Page 21 - ThePhoenix1991-92
P. 21
Football TrouncesRandolph Macon-Story Page 7 THE PHOENIX Western Maryland College Time Constraints Hold Back Budget Suffers Cuts Work Orders for PA Houses By Peter White very word stated, "We're not making cuts inanyacademicprograms,which Budget-the By Doug Rettberg enced were ordering the materials and coordi- strikes fear in the hearts of finan- are foremost, and we won 'thave Time constraints caused by conference work- nating access to the bathroom, since there were cial planners and treasurers to layoff any employees." Thomas said this was mainly ers moving out, students moving in, and bud- females, according to Goldwater and Sell. around the campus. Yet, ac- accomplished from the hiring cording to DirCCLOrof Financial getary problems have been the reasons for "I did not know about the stopped up drain," Planning and Budget Ruth Tho- freeze enacted at the beginning work orders not being handled immediately in said Goldwater, referring to the clogged up mas, there was a lot of commu- of this calendar year. the Pennsylvania Houses, according to Direc- shower in P.A. House 189. Goldwater added tor of Physical Plant Ed Sell. that if there is a problem, students can report it nity spirit among the board of "We are required to make a finances. After students moved outofthe P.A. Houses to either a resident assistant or herself. balanced budget and we will," This was especially notewor- for the summer, Conference Workers immedi- They do room inspections as they do in the thy considering that the school's said Seligman. ately moved in, according residence halls, said Sell. Commitmerutotheacademic to Sell and Director of Before each semester, ac- Slate support was cut by 25%. sections was evident from sev- Dean of Academic Affairs David Dr. Julie eral chairpersons. Housing Joanne cording to Sell, a routine Seligman explained that the Badiee, head of the Art Depart- Goldwater. The confer- inspection is done by con- money given by the state is de- ment, commented, "We can enceservices workers usu- ference service workers terrnined from the number of function, butwereallycan ally stay until about the first, building services sec- full-time enrolled (FTE) stu- or add." 'tgrow middle of August. ond,andthen theresidence dents, which has dropped since Dr. Sam Alspach of the Biol- This year, conference life office. service workers had At the end of each semes- last year due to demographics ogy Department said the cuts "concerned mostly smallissues," moved out by August 14 __ter,residencelifestartsthe (baby bust generation) and the national recession. and at least one interna- ~ in~pe.ction f~llowed by The school assumed that they such as telephone use and mail- tional student had moved b building services and then would recieve $1.33 million in- box stuffers. Both chairs agreed that the overall quality of the into P.A. House 189 on ~ conference services, ac- stead of the promised $1.6 mil- programs is the same as last August 14, according to ~ cording to Sell. lion; the cut actually brought that years'. Sell. As for the problem in P.A. figure to $1.2 million. Seligman The P.A. houses are "~;:::;L""_""~:.I~House 191, a work order See BUDGET, Pg. 8 Col. 1 rarely vacant, stated Sell. was put in to replace a "They're in demand," he Joanne Goldwater would to see PA rowel rack and to fix a New Reverend on Campus said. Houses renovated in the future. leaky faucet. The person Both Sell and Goldwaterbelieve thatthere is who did the work order did not see the broken Career Gypsy Comes to WMC not enough time to do major repairs in between towel rack hanging from the wall, according to By Frank Huminski teacher,aparishminister,aman- the time of the workers moving out and stu- Sell. Western Maryland Colleges agerfonhe Marylandpoodr'om, dents moving in. Sell also said that it is standard for PA new Religious Life Coordinator mission, and with disabled "My preference would be tohave two weeks Houses to have only one phone jack set up in is no stranger to working with adults. In addition, he assumed to do the work," said Goldwater. each house. different people. After all, he's his duties as Religious Life Co- The bathroom floor in P.A. House 189 was Gold water would like to see a renovation for been doing it throughout his ca- ordinator this summer. noted during a walk-thru on August 14,accord- the P.A. Houses in the future. "It will be like a reer. "I feel that my greatest voca- ing to Mel Whelan, the building servicecoordi- "basic facelift," Goldwater said. During his career, the Rev. tion in life is to help those with nator. Sell said that the PA houses will also gel Mark A. Lancaster has worked low income to help themselves," Some of the time constraints they experi- security screens. a as a missionary to Africa, a uni- said Lancaster. "However.Jsee versity chaplain, a high school See REVEREND, Pg. 2 Col. 4 WMC Celebrates 125th Birthday with Homecoming By Kristin Vick the college, had sent his regrets. Homecoming 1991 wasmarkedby Chambers said that Shaffer "has his the announcement of a major gift to hands full of late" and did not give a the school and a missing governor as specific reason for the governor's well as the anniversary of 100 years of absence. Fonner board of trustees football and the 125th anniversary of chair William Keigler did receive a the school. doctor of humane letters degree from Thenewlibrarywasofficiallydedi- the school. cared on Homecoming Sunday, Octo- On Saturday, October 12th, the ber 13. College president Robert H. annual Homecoming parade with the Chambers announced at the ceremony theme, "The Train", kicked off the that Sam and Elsie Hoover, who gave weekend's events and celebration. It 1.2 million dollars for the library and was a loud and colorful display of aftcrwhom the library is named, would antique cars that carried also be giving WMC another million Westminster's Mayor Ben Brownand for scholarships and an additional Chambers. The parade alsoconsisted $500,000 for a library maintenance of the Westminster marching band, fund. floats, and a horse drawn carriage Chambers also announced at the that carried the members of the 1991 ceremony that Governor William Homecoming Court. Donald Shaffer, who was to receive Floats were entered by Phi Mu, ~~ยง~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ an honorary doctor of law degree from See HOMECOMING, Pg. 4 Col. 3
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