Page 87 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 87
April 4, 1991 Western Maryland College Page 7 Men's Lax Stumbles Out of Gate GREEN TERROR SPRING Ed Rigling began to produce, but the Ter- scored to put them over the top SPORTS RESULTS Coming off a 7-5 year which rors still lost 15-10 to West and hand the Terrors their third saw the men's lacrosse learn go Chester. straight loss. Here arc the results, records, and highlights of all spring 2-2 in the MAC Western divi- The team's improvement Although they may have sPOrL~ through the games of March 29. sion, the team has stumbled this continued against Drexel on started slowly, there is still hope BASEBALL (4-3) season, startingO- 3, the first time March 27. The Terrors started fonbemen'slacrossetearn. The 3/19 - vs. Northwood Institute (W4-0) they have started with a losing off poorly in the first quarter, three losses appear on the learn's Highlight: Ron Chanski pitched a two-hit shutout record since 1986. allowing seven goals while only overall record, not conference 3/19 - vs. Gettysburg (W3-0) With a fair mix of experience scoring two. The team then record, which is all important in Highlight: Joe Herman pitched a two-hit shutout and talent in the ranks, the start opened up the offense to rebound making the playoffs. TheTer- 3/20 - vs. Tarkio (L7-3) has been puzzling. After the with seven goals in the second rorsdo have to tum up the inten- Highlight: Mike Robinson had two hits including a double team's first game against ML St. quarter to take the leadat the half sity in the next two games as 3/20 - vs. Tiffin (W4-3) Mary'swaspostponeduntilApril by a margin of 9-8. Drexel was they meet Scranton and Get- Highlight: Team scored three runs in 7th 10 win it 17, the.Terrorsweretrounced by unshaken andcontroJled the third tysburg in MAC Western Divi- 3/21 - vs. Tiffin (W4-3) Salisbury State 24-7. The West- quarter by shutting the Terrors sion games. Western Maryland Highlight: SCO/l Lowenburg drove in game-winning run em Maryland defense with the down while scoring two goals to then enjoys a four game home 3/21 - vs. Hobart (LlI-I) goaltending of sophomore Chris regain the lead 10-9. In the tense stand against Mary Washington, Highlight: Gary Carter tripled and scored the only run Dentzallowed twenty-four goals fourth quarter, Drexel scored Dickinson, Fairleigh Dickinson- 3/22- vs. Johns Hopkins (L6-4) on forty-six shots. once while Western Maryland Madison, and Franklin and Highlight: Jamie Wiles hit a two-run double A week later, the defense scored twice to tie the game. Marshall, before finishing the GOLF (21-13) tightened up and the offense With 2:36leftin thegame, Drexel scasonontheroad. 0 3/23 - U.S. Naval Academy Invitational- 14th outof26 teams Team beat seven Division Golfers Highlight: Susquehanna Invil.-1st consecutive I and four Div. II teams 3/26 - out oflO teams. title. Susquehanna Highlight: Team won second Excel MEN'S LACROSSE (0-3) 3/16 - vs. Salisbury State (L24-7) Matt Levy Highlight: Tory Kasemeyer scored three goals. Having a golf course on 3/23 - vs. West Chester (L15-10) campus has its advantages, es- Highlight: Clark Hospetnom & Craig Wanner scored three pecially for the Western Mary- goals apiece land golf team. The Green Ter- 3/27 - vs. Drexel (L 12-11) rors arecurrently 21-13 (through Highlight: Rosemeyer scoredfive goals the games of March 29) overall WOMEN'S LACROSSE (0-0) No games to report o mark for its overall record) as its five scorers combined for a MEN'S TENNIS (1-1) score of 395. York (Pa.] fin- ished second with a score of397, season opener at the U.S. Naval Maryland was at Mount SI. 3(26 - vs. Gallaudet (W9-0) Susquehanna was third with 399. Academy Invitational. The Mary's. Results will be in the Highlight: Seven of nine matches were won in straight sets. Goucher (L9-0) 3(28 -vs. LeadingthewayfortheGreen sophomore shot a In-over par next issue. On Saturday, the Terrors was Steve Comes. The 152 (36 holes), as Western Green Terrors host six schools Highlight: Paul Timmons went three sets in his loss at fourth singles sophomore shot a four-over par Maryland placed 14th out of26 for the Western Maryland Invi- 74, which placed him in a tie teams (12-13 for the overall tational. On April 13, ten schools WOMEN'S TENNIS (1-2) with York's Chris Sprenlde for record). TheGrecnTerrorsscore travel to Westminster to partici- 3/12 - vs. Messiah CW7-2) first place individually. On the of 652 was 37 strokes behind pate in the Western Maryland Highlight: Team won all three doubles matches second hole of a playoff, champion William and Mary. In Spring Classic. 0 3/27 - vs. Goucher (L6-3) Sprenkle shot par to defeat finishing 14th, the Western Highlight: Laurie Himmel, Erika Berenguer-Gil, and Suzanna Comes. Maryland defeated seven NCAA Wanted: Stephana were victorious Other Western Maryland Division I squads, and four 3/28- vs. Franklin & Marshall (L9-0) scorers included sophomore Jeff Division II teams. Dierk's per- Reporters for Highlight: Berenguer-Giltook her second singles match to Dierks (77), senior captain Eric fonnance placed him fourth out Tlie Phoenix three sets. Watkinson(79),sophomoreTom of 130 individuals. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S TRACK (0-0) Brandt (82), and junior Ken Fourth-year coach Scott Meetings are No games to report. WMC Relays were cancelled on Sat. Werley (83). Moyer's squad travel to play in Mondays at Dierks was the Green Ter- [he Shippensburg Invitational 6:30 p.m. in the rors' low scorer at the team's today. On Tuesday, Western basement of third section, DMe. Fitzgerald's SOFTBALL, from Page 6 through three singles and three weakness may be in offensive errors, winning the game 4-0. In Carriage House Liquors production. Last year, the Ter- the second game of the double- FAST FUNDRAISING rors had to work to manufacture header. the Terrors left nine PROGRAM Specials ... runs, and this appears to be the runners stranded on base while Coors, Coors Light, Coors Extra Gold Draft case again this season. Dix will returning the favor to Elizabe- continue to rely on his pitching thtown by allowing three runs in case/cans $13.49 staff and his defense to keep the the third inning on two bits and Busch, Busch Light, Natural Light games close while he methodi- two errors, and they went on to Earn up to $1000 in one week case/cans $13.49 cally works his runners around lose the game 5-0, bringing their fur YOUf campus organization. the bases. This was the case in early season record to I-I. Plus a chance at Heineken 12-pack/bottles $10.99 the first two games of the sea- Still, the big tests remain in $5000 more! son,asWestemMarylandscored the form of Franklin and Marshall This program works' Lebatt's Beer and Ale all four of their runs in the first and Dickinson in the upcoming No investment needed. 12-pack/bottles $7.99 game against Elizabethtown days. 0 Call1-8()(}93Z-0528 Ext, 50
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