Page 22 - ThePhoenix1991-92
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Page 2 Western Maryland College October 18, 1991 2nd Annual Drag Show Tops Reverend fact, every two years he takes about 15 people with him to Af- Off National Coming Out Week From Page 1 as being rica to do work for the church. experi- a very rewarding my job here on campus "It's the person who isofficiaHy iden- ence," Lancaster said. into the audience. ers can spend up to two hours tified with one's spiritual life, Once he received his degree, By Andrea Covington Fannin noted that the show styling wigs and applying make- and that is also important." he went to the University of The second annual female was quieterthan one ina gay bar. up, according to Ramsey. "I believe that right now I Washington to be a chaplain. impersonation show not only "You can teU there's a lot of Two of the performers are providea 'ministry of presence.": The next several assignments featured imitations of Madonna, straight people in the crowd be- current title holders, according he said. "1 don't feel a need for brought him to Baltimore and Whitney Houston, and Billie cause this is just too weird for a to Fannin. Ryder is the current formal Bible study or numerous Carroll County as a parish min- Holiday but also debuted new drag show," he said. Miss Allegro, while Mikassa, services. I want to find out what ister, where he has been working drag queen Victoria vixxxen, Fannin described female im- another performer in the show, people arc interested in and for the last ten years. a.k.a. student Todd Robinson. personation as the homosexual is Miss Zippers 1992. where their needs lie. Then I can Since then, he has become Hero," Mikassa ~~~:~r!:~y,t The drag show, which was community's own art form and Mikassa had one of the most find ways to re- involved with the Maryland co-sponsored by the Gay and some of its practitioners spend theatrical performances of the spond to their Food Commission, a non- Lesbian Alliance and Alpha Psi large sums of money on it. night as Superwoman. Combin- needs." ~J profit organization Omega, was organized by senior The two most elaborately ing the songs "Cause I'm a psychology and religious stud- dressed performers, C.C. Ryder Woman" and "We Don't Need ies major Wade Fannin and one and Jackie Ramsey .wouldn 'tsay Another started of the impersonators, Dominique exactly what they spent per year out as a female reporter who personal or group ~ W~e~~:~~o&~:~ He in Maryland. St. Michaels. About 70 people but Ramsey said he had bought becomes depressed and kills her- spiritual life," ID" is currently the attended. his sequined, drop shoulder blue self. Incidentally, Mikassa said Lancaster said, "but any Western Mary- Robinson, ajunior theater arts dress second hand for about$40. during an intermission that she placewheretherearepeople, ~ land regional andcommunicationsmajor,per- Ramsey added that Ryder's works for the Baltimore Gay there is a place for religious manager for the formed "Twist in My Sobriety" dress, a glittering white beaded Paper: life." Food Commission. He has also sung by Liza Minelli. His all gown, was expensive. "It's a Another unusual event was He also cautioned that his helped form the Western Mary- black outfit was less flashy than down payment on acar," hesaid. the appearance of genetically statement must be taken in an land Interfaith Housing Devel- the other performers and con- Robinson was able to get female performer Paula Holiday, inclusive context. ·'A setting opment Corporation. The sisted of a frilled dress, stock- started from much less. He said who sings along with Billie Holi- like the college draws people group'sgoal is to the build 1,000 ings, and high heels. His perfor- that he was able to borrow a day songs rather than lipsyncing from many different religious affordable housing units by the mance was marred only when dress and wig from WMC's the- them. Holiday, the shows only and cultural backgrounds,"he end of the decade. his wig fell off near the end of atre and a bra from senior phys- heterosexual, performs fre- said. In 1986, he attended a train- the song. icsandchemistry major and cur- quently in the gay community. Lancaster has certainly been ing program at the Shalem Instt- The show, which was loosely rent GALA president Christine All eight of the performers exposed to several different cul- une for Spiritual Formation. organized and informal, did fol- Pieper. Everything else came to donated their time and did not tures during his life. He was There, he was trained to be a low some of the rules of eti- only $23. charge GALA for the appear- born and raised in the western spiritual guide. "A spiritual guide quette for female imperson- Female impersonators also ances. part of Maryland. After high is like a counselor, only it's for ations. Fannin asked the audi- spend a lot of time on their JX;:r- The show was video taped by school, he went to Frostburg things related to one's spiritual ence to adhere to the custom of Iormances. Fanninsaidthathun- channel 55 and will be broadcast State, where he earned his bach- life," he said. tipping the performers with dol- dreds of hours are spent on cho- in Fairfax, Montgomery, and elors in sociology and educa- This is all well and good, but lar bills when they came down reography. In addition, perform- Carroll counties. 0 lion, as well as his masters in how is Lancaster seen on cam- counseling and psychology. pus? After all, his job is to main- IAISE$500 •••$IOOO ... Sl500 After college, he began his tain open dialogue between stu- Financial Aid available immediately! Spe- work with others. He taught for dent religious organizations, to cialgrants program. Everystudenteligible. several years, after which he ran plan and lead interfaith ecumeni- No one turned down. Simple applk::ation. a program for disabled adults for cal chapel services, provide pas- S years. toral care and counseling, lead Send name, address and $1 P&H fee It was after this that he en- public prayer at college func- (refundable) to: Student Services, P.O.Box tered Westlake Theological tions, and advising several stu- 22-4026, Hollywood, FL 33022 Seminary, where he received his dent organizations, among other In 1973, he master of divinity. things. s';:';rYt;,u;:;~e;~~rher went on his first trip to West One student, Todd Robinson campus organization. Africa. Since then, he has been doesn't know him that well, but INV::'S:E'::'::Q~~ltfDI Earn Fabulous Free Spring Break back to Ghana and the Ivory feels that "his job is to ccordi- Vacation while meeting new people =~~~~~~~!!~~L~c:o:a:st __a::nu:m:b:,,~of times. In nate the religious life on campus '''·'''P'''''R'f1';;Srt1JJ!t1'l and all that entails." The junior and earning cash. Work at your own ~ ~ communications/theater major pace. Energetic, highly motivated, ~ M J' 5 ~ Ii 848 added thatvhe should be acoun- 1 outgoing individuals needed. Call PIZZA ~ SUBS II 50-30 ~:~';o~o~~~:n:h~'~oe:~s~~ Bob at Campus Hoi idays 1-BOO-627- possess a narrow view, but will 4791 between 5pm-10pm CST, The College Size Pizza ~r.~~.~tofindYOlrrOWnSPiri. , Graduate student Tom 'FAN'S • ~~I~;'~i~!OUSIY . 's . .. • '~~b~f~e~~nt Harbold saidthatvhisjobistodo •~~~~hI~c~~~e ~~f~t.t~~i~~::~~~:a:~~:~g~~~; .kCW,P~7~iaonly @ $21.99! FREE DELIVERY pizza others "1 am open to all kinds of to find their own path to dough spirituality." $7.00 minimum @ffi:,WD[NJ@@ I @[ij!~©Offi:,[L very open to help those CHINESE RESTAURANT r----------------, I stuff," said Lancaster. "I am inter- Szechuan= Cantonese» American I 16" 'PtzCza : '$6.00 I ested in spiritual counseling. that I g encourage people to realize 59 West Main se, Westminster, MD 21157 God is calling all people on one Telephone: : Two 16" pizzas· $11.50 ~ : son of journey or anomer," he ~£~~~l~~ (301) 848-0919 • (301) 876-3166 L said. "And what I do is encour- age them to find that path, wher- MO!I.-Thur. 6am-lOpm Fri.&Sat. 6am-l1pm Sun. 8am-lpm(brldst.only) ever it may lead." 0 ,-
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