty a large pool of money, for her. Idon't foresee the college spending too much Lime on this Assistant to the President, was $8,052,284, which is broken Junior Beth Webster said she one, since they already boarded up the hole in the bathroom part of the search party for the down in the following amounts: would not be able to attend that the perpetrator went through to get into the store. Prob- position. He became respon- federal money- $2,109,728; WMC if her financial aid was ably one of the quickest moves by Physical Plant ever. sible for the duties of the Finan- state money-meed) $242,800, not increased. She was about to And what about that request to put a "stop payment" on cial Aid (FA) Office when the (non-need) $214,870; institu- mail her letter of resignation, checks written to the Bookstore on that fateful Wednesday, old director resigned in August tional (WMC)- $4,002,998; and when Hess found a new aid February 5? I know my bank charges $15 to stop payment, of 1991. private companies- $178,269 package for her. but, then again, if you just spent $150 on books you just got "I think we were lucky to get (all figures are from 1990-199\). "You have to keep in contact yourselfa$135 discount. 0 her back," said Seidel. "Our office is here to help with the financial aid office," Up until 1990 the FA Office the students," said Hess, by pro- said Webster. Next week: To pizza deliver, or not /0 pizza deliver? (It's already a quesuon.) and the Admissions Office were viding as much aid as possible. C. E. Corneu, a sophomore, under one director, according to About 80% of the student said he also wouldn't attend Seligman. But with the increas- body receives some sort of fi- WMC if he couldn't receive fi- ing demands from both offices, nancial aid as either grants, nancial aid. However, when he the system was examined by scholarships, loans, or packages applied for both admission and Rape Myth #15 both College administrators and of all three. aid in the fall of 1991, he gained "It's probably Myth: Rape is something that only women and children need outside consultants from similar of this kind of school," very typical of respect for the FA Office. "I sent in all the information said Hess. By December institutions. to worry about. FACT. ,:~:o:;r~~ies~t~tffntj;~:ea~:sa:;;!gTo:;;:n~O::/~k~ 1990 the Admissions and FA Need-based average for and they did everything. I was offices became separate, how- freshman of 1991-1992, which preuy impressed," said Cornett. ~:fo~:eA~~~~Yj~a~~:::nor:pt~~~~7t~e::n~~~:e;, ever, Seligman said they did not includes federal, state, and insti- Hess urges students to get the anyonecanbea VIctim have the personnel to staff it ad- tutional grants, loans, and schot- FAF completed and mailed be- For help or more information, contact the Rape Crisis Interven- equately. Now they do. arshipswas$JI,120. fore the March 1 deadline, tion Service [or free assistance. All inquiries arc confidential. "I think it's going to transfer However, despite all the fi- which must include your par- Hotline: 857-7322 Office: 857-0900 itself into much better assis- nancial assistance, according to ents 199J tax statement. tance for the students," said Registrar Barbara Disharoon, Everyone receiving non- Seidel. "One of the biggest reasons stu- WMC merit scholarships must FAN'S the student quality body of service receive that dents leave is because of finan- file. "It's said Hess. automatic re- "The not cial reasons" Hess' ability was newal," will @ • Extra Income '92 • presently receive assistance. don't but who students Even would like to for next year, need Any student Earn $200-$500 weekly mailing to fill out the FAF. who wants to CHINESE RESTAURANT 1992 travel brochures. For more apply for financial aid, said Szechuan» Cantonese» American Hess, is welcome to try. to FAF's will be Responses 59 West Main St., Westminster, MD 21157 information send an addressed given by June for the present col- Telephone: stamped envelope to: ATW Travel, lege body, and by March for high (301) 848-0919 • (301) 876-3166 PO. Box 430780, Miami, FL 33143 school scnior prospccuves. 0
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