Page 90 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 90
Western Maryland College O'Connell Discusses Commercial, Redundant, Redundant- Redundant, Redundant Issues. Director of Admissions Have you ever been relaxing on the couch and allthe sudden Martha 0 "Connell announced at wish thai you were wealthy enough 10buy some company. just a news conference that Western \0 be able to YANK their advertising from the nation's air- Maryland College's radio com- waves? Ihave. mercial was nOImisleading, Take for instance the double. double, your refreshment ads The commercial. which aired for a certain green and while packaged chewing gum. on IWOlocal radio stations and OK, [will admit that at first J thought "Look Twins. not a bad on a Pennsylvania radio station ploy. Who knows. maybe some people will subconsciously in late February. created a mild equate tbe gum with at least twice as much flavor than any other stir on campus because the gum commercial seemed toclaim that But. as the months and years passed me by. I began 10look WMC cost the same as a large beyond the consumer/product connotations by thinking "OOH state university. Twins; could be Inrcrcsring". Now.even that fantasy has faded. O'Connell said at a news Enough already! r mean if they must continue down this conference that the exact word- long murky path. can't they at least gel a little creative? ing of the commercial. which There have been times. while driving home from a long was WMC "can be as afford- day's work, that J have thought. "maybe that gum commercial able" as a state institution. was will be a bit more original tonight, maybe they will even have accurate . .1 flashback shot of Noah leading thousands of pairs of animals O'Connell described a 10 his Ark. with each beast chomping away on a piece of gum." mother who was reluctant to BUIno, all we get is twins. twins, twins. And when rheycan't apply 10 WMC because of the get twins they dress two babies exactly alike and pass them off cost but who found that with as twins, How will we ever know whetherthey are or not; get financial aid the bill would be real. how difficult is it 10 find two Ix-month-old babies who similar to a big state school. look alike and put them in little sailor suits The director said that WMC Enoughon that. Thcyprobably never will veer from their ill- does not deceive perspective perceived ad campaign. Besides, why gel aggravated over just students by saying all can pay one SCIof commercials when there arc so many to be nauseous forWMC. "Wedonottellpeople over? to come here who can not afford By the way, what ever happened to Joe lsuzu? Something us and will wind up leaving us." positive finally comes to American advertising.then WHAMO. said O'Connell. he's gone. I think that a coalition of sales executives from The commercial was an ex- "other" car manufacturers put a contract OUIon him. periment. according to Director Yes sir, the next time we hear anything about Ole Joe will of Public Information Joyce more than likely be through an article in Playboy exclaiming Muller. thai he is buried under 12feel of concrete in The Meadowlands, O'Connell, who has 15 years next toJimmy Hoffa. 0 experience in the admissions field, also announced that WMC had received 1287 applications ~ ;ffi for admission as of March 29. r Of those, 950 have been ac- cepted. Interested in earning credit for working Not all of those people will on The Phoenix next semester? choose to come here.O'Connell See Terry Dalton in said, since the average applicant applies 10 nine schools. Some- 207C Memorial Hall for details. times the prospective student will apply to as many as 20 schools and select on the basis of the Classifieds & Personal Ads Being Accepted for Next Issue 140 EAST MAIN STREET WESTMINSTER. MD 21157 se3~r~'~~s:r~~~~fn~~~~:I~~n~~~~~~~ ~~s ~7f~ft~~~~~';~;~~~~d~~~rap~I~~i~i~:f~~ 848-2844 876-B30 ill the May 2 issue, ads arc due by Apnl 24. Only 30¢ per 1111e.Send ad with cash or check payment in sealed envelope 10 The Phoenix PO Box 208 Services ProvUfui QUALITY RESUMES QUICK PRINT RESUMES TYPESETTING WORD PROCESSING BOOKS MANUALS BUSINESS FORMS ANNUAL REPORTS TWO AND FOUR COlOR BROCHURES Slutu! 'Day Service On QuictPrint Orders Pick Up And DElivery ServiCE AvailablE 21 'Years of senJing tire community ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
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