Page 89 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 89
Women's Lacrosse Faces Uphill Battle-Story, Pg. 6 THE PHOENIX Alexander Forming NewPoster Policy Andrea Covington A third meeting W:lS planned Director of College Activi- for April 17 as of this writing. ties Mitchell Alexander held a Atthe first meeting. Hallsaid meeting with two students last that the window ncxucthc upper week (0 Cannulate a policy on level door should also be reo political posters in Decker Col- served for political posters be- lege Center. cause the proposed area would Alexander is proposing thai not have enough "impact." the bulletin board next 10 the Alexander said people seeing information desk in Decker be political siatemcms in the win- reserved for political posters and dow could mistake the statement is asking students 10 help set for the college's position on an standards of acceptability. Al- issue. exander said he wants to create a The group agreed that only policy, "that eveyone can live people presently affiliated with with," Western Maryland College The meeting was attended by should be pcrmined to put up two students, Dave Rodosevich political posters and that posters '94 and Michal Hall '92. A should not remain up for longer When freshman Peter Brownrigg'S van caught fire, the fiberglass top burnt away completely. second meeting wasalsopJanned than a week. The group also said Van Burns Near Water Tower but no one came, The date of the political banners should carry a second meeting was the least stating that thc col- disclaimer preferred amongst the special lege did nOI necessarily SUDPOrt A van parked near the water tower behind the gutted shell," said another staffer who called him- interest organization leaders he that position. Physical Education Leaming Center erupted into self Officer Loughlin. surveyed. Alexander said, and In addition, the group agreed flames on Friday night when the owner poured Westminster Fire Department Lt. Matt Haines thai may have caused the lack of that the posters should not men- gasoline into the carburetor and the vehicle back- said they received the calIon the van at 7:32 p.m. attendance. See POSTER, Page 3 Col. I fired. and arrived at the scene in three minutes. The fire later, five minutes Cox said the No one was hurt and the late-model, light blue was under control 20 feet high and that the van was a Students Charged Chevrolet van, owned by Peter Brownrigg '94, fire shot names was the only property destroyed, according to a total loss. the group With Making False IDs Department of Campus Safety staffer who would Cox also said a crowd of 35 to 40 people gath- identify himself only as Officer Cox. ered to watch the blaze and that keeping The burning van, which had a fiberglass roof. asafedistance awaywasdlfficult. He estimated that Two Western Maryland Col- that Steiman made his licenses sent up a cloud of black smoke that could be seen if the fire had been allowed to bum for two more lege students were charged with on a home computer and that from as far away as the state police barracks on minutes, the van could have exploded and injured several counts of fraud because Frangos may have used one of route 140. All that was left was a "black and several by-standers. 0 police suspect them of selling WMC's computers to make his fake driver's Sherlock Offered Pro Contract correct birtbdates. licenses with in- licenses. The police confiscated a printer. a camera, a computer. According to a report in the and a laminator from Steiman Eric Gettemy He says his friend, Rick Bar- falling for hidden ball tricks and Carroll COl/my SUIl, freshman Both men could face a maxi- Mike Sherlock, the Most rett, put him in touch with Ger- chasing fancy dribblers. the Marc Steiman was charged with mum S2.000 fine and two years Valuable Player for the men's ald Colton, a sports agent from teams are playing for real. 25counts of selling false licenses in jail for each charge under state basketball team, has been of- the Philadelphia area. Colton Travelling across Europe. which police say he made and law. Steiman could not be fered a professional contract by then led Sherlock to Al Clocker, expenses-paid with a sizeable sold between February I and reached for comment and Fran- the Washington Generals, the a scout forthe Generals. Clocker monthly stipend is the worst March 31. Junior Ccnsunnne gos declined com rncnt. nightly opponent of the world scouted him during Western possible outcome of this oppor- Frangos was charged with five Brewertold theSull that whcn famous Harlem Globetrotters. Maryland's games in the Uni- tunity. Ideally. Ihe experience counts and is believed to have several bars and liquor stores In early May, Sherlock will versity of Scranton Tournament will lead to bigger and better sold the licenses from January I turned in false licenses, he real- join the entertainment group for last December. things for the graduating senior. to February 28. Steiman is be- ized that the people on the li- a three- month European tour. On March 24, Sherlock was "Hopefully, I will make con- lieved to have created licenses censes were all WMC students. With this offer (Sherlock has not invited to the Philadelphia Spec- nections with coaches of profes- from Massachusetts, South Caro- Brewer believes that Frangos and yet officially signed the contract), trum to view a Globetrotters' sional European teams, which lina, Texas.and Louisiana while Steiman sold the licenses for S20 the All-Middle Atlantic Confer- game. He met with the players could lead to a career in coach- Frangos is suspected of making to $30 each. ence forward will get the oppor- and talked with head coach Red management. orpossi- licenses from Connecticut and Brewer also said that the tunity to play in front of thou- Klotz at length. Sherlock also bly making the learn." Delaware. Secret Service is investigating sands of people around the world. had the opportunity to learn some The only major drawback to The two were charged and the case and wants to find the The captain of the Green of the ins and outs of the show. the tour is that Sherlock will released on their own recogni- writer of the computer program Terrors led the learn in scoring "Eighty percent of the time miss his graduation ceremony. zance and a preliminary hearing that could have made the highly for the second straight year as the Generals play hard on of- which is after the May I depar- is planned for June 10 in Carroll accurate copies. Tampcringwith Western Maryland finished 12ยท fense," Sherlock said. "But they ture date. His family. friends. District Court, the Sun said. official documents is a federal 12. Sherlock averaged l4.2 playa 'dummy' defense while and WMC professors are sup- TheSull also reponedthat l.t. offense and the students could points and 4.6 rebounds per game the Globetrotters entertain. portive of his decision to go, and Dean Brewer of Westminster get as much as $25.000 fines or during the 1990-91 campaign. When the Generals aren't See OFFER, Page 6 Col.S City Police Department believes See 10, Page 3 Col. I
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