Page 20 - ThePhoenix1991-92
P. 20
Page 6 Western Maryland College October 4, 1991 Weights be harder for students to achieve Claycombe. academic probation. get additional quality points than from Page 1 a 4.0, but Dalton says "I think it Claycombe adds that "it Students can give their opin- someone who has a B-; it shows should behard for a person to get would be awkward to have all ions on this grading system to to me that the person with the B+ implement the new system may a4.0." A's count the same, and differ- Sue Bloom, who is the head of worked harder." do so and others may not," says Claycombe submitted a pro- ent letter grades differently." the Admissions and Standards On the other side of the fence, Seligman. posal last spring which would "I don't see a new grading Committee. Junior Michele Miller likes the Another benefit, according to still count an A+ as 4.0, and an system making any difference, Many students favor the pro- current grading system, as she Terry Dalton, is that "the new A- as 3.7, butit was voted down. unless we mess with 4.3." posed system; says, "I don't think pluses and system would give people in- Claycombe submitted an- Dr. Claycombe believes that Sophomore Angela Hilton minuses should count." centives to improve their grades." other option which would also a new system won't have an ef- says, "I guess it's more fair." Freshman Philip Robinson However there are some con- count all A's as4.0, but ithas not fect over a four year period. Another Sophomore, Bob cerns about the proposed sys- been discussed yet. "This would A third concern is that the Matthews agrees, "I could go for says, "It doesn't make a differ- ence, but Ido see that it gives a tem. avoid the disadvantage of low- new grading system may in- the new system, because for ex- student recognition for a higher According 10 Dr. Richard ering the topstudents Gl>A," says crease the number of studentson ample,aperson with aB+ should GPA." a Claycombe of Economics and Business Administration, there is "concern (hat the system gives 4.3 for an A+, will broaden the range, and that could put our very best students at a disadvan- 12reasons tage when applying for grad school." "Many schools might see the cream of the crop having 4.1 or 4.2 overall OPA's," why you'll love "lfyou don't have many stu- dents with an A+, it might hurt our best students." Anotherconcem is that it will Dean Madntosh from page 4 tesque aspects of my character." Actingisoneofthemostchal- 10. It's so ... s, to natwo .... Ienging things she has ever done. 1. It'seasy to use. 6. It GII1grow withyou. Just connect the 1-OOlITaikil>cable from "It demands a high level of con- BringhorneanApple"'Macintnsh"'computCf This week you'remaprtng in philosophy, one Macintosh to anomer Macintosh centration, she says, "If I zoom tOOay,anduseittocOmpleteassignmcmsby nexlweekit'snudearphysics.AfteraU,noOlle lt takes just a few minutes, and you don'( out for a second I can destroy the tonight-s-even ifyou'vc never used acomptner knowsexactlywhalthefulurewillbring,That's havctobuyanyadditi'onalhardware or software. image." bclorc whymillions ofstudenlS have Iound that swesr- Her experiences in drama ~o··I·' inginaMacintoshlsasman:move.Bccause dowhat· 11. You ~n eonnact to you. Macintosh can immediatelyhclpyou have taught her things that carry everyou do-bener.And if,cometomorrow, you sehool's or minicomputer. over to real life. "J understand find that you want todosomethingdifferent, no WilhMadntosh'a so much more about other 1000000of'')t'icMHOS""m''',,,lIII """",=h"'Cqoyan(/Prlnl,an(/ti' Doing your work faster, better, and more need fora class, UlJ creatively s also a plus sno rcccsc performance. There's no slight- 3. You don't "-,, .. to b computer leoure nores, up. sct .. major to sat ing an audience. It's pumped me Just pluge ...el)thing together, ~ip!he "on" EI:)~% dassschedcles, up for the rest of my life." s\\itch. and you're ready to roU why Macintosh 0 andothcr Ironically, while she has been information- right from your usedtn Npercera involved with the theatre for 4.1t' •• b..... z.. tocopylnfonmltlon ..nt. ccmpmes are .. ltlnto.notherdocum some time, this semester is the ofFonuoclOOJ companies.' first time she ever has ever taken ~ 12. It's more a theatre class. Most ofher class -Ii. 8. H'sgotconnacttons. time has been devoted to her To connect a printer. a modern, an external aflOnrole than ever. harddisk,orjustaOOutanyotherperipherni majors in English and French. toaMacintosh,simplyplugitin.That'sail Macintosh prices hace neerbcen 1o\\'Cr- Now she is trying to figure there sto it especallywithibe studcnt , ~ out if she also wants to major in . Pricing.available ' I,lafi~" theatre and enter that high!Ycom- 9. Itletsyou work with petitive field. "I( makes me itch , others. campus ur rrsellet ~~~, 'PP, thinking about finding a job it 'lbumaycvcn qualifvfor theatre. I wonder whether I have ;,!:!::~~ntosh wo ... In the Every Madntcsh is equippedwirh an financing, which f ~ what it takes." Lcam to cseore Macintosh program, and AppleSupcrDrivc~ a unique fIoppydiskdffi'f makes Madntosh Two years ago Jen was the you\'ClearnedthebasicsofusingthemaU that can use rot only Macintosh disks,bul also evenrrore secrelaIy for Alpha Psi Omega. furcxample,thecommandsyou usc,such MS-OOS and OS12dsksceecd on IBM and affordable. lBMde:~99J=::=::::~.Mth<~~~,'=":'i.:~s.::=!''~~~=:''r;;·:!:,~:;J-~~~",., 9,10.11. Cl -,-- ---
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